speed boost

speed boost

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2008 Mar 16 • 175
how can i make an area that when someone moves over it, it give him a speed boost?
God I Suck At This.
2008 Apr 23 at 02:18 UTC

2008 Mar 24 • 192
First, make a brush with AAATRIGGER texture.

Then, right click on the brush within one of the 2D views, click "Tie to entity". Click the down arrow and find "trigger_push" and click on it. Change the angle on the right the way you want your boost to point. (Use the Top view to see which directions go where - Press the down arrow near the angle option thing to make your boost go up/down). Now, you need to set a decent speed. Go down a little to the "Speed of push" option. The default should be 40.. Change it to what you think would be best.

40 speed(slow): About fast enough to push an AFK to death in a surf map.

800 - 1000 speed (faster): About the average speed somebody uses a boost on a surf ramp.

I think you are probley looking for 800 - 1000.. Pick a number between there.

Go test it out, if you are not happy, change it!
2008 Apr 23 at 02:31 UTC
2008 Mar 16 • 175
thanks im using it on a water slide thats set on function-friction set to 0 just need something for an etra push. thanks
God I Suck At This.
2008 Apr 23 at 02:49 UTC
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