*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
THIS is how much I sometimes manage to frantically write down about a dream before I forget everything. SuperJer is officially blown out of the water. No, my dreams are not ALWAYS this coherent. There are a few "non-canon" things that I'm sure I forgot about that I dreamt while in the middle of this, but I didn't bother writing them. If you've got a big brain and play/watch a lot of semi-obscure games/anime you'll probably be able to tell where most things in this came from.
I honestly don't expect any of you to actually read all of this, I just wanted to blow superjer up.
I basically never edit my dream notes after I first draft them, there's a few weird sentence structure problems and a few grammar mistakes. Get over it.
I was on a beach running towards a walled city (about a mile away) with a mother and her two daughters while being chased by something called a Finisher. The Finisher was dusty white skeleton with a purple hooded cloak and a spear that could teleport. They are created by powerful mages and monsters to be sentient assassins, but do not disappear if their creator dies. This one had no master, and just liked to kill things as far as I could tell. I was still badly injured from a previous fight so I was hoping I could avoid combatting it, for whatever reason I'd decided to help that family get away from it too. The Finisher kept appearing behind us and disappearing and occasionally it would appear close enough to attack me (I was at the rear) and I'd have to block it. Eventually he appeared in front of me, and said,
"I'll spare the rest if the youngest is left behind."
This made me realize that he thought I was strong enough to be a threat to him. I said,
"I was never told that Finisher Coso was such a fool as to show his hand to an enemy."
He then responded,
"The youngest will die no matter the outcome."
This made me think this Finisher DID have a master... he really wanted her dead. He turned towards the family, who stupidly had not continued running during our dialogue... and before I could do anything teleported and impaled the little girl, killing her instantly. The older daughter and mother just froze in fear and shock. I lunged at the Finisher (I had no weapon, mind you, and had apparently been cut and stabbed at least a dozen times in the past day) and while _barely_ avoiding his spear grabbed his wrist... bone... and with a flash of light did something that apparently sealed his magical abilities. It left him unable to teleport or use the hand that wrist was attached to. He attempted to do an overhead swing with the spear at me one-handed, but I fairly easily grabbed it with two hands and wrenched it away from him, pulling him face first into the sand in the process. As he attempted to stand up I thrust it straight through his skull, smashing it to pieces and killing him.
Things were looking up... I had a weapon now, and a very strong one. The spear was fairly lightweight but made of some dark grey magical material that would bend slightly but not break under extreme circumstances. The point was sharp enough to thrust directly into rock and the shaft was approximately 6 and a half feet long.
The older daughter was still standing wide-eyed in shock but the mother had moved on to crying (and I mean like, loud, screaming horrible crying) and huddling over the youngest daughter's corpse. Lucky for her I had some seriously over-the-top magical powers. I told her there was still time and that I could still save her. I placed one hand on the deceased's forehead and one over her heart (it wasn't all gross or awkward, she was too young to have boobs), closed my eyes and suddenly my vision was filled with a very scary rotting demonic face.
I said, "Return this girl's soul, I will heal the body."
It looked almost amused and responded, "This girl died by a Finisher's spear. You can't save her."
Finally I said something that I might actually say in the waking world...
"That sounds like a challenge!"
It's expression became much more serious, and it said, "Have it your way, she will simply die again from the same wound."
What I did at this point hurt a LOT. I really can't express in words the sheer utter pain this caused me... I thought the parasite in the back was bad in a previous dream but this SERIOUSLY fucking HURT. I'm pretty sure what I did was dig into one of the wounds I already had, wrench out a chunk of bloody meat, and use it to magically replace the flesh that the Finisher's spear had destroyed. This part hurt considerably less than the next... using what I can only assume was my own blood and soul I used some form of magic that forced her soul back into what was no longer entirely her own body (that makes it harder to do) and broke past the curse a Finisher puts on their slain victims. I can only imagine the sensation felt like burning alive. When it was over, I passed the fuck out... if only for a moment.
