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i just repeated things said on the website Mate de Vita provided. pfft Truck
plug hole in map
How do I make a spiral staircase? I'm trying to make it with the arch tool but I can't seem to get the right settings.
![]() User
Map>Map properties>Max viewable distance
![]() User
So... you figured it out?
You could perhaps make a code room to go to the real part of the map. Like on surf_green how you use the code to enter gunroom. Or surf_ninja for the same thing. Yeah I'm a surfer.
Outcast said: sprinkles said: I am sorry it is trigger_push.
Ok my bad then.Can i find it on an other fgd or something like that? It should be on the fgds that came with hammer. In the fgd/counter-strike/ folder i think. Make sure they're executed by hammer. User
Sounds like your explorer.exe is failing. So all you see is your desktop background and your windows you have open? Then that's definitely something to do with your explorer.exe
Does this happen every time you open the folder? Do you have a antivirus program? Have you tried restarting your explorer.exe in task manager? Truck
de_vegas.wad is the .wad for fy_iceworld. look for it in your cstrike folder
I believe you can make it a func_wall
Down Rodeo said: If you can tell me what -1.#J means, please, do :)
So yes, I think it is a problem :D I can't even get it with Google!@# ![]() Truck
The guy who "wrote" that in the FAQ wasn't the brightest person.
All it really is is a brush with a sky texture as a wall or ceiling. For your sky to emit light make a light_environment somewhere in a playable space in your map. Now go to your map properties and set an environmental map. (as shown in the FAQ) Truck
Make a window from a nice looking texture, make it func_breakable.
Render mode: texture fxammount: 75 You might need to set the fxammount to something else to make the transparency look nicer (1 to 255). If you don't want the window to be breakable, make it func_wall Truck
info_teleport_destination - Point entity - Where you want to teleport to.
name "teleporter1" trigger_teleport - brush entity - Where you want to be teleported from target "teleporter1" Truck
func_pushable is one method. Idk if that's what you want though.
bleh idk
![]() ![]() Truck
Worth my time :)
It's happened to me before, I don't think there is a fix.
Next time just make one func_breakable then use shift to copy the brushes very fast. Truck
Mate de Vita said: Keep in mind that decompiling a map will often produce a result that will be... well, ugly.
Yeah, I worked for a long time to try to make de_dust2 recompiled after I decompiled it... But it didn't work. This is for seeing how entity work is done. Truck
sprinkles said: You would have to do that for every bsp you want to decompile, whereas my way would mean you only have to double click it.
Perhaps. sure Truck
superjer said: It sort of matters where. Make sure it is inside your map in playable space or it will leak.
That's kind of a given for any entity.. But yeah Truck
I believe you can use the .bsp on the bsptomap.exe file.
It's trigger_hurt
Hm. Download drivers for your motherboard?
Vista has nothing to do with it. Truck
Q: How do I make a trampoline?
First, make the frame of the trampoline. The ring was made by making a cylinder, making it hallow, then ungrouping the parts. Then I delete the top and bottom parts. Don't forget, you should make your brush more than 64 units if you make it hallow by 32, ect. ![]() Now get a good texture for the jumping part. I use {out_net1 from the halflife.wad. Fill the insides of the ring with this textured brush. ![]() Make this brush a func_illusionary. If your texture has blue spots on it where it should be transparent, set the render mode to 'texture - some light.' Now, put 4 trigger_push entitied brushes under the brush you just created. They should all the same thickness. In the settings, put the angle to up, and the speed of them should all be different. On mine, I use 1600, 2300, 3500, and 5000. You might need different settings than this. This makes it so the further down you go the harder the trampoline springs up at you. These speeds may seem like a lot, but it's just enough to overturn your momentum downward and the gravity. ![]() If you want the prefab, download the *.map here. Truck
Upload a .rmf or .map?
Haha sprinkles.. your signature.. I got banned from that server for allegedly wallhacking lol.
That's some messed up stuff.. eek
Preferably, you would want the sky to emit light. Make a light_environment point entity anywhere in your map, it doesn't matter where. The default settings should be fine.
The .map would be helpful too.
Sure you read the right tutorial?
![]() User
Q: How do I make a sliding door?
