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2005 March 21
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Seattle, WA, USA

Recent posts by SuperJer

Recent posts by SuperJer

Aug 30 at 18:10 UTC
I just did that to mess with you guys
Aug 23 at 18:25 UTC
My good ear

My good ear saved is my good ear earned.

The city condemned our house after finding my good ear in the crawlspace.

You evaded my “My Good Ear” attack! Most impressive.

The Dallas Police Dept. says the suspect drove from Louisiana to buy my good ear.

The biggest float in the Macy’s Parade this year is my good ear.

In Arizona, because of the heat, they hand out my good ear for free on every corner.

Aug 13 at 07:10 UTC
Fighting to the death, in Hell

Last time I went in a rest stop bathroom there were some guys in there fighting to the death, in Hell. Gross.

Every morning I hop out of bed and get straight to fighting to the death, in Hell, even before I put on my clothes.

I got fighting to the death, in Hell at the adult toy store.

The truly rich have huge mansions, and servants to take care of fighting to the death, in Hell.

Everyone who knows me, knows I love fighting to the death, in Hell.

Today the Senate is voting on fighting to the death, in Hell.

Jul 23 at 23:29 UTC
lol why is `cute butt` so good

In prison we used to cook cute butt in the toilet.
Jul 11 at 00:28 UTC
Screaming and displaying their butthole

In the escape room we had to figure out the goose. We tried screaming and displaying our butthole and it worked!

Men, like reasonable stereotypes, go farthest when they are screaming and displaying their butthole.

“D” is for screaming and displaying your butthole.

Dear diary, today I went into the city and saw screaming and displaying their butthole for the first time!

It’s important to pack the essentials when camping, such as water, first aid, screaming and displaying your butthole, & toilet paper.

Watch me screaming and displaying my butthole. Now watch me laying eggs everywhere.

Jul 10 at 04:11 UTC

As the magician crammed the last of shrimp into his mouth, various fluids popped out his ear!

Do they make pills for shrimp?

Here at Walt Disney World Resort, we are committed to using shrimp wisely.

Men, like two tortilla chips, go farthest when they are shrimp.

You know you have a strong relationship when you can share in shrimp together.

A mother is accused of feeding her child shrimp as a cure for autism.

Jul 10 at 04:10 UTC
Honey! The cat has  n. Where did the cat get  n?!
Play 1

Honey! The cat has the creamiest. Where did the cat get the creamiest?!

Honey! The cat has stubby fingers. Where did the cat get stubby fingers?!

Honey! The cat has spongy flesh. Where did the cat get spongy flesh?!

Honey! The cat has a forty foot Ferris wheel. Where did the cat get a forty foot Ferris wheel?!

Honey! The cat has a grand staircase. Where did the cat get a grand staircase?!

Honey! The cat has a bottle of urine. Where did the cat get a bottle of urine?!

Jul 10 at 02:05 UTC
There are advantages to being friends with  n.

There are advantages to being friends with crisp fresh lettuce.

There are advantages to being friends with lips.

There are advantages to being friends with total collapse.

There are advantages to being friends with a weak spot.

There are advantages to being friends with a refined southern gentleman.

There are advantages to being friends with extra padding for my butt.

Jul 10 at 01:54 UTC
A Disney adult

A Disney adult like this is enough to kill a horse!

To brew a love potion, besides eye of newt you need a Disney adult.

The Catholic Church is going to make a Disney adult a saint!

The new hit reality show: Can You Swallow a Disney Adult?

My mom says when I was a baby I looked like a Disney adult and I kept yelling at the dog.

It’s way too hot in here for a Disney adult right now!

Getting easier and easier

I had visions of getting easier and easier while in the sensory deprivation tank.

Daddy, what’s getting easier and easier? The kids at school say it about you and laugh.

Don’t you know the lobbyists bribe all the senators with getting easier and easier?

When I saw an elevator I was nervous, but when it started coming toward me, getting easier and easier, I freaked!

After the war, the British government had Alan Turing chemically castrated because he was getting easier and easier.

Surviving my overdose, from that day forward I’ve dedicated my life to getting easier and easier.