When I awoke the mother was hugging her children a lot, and the children were complaining that it was awkward/embarrasing/that they were hungry. The younger sister's dark blue kimono-ish clothes didn't show blood very well, but my white dress shirt and bandages were now a solid bright red. If things were realistic I'd have been very dead at this point. At least I'm pretty sure that like usual I wasn't human in this dream... apparently I used as much magic as I could when I killed Finisher Coso and ressurected the girl, because I wasn't able to heal myself much. I saw a bunch of people in white hooded robes running towards us from the city and then passed out again.
I awoke in a poorly lit and fairly cramped room with wooden walls and a low slanted ceiling. At the other side of the room was a man I recognized as the General of the walled City's defense forces. I will be refering to him as General Souther to avoid confusion. He was completely bald and looked to be in his late forties. Other than being a little scruffy he had no facial hair. He looked a little bit like Bruce Willis, but not enough to make me think his likeness came from him. He was wearing a fairly standard suit of light plate armor. It had the whole harness thing going on, the front side of his legs had plate but the back just had mail. He had bracers but lacked upper arm protection. I had the feeling that we hadn't seen each other in a while but had known each other for a very long time. He wasn't wearing a helmet, probably because he was busy sorting through some paperwork on the desk he was sitting at. I was still badly injured, I'm not sure how long it had been since I got all sleepy, but it couldn't have been more than eight hours. I was able to stand, and did so quietly. I walked up behind General Souther and tapped him on the shoulder. He practically jumped out of his chair. He had a southern accent, hence the name.
"Dammit boy, I oughta put a bell on you!"
"Sorry, where is The Finisher's spear?"
"Equipment, end of the hall on the right... how the damn hell can you stand up with a hole the size of a fist ripped outta your stomach?!"
"I've had worse. It doesn't hurt."
That wasn't a lie, it didn't hurt at all.
"I swear, you Empire guys aren't human."
"How sweet of you to say."
"Get on outta here, you stink like a carcass."
"Uh... where's my shirt?"
"Burned it. Nobody wanted to clean it. The mages wouldn't even come near you. Afraid of your blood and all that nonesense."
"Well fuck... I was kinda hoping I'd wake up with all my parts intact."
At that, I went out into the hall, to the end of it, turned right... and the door was locked. I was too lazy to ask for somebody to open it so I just yanked the nob right outta the door... there were only two things in the room that weren't contained in large crates. The Finisher's spear and his hooded cloak. I took both... didn't want to scare any children with my gaping wounds. Also, I knew at this time as I did before that a Finisher's spear is extremely valuable and his cloak only marginally less so. Both are very magical... the spear for obvious reasons. The cloak was a little more subtle, it made the wearer immune to non-violent death and injury. As in, you don't age or get sick and things like poison and curses have no effect on you. I went up some stairs that were at the same end of the hall as the equipment room and out into the sunlight... The area looked like this:
!!! Forum can't handle my ascii, it was in a weird font !!!
I walked to the left as soon as I exited the building, went about 40-feet, and realized that my wounds were too serious and I couldn't walk anymore. There was a big rock next to the road that was almost completely flat on top so I crawled up on to it and laid down. It wasn't comfortable but I liked the fresh air. A man and his boy (probably about 12, dressed similarly to the little girl from before) walked past and the man looked like he was pretending I wasn't there. The kid was tugging on him and talking about me. I don't think they thought I could hear them...
"Can I talk to him?"
"No! Keep your distance, he's an Empire soldier."
"But he saved that kid! I bet he's nice!"
"Nobody from the Empire is nice. Let's go."
