Superjer Against Humanity Suggestions.

Superjer Against Humanity Suggestions.

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jeff is wizlord

2014 Nov 13 • 280
Agreed. Bring back alphabert! Also, Nerzumin! Your signature!
2015 Jun 16 at 16:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655

amputated eyelids
a crazed gunman
an enhanced interrogation
the fuel line
a guillotine
an iceberg
a jackhammer
a Korean hacker
your lifestyle
a non-steroidal anti-infammatory drug
oil-covered birds
a penis costume
real life
a telescoping baton
a urinal cake
a virus
a warhead
years of pain
35 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars
2015 Jun 17 at 00:40 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jun 17 at 18:16 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
banging them in their sodomy butts

I guess SJ's changes to the forum makes my sig only work at certain screen sizes.

Alpabept soup incoming:

alien technology
a bruised ego
crisp fresh lettuce
delegating responsibilities
an enslaved tribe
fornicating all day, every day
a great big sword
habanero salsa
irresponsible parenting
jabbing people in the eye
kickbacks for crooks
lower standards
mighty Zeus <- maybe the winner of this round.
nitro-boosted performance
outrageous fortune
a prime cut of steak
quick-set cement
a raunchy sex comedy
my secret sex gymnasium
unbelievably beautiful hair
a velvet fist
wandering around
an exhumed corpse
yanking hard
zoo smell

2015 Jun 19 at 05:53 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jun 20 at 01:45 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
That's weird. I came in to add sex smell and you have zoo smell last.
2015 Jun 20 at 06:14 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
Can't have too many smells™

an Asian martial arts master
mood enhancing hormones
overzealous product placement
violent death
2015 Jun 21 at 21:52 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jun 23 at 11:06 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655

a big bomb
cheering children
drool drops
a forty foot Ferris wheel
my golden goose
heavy hearts
a giant jump
a car crash
my lost love
Mom's mouthwatering meaty meal
nosy neighbors
prancing piglets
the sound of someone sipping soup
a shard of shrapnel
a stupid student (a stunned-stupid student?)
turkey tacos
a vibrator with a voice
whistling at women
2015 Jun 24 at 06:37 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jun 24 at 07:05 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
This has really given me something to think about


my womanly virtue
2015 Jun 24 at 10:52 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 194
Masturbating to pictures of dead animals.
2015 Jun 25 at 00:51 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
a penis in a shot glass

Alien cover-ups, false flag operations, and military experiments with _! It's all here in my manifesto!
2015 Jun 26 at 04:42 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jun 26 at 12:44 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 29
Damn it! I got _____ jammed in the wheel well again.
2015 Jun 26 at 05:55 UTC
jeff is wizlord

2014 Nov 13 • 280
Beard stroking
2015 Jun 26 at 16:47 UTC
jeff is wizlord

2014 Nov 13 • 280
Porn starch
2015 Jun 27 at 06:44 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 194
Man, Pizza is a lot better with ____ on it!
2015 Jun 30 at 19:07 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
a gigantic eyeball on a stalk
2015 Jul 7 at 12:31 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 29
A roller coaster designed to kill everyone on it
2015 Jul 9 at 03:47 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
two F-bombs and an odd number of titties
doing surgery on LSD
a rape gorilla (c.f. "My doctor says I need a rape gorilla before I can get water")

pendulous breasts
2015 Jul 9 at 10:26 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jul 11 at 13:42 UTC
jeff is wizlord

2014 Nov 13 • 280
Getting PG Thirteened to death.
2015 Jul 10 at 17:55 UTC
jeff is wizlord

2014 Nov 13 • 280
A starving fat-ass.

A fluffy bumblebee.
2015 Jul 11 at 19:56 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jul 11 at 20:26 UTC
2013 Dec 28 • 29
A bed strewn with the organs of thirty-two babies.
2015 Jul 11 at 20:18 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
farting like a bagpipe
2015 Jul 13 at 05:26 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
nuclear warfare
2015 Jul 14 at 10:57 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
I was reading reddit and:

amniotic fluid
my baby door
hot grills
my person
four cheese wheels
a souped-up Segway
2015 Jul 15 at 17:37 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
danglin' out there all pink and naked
2015 Jul 19 at 00:15 UTC
jeff is wizlord

2014 Nov 13 • 280
I heard a story about a boy who defeated _______ with nothing more than _______.
2015 Jul 19 at 19:26 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 796
175 ₧
several children
maximum attitude
a mystery wrapped in an enigma

My financial analyst had advised me against investing all my money in _.
2015 Jul 22 at 08:48 UTC — Ed. 2015 Jul 27 at 07:55 UTC
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