Make a brush that you want your door to be, and make it a func_door entity. In the properties, set the angle that you want your door to slide to. Q: How to I make a teleporter? First, make a AAATRIGGER brush where ever you want you to teleport from. Right click on it, and click tie to entity. Make it a "trigger_teleport". Now, make a info_teleport_destination point entity where you want the destination to be. Name it something. Now, go back to the trigger_teleport brush properties and set the target to what you named your info_teleport_destination. Truck
6. Func_door. Set the little compos looking thing to the direction you want your door to slide (or up or down).
ty for post count Truck
xD said: Rockbomb said: You need to add a skybox, and a light_environment entity.
Thx. A "skybox" refers to a box of sky brushes around your map, which decreases the fps you would get while playing the map. Only put sky brushes where you absolutely need them. Truck
Didn't know we did source maps
![]() Truck
First, make a AAATRIGGER brush where ever you want you to teleport from. Right click on it, and click tie to entity. Make it a "trigger_teleport". Now, make a info_teleport_destination point entity where you want the destination to be. Name it something. Now, go back to the trigger_teleport brush properties and set the target to what you named your info_teleport_destination.
I believe you can drag the .exe on the .bsp (or maybe the other way around) and it'll work. Would be quicker.
How to apply a texture to one face of a brush
First, make a brush. Then, click the selection tool and the "Toggle texture application" tool. A "face properties" window should come up. Select a face of your brush (or more than one by holding CTRL). Select a texture and press apply. User
1. Select brush
2. Click 'create prefab' 3. name it 4. press ok User
Q: Why do I only have 1 view instead of 4?
There are two known possible fixes for this problem: 1. Tools->Options->General and make sure that "Load default windows with maps" is checked and that "Use independent window configurations" is unchecked. 2. View->Autosize 4 views (Or Ctrl+A) while map is loaded. User
This happened to me a long time ago. Shortly after I took a break from mapping, then came back and it was fixed. And I did download drivers in that time, so that's probably the fix.
edit: I never heard of selecting the brush behind what you're clicking.. hmm idk Truck
Idk I don't have wally installed lol. I used to have it. i'll reinstall it maybe i could help
edit:... i have no idea.. i remember doing this before though. Truck
Or what I do sometimes, construct words out of brushes. Takes a while sometimes but it works and looks good mostly.
If you want HUD to appear on your screen, umm.. trigger_multiple AAATRIGGER brush, and game_text point entity.. i'm assuming you know how to target the trigger multiple to your game_text point entity I believe this requires the expert FGDs
Import it into wally somehow? I believe you could just drag the file right into wally. Truck
3 of yours lights are causing the leak. Make sure all of your lights are inside your map.
It would be easier if you could copy and paste your compile log into here.
idk though.. never seen that error Truck
It's trigger_push.
Rockbomb said: Ok, I replaced the empty spaces (the windows) with a brush that uses the clip texture. In Hammer it looks like a face, I'm assuming it will be clear ingame?
About the sky, I saw the post in the FAQ's and changed my sky to forest or something like that, but it didn't show up in game. Will adding that light-environment entity make it show up? And also, what is a sky box? ![]() sky box = box of sky around the whole map.. don't do it, it'll lag your map worse yeah it should be clear ingame. idk if light environment would make it show up or not. .. By the way I haven't used hammer in months.. User
Put a CLIP textured brush in the sniper window.
Make a sky textured brush so the clip is not exposed to the outside. Also try to make the sky brushes as small as possible. And a big sky box over your map is NOT a good idea. Make your sky emit light by making a light_environment somewhere in your map. Change sky texture by going to map>map properties>environment map. Put in the sky name there. EDIT: This was copied from a post superjer made.. which i saved in notepad 2desert desert backalley badlands blue city1 cliff cx de_storm Des doom1 DrkG dusk forest green grnplsnt hav morningdew office show showlake_ tornsky TrainYard tsccity_ User
also i don't understand how those 2 lights lit up the whole map..
hmm try plugging up those holes.. i don't understand how you did not get a leak error..