The kid proceeded to complain and they got too far away to hear... I'm not sure why everyone distrusted people from the Empire so much... I don't know much about this "Empire" except that I was from there and that I was a fairly high-ranking soldier. There were a few other obvious things like that the Empire was the most powerful force in the area, and that empire soldiers didn't often come to towns like this. By that I mean this town was on the fringes of the Empire and was mostly an autonomous city-state that defended itself, but was still ruled by the Empire. I think most of the people's distrust came from rumors they heard, because I don't think an Empire soldier had set foot in this city in many years. I had begun the process of healing myself, I felt I had regained enough MP or whatever to pull it off... when some more kids showed up... lots of chillin' in this here dream. Of the half-dozen or so chillins two of them were the sisters that I saved earlier. The other four were all boys about the same age as the last one. The younger sister looked to be 8 or 9 years old and the older one had to be 14 or 15. They all looked really happy, like they were getting away with something fun by talking to me without their parents around to haul them off. They were all whispering to each other stuff like "Wow, cool! A soldier!" and "Look at that wound! He's gotta be super-strong to live through that!" excitedly when the older sister decided to actually say something 'to' me.
"You got hurt helping my sister... can I help you get better?"
I don't know why I always have to be so... bad... in dreams... I decided to say:
"Does your mom have a husband?"
She looked a little confused... but answered anyway.
"Yeah, he said we shouldn't talk to you, but my mom said we could."
Too bad she was't single... but now I had a twisted justification... their mom was pretty hot by the way...
"Is he tough?"
She smiled and said, "No, mom bosses him around a lot, he's a wimp."
All the kids laughed at this one.
"Well tell her to come out here and give me a kiss and I'll feel a lot better."
The boys now had decided I was the coolest person ever. The older sister looked really embarrased and said, "I can't tell mom that!"
One of the boys immediately yelled out, "Empire soldiers rule! I'm gonna go say it for you!"
They all ran off and the older daughter was yelling, "No, don't!" and such.
After a few more minutes General Souther came out and talked to me. I guess he just had nothing better to do... I'm pretty sure that Finisher Coso was the worst thing that had come near this city in quite a while. This was a peaceful, although well defended town.
"What's the matter with you, boy? You get outta that bed to come lay on a rock?"
"S'better than staring at the back a' your wrinkled dome all day."
"Do you talk to your commander like that, boy? If one of my men talked like that to a superior officer he'd get his god damn teeth knocked down his throat."
"Haha, I don't have a commander, I'm a specialist."
"What do you specialize in? Pissing people off?"
"No, just you, General."
"I shoulda figured as much. Anyway, let's get serious. You've got some explaining to do. What the hell are you doing all the way out here, and why would a god damn Finisher be after that little girl?"
I really didn't remember how I got where I was.. so I made something up...
"I was fighting a sorceror and he hit me with a spell. Next thing I knew I was on the beach and saw Coso chasing those people. I owed him one for sticking a knife between my ribs once so I decided to help them get away. He apparently learned a few new tricks since I last saw him so-"
General Souther cut me off.
"I don't need to hear your life story, son, I know you killed Coso and I don't care how you did it. I take it you have no idea what he was after them for, then."
"Tch, nobody ever wants to hear about how I kick ass... I know he was after them because somebody paid him, Coso is... or was, a mercenary to the core. I haven't a clue who hired him, though."
"That doesn't do me any good, talking to you has been a waste of time as usual."
General Souther turned to leave as he spoke, it looked like some mages and soldiers were waiting for him now over by the building I came from. I really was expecting a thank you for all the effort I went through...
"Yeah. You're welcome for saving that kid. I feel sooo appreciated."
He turned and looked at me with his mean face.
"Keeping the townsfolk from kicking you out into the desert is my way of thanking you. You're causing a lot of trouble by coming here."
Can you feel the love? These people really hate Empire soldiers! Jeez! I just nearly killed myself saving the life of a little girl from this place and they won't even give me the time of day! I mean... it started with me just wanting to get back at Coso, I know... but NOBODY could have blamed me if I didn't try to bring that girl back to life. THAT was a freebie, dammit! What's the matter with these people!? Ahem. Sorry about the rant. My dreams get pretty emotional.
!!! More ascii removed !!!
