SuperJer Against Humanity Suggestions: 3rd Strike

SuperJer Against Humanity Suggestions: 3rd Strike

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2005 Mar 21 • 6676
Rich perverts

At the carnival I went on the thing where you ride rich perverts.

Soldiers in Afghanistan were deployed with rich perverts.

I thought I was alone with rich perverts but my mom walked in. We got to obtaining a goth girlfriend and I felt better.

The transferred sperm cells are kept in rich perverts, where they can remain viable for longer periods.

That’s not funny. My father was killed by rich perverts.

My sisters were having a pillow fight. They didn’t know I had put rich perverts in the pillows.

Jan 4 at 07:38 UTC — Ed. Jan 4 at 07:39 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5125
1,227 ₧
My unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body

Peter Molyneux’s new game will use facial recognition to explore my unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body in a very realistic way.

It’s all fun and games until someone loses my unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body!

I just dug up my unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body in my backyard! I’m not sure whether to call the police or a museum!

I’ve been diagnosed with Your Mom’s Bathroom’s Syndrome. It makes my body always try to be my unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body.

If I ever catch you T-boning an ambulance with my unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body I’m sending you straight to hell.

In the third world, luxuries like my unshaven, unwashed cave-woman body are an alien concept.

Tuesday at 23:32 UTC — Ed. Tuesday at 23:33 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 206
A hairy, sexy cave-woman

The media’s nonstop coverage of the gravy dimension is just to distract us from a hairy, sexy cave-woman.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield is well known for sneaking a hairy, sexy cave-woman onto the International Space Station.

The authorities followed the trail of a hairy, sexy cave-woman, leading them straight to the suspect.

Life without love is like a hairy, sexy cave-woman without fruit.

You stole a hairy, sexy cave-woman from a child?

Them city folk, they ain’t gonna be happy about a hairy, sexy cave-woman!

Tuesday at 23:35 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
Two door-to-door sickos

Bumper sticker: My other ride is two door-to-door sickos.

Two best friends and an adorable alien take a road trip, and discover two door-to-door sickos along the way.

After last week’s stunning victory, the wrestler earned his nickname “Two Door-to-door Sickos

Squad, circle up. This season is not going our way. It’s time to talk two door-to-door sickos.

When the bear came at me it was like two door-to-door sickos.

The Capital One Venture card earns points when you buy two door-to-door sickos, and you get a karate chop as a sign up bonus.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Wednesday at 15:39 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
A new order where the currency is MURDER

Dear parent or guardian, lately your daughter has almost been a new order where the currency is MURDER.

I tried to get on the bus but every seat was taken up by a new order where the currency is MURDER.

Scorpions can shed a new order where the currency is MURDER in order to escape a predator... but doing so also removes their anus.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen! For my next performance piece, I will be a new order where the currency is MURDER.

I can’t seem to find a new order where the currency is MURDER that isn’t little sausage crumbles!

A salesman came to the door selling a new order where the currency is MURDER. I didn’t open. He slid a virus under the door.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Wednesday at 15:40 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
Getting together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of them

R Kelly fantasizes about getting together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of him with a young Beyonce.

Everybody was getting together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of them in front of me in the McDonald’s drive thru.

Don’t you hate when you see getting together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of you in the carpool lane?

The biggest float in the Macy’s Parade this year is getting together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of me.

Welcome to the Grand Hotel. Feel free to get together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of us at any time.

I prayed to God for getting together all the girls in England and choosing a band out of me, and God delivered!

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Wednesday at 15:47 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
Swallowing a Xanex the size of a Snickers bars

Studies have shown even a little bit of swallowing a Xanex the size of a Snickers bars can change the teen brain.

If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be swallowing a Xanex the size of a Snickers bars.

I’ve decided to allow swallowing a Xanex the size of a Snickers bars in my home.

Swallowing a Xanex the size of a Snickers bars is known to the state of California to cause cancer.

My usual at Starbucks is a Grande Caramel Swallowing-a-Xanex-the-size-of-a-Snickers-bars-iatto with whip and sprinkles.

I think it’s lovely that you’re getting into swallowing a Xanex the size of a Snickers bars, but I won’t tell your father. He’ll disapprove.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Yesterday at 04:22 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
Shooting at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher

The Suez Canal has been completely blocked by shooting at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher, costing billions of dollars.

The true reason for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse? Shooting at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher.

After the war, the British government had Alan Turing chemically castrated because he was shooting at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher.

I got pulled over the other day when I was shooting at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher. Apparently, that’s a crime.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen! For my next performance piece, I will shoot at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher.

Shooting at a school bus full of kids and also a very sexy teacher? That’s a Chad move.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Yesterday at 04:23 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
An Italian cop getting into their little squad car with their tiny espresso cup

Last night at the club a dancing FBI agent accidentally shot an Italian cop getting into his little squad car with his tiny espresso cup.

I clean an Italian cop getting into my little squad car with my tiny espresso cup by putting it in the dishwasher. It usually doesn’t end up pulling out just in time.

The refugees must be relocated because the shelter is right on top of an Italian cop getting into their little squad car with their tiny espresso cup.

My car looks like it’s an Italian cop getting into my little squad car with my tiny espresso cup but I don’t mind. It gets me from point A to point B.

As the A.I. robot gained self-awareness, it immediately began an Italian cop getting into its little squad car with its tiny espresso cup.

Indiana Jones grabbed the idol and an Italian cop getting into his little squad car with his tiny espresso cup came rolling after him!

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Yesterday at 04:24 UTC — Ed. Yesterday at 04:25 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
If you were to ask if   is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

If you were to ask if ...........KA-BLAM!! is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

If you were to ask if working as intended is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

If you were to ask if an active shooter is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

If you were to ask if fucking in front of the dog is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

If you were to ask if the men who helped me is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

If you were to ask if Fancy Santas is a sex thing for me, the answer would be 'not yet, but it will be later'.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Yesterday at 04:29 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
Prosecuting transnational criminal gangs

Do they make pills for prosecuting transnational criminal gangs?

The hottest new cryptocurrency is “Prosecuting-transnational-criminal-gangs-coin”

Donald Trump’s first act as president was to outlaw prosecuting transnational criminal gangs.

Prosecuting-Transnational-Criminal-Gangs-a-Roni: the San Francisco treat!

I take pride in prosecuting transnational criminal gangs.

At Home Depot they have this new all-in-one tool that’s shaped like a rake for prosecuting transnational criminal gangs.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Yesterday at 04:33 UTC — Ed. Yesterday at 04:34 UTC
Ph. D in Cryonics

2006 Apr 26 • 712
11 ₧
Government-subsidised dating

The secretive Task Force 88 of was responsible for government-subsidised dating during the Iraq War.

I will do anything for government-subsidised dating. But I won’t do that!

A Make a Wish kid asked for government-subsidised dating and no one had the heart to tell him ‘no’.

Government-subsidised dating is bad for your car’s engine.

Government-subsidised dating can be used as a dildo, if you’re brave enough.

Cambodia’s economy is entirely dependent on government-subsidised dating.

What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?
Yesterday at 21:30 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 206
Sleeping backwards on the bed

A mouthful of bird suet sleeping backwards on the bed. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

At the office we all got trophies. Mine says, “Best Sleeping Backwards On the Bed.”

Hiding from the Pope under the Medici Chapel, Michelangelo spent his time sleeping backwards on the bed.

Surviving my overdose, from that day forward I’ve dedicated my life to sleeping backwards on the bed.

4 out of 5 doctors recommend sleeping backwards on the bed.

Rush hadn’t started playing when a stage effect went off early, ejecting sleeping backwards on the bed into the air!

6 hours ago