Yeah.. that's a pretty messed up map right there.. when i fell down through the sniper tower i was in and endless fall.. i've never seen that before. .lol
holy crap there's a hole right through the map! upload your .map or the .rmf file for my please.
probably something to do with the lighting. I'll take a look at it.
while i'm doing that, post your compile log please. (would be map name.log) Truck
crapatflash said: Quote: @echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures testmapA hlvis testmapA hlrad testmapA copy testmapA.bsp "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\maps" pause "C:\Program Files\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map testmapA why would u remove the hlbsp line? ![]() Truck
How do i make a bhop block so after you land on it, it goes back into the ground, then reappears a few seconds later. Like all bhop maps have it..
I'm thinking func_door? Truck
the_cloud_system said: yes
You don't even know how to map and you're trying to tell somebody how to map ![]() Truck
Mate de Vita said: It should be in the point entity list (like light, info_player_start etc.).
If it's not there, download and set up the expert.fgd from here. To save him from asking even more questions, you need to execute the .fgd file. Go to Tools>Options>Game Configurations tab> and click Add. Then select the .fgd file. By the way I like your spelling. User
Upload your .rmf file to a website.. I could take a look real quick and end this madness.
Damn you have a mess of errors :D
DO YOU HAVE BOTH THE ENTITIES?! Oh, and one of your compile logs above it says: Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 === Entity light_environment @ ( 64,-512,-192) Doesn't that mean a entity is outside your map? Am i right? Just use your old map and delete the lost entity. Go to map>entity report. Select the entities one at a time and click go to. This will show you where all of your entities are, if there is one outside your map, you should notice it and delete it. ALSO I ALMOST MISSED THIS!!! Don't use light_environment. Just use "light". Light environment should be used if you want your sky to emit light, which you shouldn't be using right now. Truck
\ Interesting :D Truck
Mate de Vita said: Aha so I'm not the only one. Windows uses backslashes by the way. Yeah I know, but it doesn't matter. Both works. Truck
Sloth said: Check out the link, it is on fpsbanana. And i have made youtube videos. Without succes. But thanks for the support
![]() I made a silly surf map and it got about 60 downloads because of my youtube video. As long as your map is good people will continue to spread the map. Truck
Eltro said: kk here i am adding the contents of bat file to plzz chck-----> @echo off hlcsg -nowadtextures eltro hlbsp eltro hlvis eltro hlrad eltro copy eltro.bsp "D:Program FilesCounter-Strikecstrikemaps" cd D:Program FilesCounter-Strike pause hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map eltro ****************************88 mine is non steam !! WHERE ARE YOUR SLASHES? copy eltro.bsp "D:/Program Files/Counter-Strike/cstrike/maps" cd D:/Program Files/Counter-Strike Truck
post them on fps banana, advertise them on youtube?, and put them on a server.
it takes time to get maps popular. User
targetname = door
Target name is not necessary for just a walk through door. I'm not very good with doors, but try removing everything in that box.. Truck
superjer said: BTW don't ever use HTML from as an example of good HTML.
It is from before I had any clue what I was doing (like 1999 srsly). lol.. i don't know what I am doing :D i just learned basic html from some website about a week ago.. Truck
i searched all over google but I can't seem to find a working download mirror for wally... if anybody for some reason still has a working installer for it upload it please?
How do you make a navbar in HTML? Just like the Index at , except aligned to the left.
All I have to say is... watch out.... Truck
This means your map isn't in the server. Meaning it's not in your maps folder. Drag the .bsp file to your cs maps folder
how do i use custom skys? i need a dark sky too.
I made a man cannon once... on a surf map... i put it on a server and it was fun as hell
Make a AAATRIGGER brush and tie it to trigger_push. From there, you can use the little compos looking thing on the window that comes up. The direction corresponds to the top view, or if you want to use the down arrow thing and click up/down to push the player up/down. I suggest about a 1000 boost. 100 boosts would maybe push somebody about 50 units. you want 1000. User
Ask Super Mario. He's the guy who made Surf_Ski_2. You can find him at
I want a trigger for a door, and an elevator
(1)So like one of those sliding doors that most elevators have. Just a button to open it and so it closes after about 5 seconds (2)Some grouped brushes to make an elevator environment and set a button so you just press E next to a button to activate elevator. My friend is asking me to make a 7+ story building. Sounds challenging enough for me xD User
A missing file required to play your map but not in your CS?