Now that I could walk again I decided to go buy a horse... and a map... so I could figure out where the hell I was and go home. I had money but I knew it wasn't the currency they used here, and I'm sure it would just piss people off if I tried to convince them to take Empire money, so it was bartering time. This town was actually pretty big, there had to be at least 15000 people living inside the wall, and probably another few thousand living by the water fishing and farming and crap. Some people stared and muttered to each other as I walked past and others turned around and went the other way. At this point I decided it wasn't that the people didn't appreciate me saving that girl, it's that they didn't believe I did it. They simply could not accept that an Empire soldier helped someone, at the very least not without ulterior motives. I saw what looked like a fairly large and well-rounded store and went inside. It was called "Lion Heart" and had an overly ornate sign depicting two lions facing each other and an angel in between them. When I went in the two customers that were inside went out. I went straight up to the man that looked like he was in charge, a husky man in his early thirties wearing a thick leather apron and sporting one hell of a mustache. He didn't look too happy that I came into his store...
"I'll trade you this Finisher's Spear for your best horse (I saw a stable around back of the place). It's worth more than everything in this store... good deal, don't you think?"
He continued to look pissed off, and wouldn't even look at me while he spoke... he just continued to act like he was busy with something.
"I wouldn't give you a lame horse, or a lame horse's shit for that."
This was a little surprising to me... most people know that magical things, especially those created by powerful sorcerors are typically very valuable...
"Do you know what a Finisher's Spear is? You could sell this for-"
People like to cut me off in this town. And he was mad now.
"I damn well know what it is. And we don't want your black arts or your demon weapons in this town, you hear me?!"
Hooboy... the fact that this city is called "Holy City Okan" would have been useful information to know BEFORE I came in here... but hey! Who ever said that I use black magic! I mean, I do... but he couldn't possibly know that!
"Hey, who says I use black magic?!"
"Nobody could hold that cursed spear bare-handed without being paralyzed by fear if they weren't a master of demon sorcery!"
Bugger is too damn smart... what the hell do I do now? How am I gonna get a horse if nobody will take my money and nobody wants my evil soaked loot... since when do Merchant's know so much about magic anyway? What kind of town IS this?! I mean, it's not like I'm gonna starve, since I'm wearing a Finisher's cloak... but it's HUNDREDS of miles back to the Empire!
"Also we have a no-shirt no-service policy."
Gehehehe... I'm not the one who lit my damn shirt on fire... it was his holy friends that decided my shirt was buddies with the devil and needed to be purged of evil...
"Okay, look-"
I was interrupted... again... but this time it was a good thing. It was the mother of that girl! The one adult in this town who couldn't POSSIBLY hate me! Right...? I mean, she was there when the Finisher offered to let me go if I let the girl die, and I attacked him anyway! She HAS to know I'm on the up and up!
"Dear! This man brought our little girl back to life! Show him your manners!"
The man looked a lot less big and mighty all the sudden... but still said, "Bastard probably used black magic to bring her back... now she's cursed to-"
"You LISTEN to ME! I will NOT hear ANY MORE unkind words about this courageous and honorable knight who risked his own life to save our precious daughter!"
At this, the man had been thuroughly quelled by his wife.
"I suppose (he said this very grudgingly)... I could offer you one of my horses to show my gratitude... for what you did for my family."
"You'll give him our FINEST horse, and you'll stop using that tone if you don't want to sleep in the stables!"
"Yes, dear..."
He shuffled off to find a saddle or something, I dunno. The mother looked at me with a very kind expression. She was really quite beautiful. A lot more beautiful than a 30-year old woman who has had at least 3 kids ought to be. We're talkin' perfect here... and what she was wearing could barely qualify as more than a negligee or some other kind of undergarment. I think she had been taking a snooze since the incident like I had.
"I could never thank you enough for what you did this morning... you'll always be welcome here in our home. If there's anything I can do for you before you leave let me know."
