

User name
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Ph. D in Cryonics
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Registration date
2006 April 26
Post count
11 ₧
People's Republic of Cascadia
What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?

Recent posts by Crytax

Recent posts by Crytax

Apr 10 at 03:55 UTC
Sautéed panda asshole

In the escape room we had to figure out pregnancy. We tried sautéed panda asshole and it worked!

The people next door are very eco friendly! They even use sautéed panda asshole as a toilet.

Howdy neighbor, love what you’ve done with the garage! Let’s get sautéed panda asshole sometime!

In Arizona, because of the heat, they hand out sautéed panda asshole for free on every corner.

It’s taking forever to scrape the remains of sautéed panda asshole off the grill.

If Benjamin Franklin didn’t invent sautéed panda asshole, certainly others would have.

Apr 10 at 03:54 UTC
Slow roasting a dog's asshole

The four schools of ethics: relativism, universalism, utilitarianism, and slow roasting a dog's asshole.

The only kind of safe sex is slow roasting a dog's asshole.

The referee just issued a red card to my sister for sliding into slow roasting a dog's asshole.

I like slow roasting a dog's asshole like I like my coffee: getting slathered.

Slow roasting a dog's asshole? I got all dressed up for slow roasting a dog's asshole?

4,000 drones at the Olympics formed the shape of slow roasting a dog's asshole in the air.

Mar 24 at 15:13 UTC
Girls in the basement

I came with another leopard to school to show my friends, but stupid Billy Carter brought girls in the basement so nobody even noticed!

Pundits agree it will take girls in the basement for the senator to win the election.

My publisher demanded I remove girls in the basement from my manuscript because it’s “not decent.”

Girls in the basement? I got all dressed up for girls in the basement?

How can girls in the basement be this cute?

My father abandoned my mother and I because he was girls in the basement.

Dec 10 at 03:55 UTC
The sex dojo

New extreme Mountain Dew™ flavor: The Sex Dojo Blast!

That kind of attitude is why we have the sex dojo now.

Oh no! Mom sold the sex dojo at the charity shop!

Gather round, family, it’s time to hang the sex dojo on the Christmas tree.

The new intern is starting this week. Can you set up her workstation for the sex dojo?

Factory workers at Foxconn who leap out of windows will now be saved by the sex dojo around the building.

Oct 30 at 01:27 UTC
Thick and healthy hair

During my driving test, I backed my car into thick and healthy hair. I still got an 85!

I accidentally dropped thick and healthy hair in the urinal at the Jeep dealership.

Chase bank is giving out thick and healthy hair this week if you open an account and put $100 in it.

Terrified, I scrambled up the tree, with thick and healthy hair jumping and nipping at me from below.

Doctor! My son must have thick and healthy hair! Just look at him!

In the bathroom at the mall I dropped thick and healthy hair in the toilet.

Oct 28 at 22:59 UTC
Humanoid hashbrowns

Two best friends and an adorable alien take a road trip, and discover humanoid hashbrowns along the way.

I clean humanoid hashbrowns by putting it in the dishwasher. It usually doesn’t end up being pickled.

Throw humanoid hashbrowns at your enemies to distract them.

If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be humanoid hashbrowns.

Humanoid hashbrowns saved is humanoid hashbrowns earned.

I eat humanoid hashbrowns like you for breakfast.

The battle-hardened sphincter

I was vacuuming when I sucked the battle-hardened sphincter out from under the couch.

“Rotate left!” I yelled as my brother and I tried to get the battle-hardened sphincter up the stairs.

Mr. President, you have a phone call. Something about the battle-hardened sphincter?

Great job on the proposal! You’re in line for a raise, and the boss might even give you the battle-hardened sphincter.

The school district had to pay a lot of hush money to parents after the “the battle-hardened sphincter” incident in the science lab.

I wasn’t always black... there was the battle-hardened sphincter, and it got bigger and bigger.

2023 Jun 24 at 03:19 UTC
A suspicious lack of dragons

Help! I’m a suspicious lack of dragons and I need YOU to do something about it!

At the mall Santa kiosk, the elves were caught sneaking a suspicious lack of dragons into women’s purses and bags.

Aww! My mom packed a terrible lunch: A suspicious lack of dragons and apple slices.

That weird tree in the backyard had started growing a suspicious lack of dragons.

Ever since a suspicious lack of dragons appeared in the neighborhood, I’ve stayed inside.

The refugees must be relocated because the shelter is right on top of a suspicious lack of dragons.

2023 Jun 24 at 03:18 UTC
When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the   Age.

When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the assassinating Kim Jong-un Age.

When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the my biggest vein Age.

When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the shooting a rabbit with an arrow Age.

When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the floppin’ out my baby door Age.

When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the gay shit Age.

When the Dragon Age concludes, the next century will be called the Tony’s prison baby Age.

2023 Jun 4 at 04:52 UTC
A photo of a shotgun

These tilapia will eat anything we throw in: a photo of a shotgun, garbage... even the “fun” stuff.

In Siberia they built a tunnel to help endangered animals travel safely under a photo of a shotgun.

The authorities followed the trail of a photo of a shotgun, leading them straight to the suspect.

Ich bin ein a photo of a shotgun.

Meet me by that sculpture downtown. You know, it’s a photo of a shotgun, in bronze, towering over the park?

Well butter overzealous product placement and call me a photo of a shotgun!