Possibly.. I'm not sure really Truck
Make a AAATrigger brush, and set it to "Func_Push" entity. You can set speed, and direction. Try 1000 speed first is probably about where you need.
The direction is the top right little compos thing. Move the arrow in the direction you want it to push you. The direction is based on the TOP view. Truck
Make a block and use the Vertex Manipulation tool. This tool will allow you to drag sides of your objects to create specific objects.
Make a block and from one of the front or right 2D view, drag the top 2 sides toward each other. lol i haven't mapped or played is in like 4 months. NOTE: THERE IS NO SPECIFIC ENTITY NEEDED FOR A SURF RAMP!! Surf ramps are just curved walls.. Also note that the Vertex Manipulation tool can cause many errors in compiling. Ok, if you have a block. Do not drag the left top corner past the right top corner... So basically if you don't know what would actually happen with the block when you look at it in game, it will likely give you error(s) in compiling. Check out my surf map if you want to..;11234431/fileinfo.html User
i made surf ramps... but idk i just decided to quit that map dont really feel like fixin it..
nothing showed up in the error report thing in hammer User
hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 1: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: plane with no normal Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1325, -1424, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 9: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1329, -1427, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 1: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1343, -1424, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 9: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1347, -1427, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 1: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1343, -1454, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 9: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1347, -1457, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 1: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1325, -1454, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 9: plane with no normal hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1329, -1457, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 170, Side 6: has a coplanar plane at (1473, 200, 1900), texture WOD Compiling log: hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002) Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to ( ----- BEGIN hlcsg ----- Command line: hlcsg -nowadtextures Surf_LawLz_b2 Entering Current hlcsg Settings Name | Setting | Default ---------------------|-----------|------------------------- threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] noclip [ off ] [ off ] null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ] clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ] onlyents [ off ] [ off ] wadtextures [ off ] [ on ] skyclip [ on ] [ on ] hullfile [ None ] [ None ] min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ] brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ] Using mapfile wad configuration Wadinclude list : [zhlt.wad] 0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls CreateBrush: Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 1: plane with no normal Error: plane with no normal Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1325, -1424, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 9: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 41, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1329, -1427, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 41: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 1: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1343, -1424, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1423, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 9: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 42, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1347, -1427, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 1: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1343, -1454, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1344, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 9: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 43, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1347, -1457, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 1: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1325, -1454, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1326, -1453, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 9: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 44, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1329, -1457, 2432), texture TRRM_WOOD2 Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2432)-(10000,10000,2432) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2468)-(10000,10000,2468) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2464)-(10000,10000,2464) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 44: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,2450)-(10000,10000,2450) Error: Entity 0, Brush 170, Side 6: has a coplanar plane at (1473, 200, 1900), texture WOD (0.52 seconds) ----- END hlcsg ----- hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002) Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to ( ----- BEGIN hlbsp ----- Command line: hlbsp Surf_LawLz_b2 >> There was a problem compiling the map. >> Check the file Surf_LawLz_b2.log for the cause. ----- END hlbsp ----- hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002) Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to ( ----- BEGIN hlvis ----- Command line: hlvis Surf_LawLz_b2 >> There was a problem compiling the map. >> Check the file Surf_LawLz_b2.log for the cause. ----- END hlvis ----- hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002) Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to ( ----- BEGIN hlrad ----- Command line: hlrad Surf_LawLz_b2 >> There was a problem compiling the map. >> Check the file Surf_LawLz_b2.log for the cause. ----- END hlrad ----- Truck
Do this:
Tools>Options>General and make sure that "Load default windows with maps" is checked and that "Use independent window configurations" is unchecked. View>Autosize 4 views(CTRL+A) Now close out of your map and open it back up. Did it work? Truck
if your lazy like me go to fps banana.. sign up... then download prefabs
Download steam, then download source sdk from the sools section
that so hard? why cant you download it from steam? User
change map...??? u mean like the server changes maps when somebody walks through the door?
