If you can discover a better way of life than office-holding for____, a well-governed city becomes a possibility.
Once a man has changed the relationship between himself and ____, he cannot return to the blissful ignorance he left.
____is dangerous and difficult to control, but its products will soon become commonplace in our society.
And can ____ be tricked into hiding from itself?
A bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here! This stuff will make you ___. Just like me.
____ is only movement and love; it is the living infinite.
The wicked have told me of things that delight them, but not such things as ___.
Cry HAVOC! And let slip ___!
___ is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
If tyranny ever came to this land, it will be in the guise of ___.
The voice of the people is the voice of ____.
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have ___thrust upon them.
It will happen, and it will happen in our lifetimes. ___isn't just the future. ____ is now.
The price of freedom is ___.
I have seen enough of ___ never to wish to see another.
___ is the essential concept and the first truth.
____ is only a receptacle for all the prodigious, supernatural things that exist
inside it.
A scientist must be ____, in order to block out the incessant chorus of those who say "It cannot be done."
When beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of____, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it.
___ rests at the apex of the first triad of victory, for it combines Mobility, Flexibility, and Initiative.
For only in such a state will those rule who are truly rich, not in gold, but in the wealth that makes happiness, ____.
Important? Yes! Critical? Absolutely. I would go so far as to say that ____alone makes our present economy possible.
Our ancestors harnessed the power of ___, and so again shall we.
Without ____ no object would be given to us, without ____ no object would be thought.
Thoughts without ____are empty, intuitions without ____ are blind.
___ and ____ have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength.
I maintain that yin-yang dualism can be overcome, and we can give substance to any distinction: mind without body, north without south, ____ without ___.
Men will ultimately be governed by ___ or ___.
Self-Aware Machines
Tig ol' Bitties
The dogs of war
moral value
Goddamn Space Tigers
Forklift jousting
A homo-erotic volleyball montage.
Desert nomads
the Final Fantasy XIII game guide
Kicking tires and lighting fires
Nonlinear Mathematics
Non-Euclidean geometry
What if Gillette WAS the best a man could get?