i say impossible Truck
Download the Expert .fgd here: Put the .fgd files in your C:/Program Files/Valve Hammer Editor folder Now open up hammer, select tools>options and go to the Game Configurations tab. Now click Add and add the new .fgd files. Now anywhere on your map, make a point entity. "game_player_equipt" With that entity you can spawn with pecific weapons. If you want your deagle to have 47 shots, then you should: Set the "Give Desert Eagle (50ea calibre)" to "Yes" Set the "Give .50 Deagle Ammo" to "5 Clips (Fill Desert Eagle)" Truck
for stairs, you need to make blocks under 18 units tall.
so you need to make your grid smaller. Press the [ key and your grid lines will become half the size. now do it one more time. Now just make some rectangles with this grid setting, one grid box is small enough to step onto. great for stairs um door.. go to superjer's guide on func_door_rotating Truck
taKE A screenshot
i uploaded my .txt and .bsp fild to my server.. and my bro downloaded the map and the .txt and it worked...
i didnt use a .res Truck
im just guessing...
trigger_delay point entity, name it bob and func_wall_toggle target bob.... correct? im gonna test Truck
i know but i do not understand the settings.. like how does it toggle? set a time? ??
i do not fuckin understand
how do i make a brush to disappear/move after about 10 seconds into the round? i know its possible to make brushes move after a couple seconds like on awp_l33tski or whatever its called.. and as_crazytank.. how do i do that?
in your compiling folder does is show a .BSP file??
just copy your .BSP file to your cstrike/maps folder Truck
does is show you dragging? and nothing appears?
hmm? Truck
select a brush, and click on the Vertex Minipulation tool. It's a box icon on the bottom left of hammer.
simply drag a piece of the brush arround.. experiment with it. but dont use the vertex minipulation tool on the same brush to many times. it ends up getting glitchy.. Truck
******** is your steam name?
hmm interesting.. idk
um.. try closing down Wally.. cuz u cant have to programs using the same file sometimes. but idk
is there a .err file in your ZHLT folder?
Get (GCFScape)..
Extract the files from the .gcf files in your steam/steamapps/ folder... Open up Counter-Strike.gcf with GCFScape and get the models from it.. Truck
I think its possible to make an automatic spinning door.. but i dont know how..
Group all of the door pieces together and make it an entity.. With an origin texture in the center im sure.. func_rotating?? brb im going to test it :D Truck
You dont have a .ERR file?
Do you have a .BSP file? Try copy, and pasting the .BSP file into your cstrike/maps folder. :) Then load the game and play the map. Truck
if the WADs you used are in your E: drive and your compiling tools, and your .map file is in the C: drive that will probley fix it :)
wow u serious? 2 walls with a gap between them u cant wall through? interesting ahahaha.. wow
1) Make sure your .map file, and all of the .WAD texture files included in your map are located on the same hard drive.
2) Make sure you did not delete/rename/move or do anything to the .WAD texture files that could make them unable for. These are links to the same error topics. Truck
There is no such thing as env_smoke..
wouldnt env_sprite work because smoke is a sprite?? Truck
Heres a website that could help you alot! Truck
thanks edan i got it :)
I used the texture (RAILB in halflife.wad..
but the blue is suppose to be transparent isnt it? But when i look at the brush ingame it just shows black where the blue is.... also the brush is func_illusionary User
thanks edan i think thats what i wanTED :)
what brush entity is it to make a brush able to shoot through/throw nades thruogh but not walk through...
for example for like a railing or a cage with holes in it.. like the bridge on aztec... railing on inferno.. many other maps with railings.. damn how the fuck do i explain this? if u know what im talkin about answer also does game_text only show for the person who triggers it or everybody in the server? User
np :)
Cooy and paste that .bsp file into your cstrike/maps folder and run the game
also is there a start.err file on your desktop?? if there is do not to that step above User
hmm... did you make it an entity?
Download Source SDK from the Tools tab on Steam... open it up and exec your CS:S's info file thing and then open up hammer.. cant explain havent made a source map in a while
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures start hlbsp start hlvis start hlrad start copy start.bsp "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Your suppose to edit this spot to what your steam account is\counter-strike\cstrike\maps" pause "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map start What I fixed What you should fix what is your steam account name? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is there a start.bsp file on your desktop? Truck
"two tiny levels" fit in the grid?! WHAT?!?!!?
The grid if fucking huge.. so 2 levels would be fucking huge to.. the whole grid is like 4 surf_ski_2s |