Why did she have to be married?! I REALLY wish I had known this was just a dream at this point. It might have been worth the complete lack of story afterwards... I woulda been all over her... Ahem, enough of my perversions. At this point the most... 'enthusiastic'... boy, who I'm fairly certain is her son poked his head in the front door. He and the two sisters had been listening outside.
"He said he wants you to kiss him and make him feel good!"
Ehehe... heh... heh... that's what I get, I suppose. Earlier, I was imagining her husband to be a scrawny little guy who wouldn't be a threat to anyone. I mean, she had him wrapped around her finger and all... but he already freakin' hated me. I'm just glad he wasn't within hearing range. And wait a minute! The way that damn kid said it makes it sound a LOT worse than how I said it! Also, I don't remember his name so I'm just making one up and going with my Streets or Rage theme. Before I could say anything stupid and incriminating, which I'm sure I would have, the mother turned on the scold-o-matic.
"Samuel! Behave yourself! This man has had to deal with enough trouble already!"
"Wha-at! That's what he said!"
Damn kid! Shut up!
"Go outside and play with your friends this instant!"
He turned around and ran off, the sisters giggled a lot and ran off too. Precocious little scamps. I hope that kid falls down and scrapes his knees or something... I proceeded to say something that the mother chose to hear in a way that made sense to her.
"Kids these days. It's that darn music they listen to."
"Oh he's always been like that, he just loves to cause trouble."
"Well let's hope he doesn't try to be like me..."
The mother saw something that I didn't outide and looked at me with a very grave expression. Then she opened her word hole and spat sentences at me.
"I know it's harsh to say this, but it would be best if you left town as soon as possible. Personally I don't care if you really have had dinner with the devil like so many here think. But you have to watch out, the only reason the mages here didn't kill you in your sleep is because General Souther wouldn't let them. Even he can't keep them in check for long."
"I can tell, the good General told me the mages wouldn't come near me... but I know he was lying now, I'm sure he had to beat them back with a stick... why does everyone here hate Empire soldiers so much, anyway?!"
She hesitated for a moment.
"The children aren't old enough to remember... that's why they don't avoid you. Even I thought every Empire soldier was a heartless murderer until you came along. A squad of Empire soldiers came to this city 12 years ago... it was the last time we've let anyone from the Empire in our city until now. I don't know a lot of the details, and I don't know why they did it... but they killed hundreds of us... men, women and children... it didn't matter. They laughed as they cut down innocent people who pleaded for their lives... nobody ever talks about it. We all just try to forget."
Jesus christ. Damn. Well, at least I know now. I had no idea I was working with people like that...
"Whoa... okay. You don't have to tell me anymore... except, if you know who they were or at least what banner they were flying I can have them hung by their entrails as soon as I get home."
I meant it too, even if I was a field agent I was a high-ranking officer in the military. It's the sort of thing I had enough pull to do. She looked a little taken aback by my words... if only for a moment.
"I... can't recall. It was too long ago and I was hiding in the cellar. I didn't get a good look at them. Although the thought of there being some justice is a pleasing one."
I like her style. People who are all lame and like "Killing them wouldn't bring back the people that died it would only cause more suffering blah blah blah" totally suck. Yeah it would cause suffering! That's the whole point! Suffering for those sons-of-a-bitches that killed your friends and family! Revenge is a wonderful thing to have! Ahem, anyway. At this point Mr. Unappreciative came back to give me some more attitude and annoy me. He was simply incapable of at least faking a few pleasant words.
"Your horse is out front. Try not to trample anyone on your way out of town."
I hate this guy. I guess he built up some more anti-wife courage while he was away... I'm sure he regretted it later.
"I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! GET OUT OF HERE YOU WORTHLESS-!" she screamed. She didn't cut off... I just plugged my ears and ran outside.
At least the horse really was ready and didn't have anything wrong with it. General Souther was waiting for me by my brand new steed. His arms were crossed and he looked a little worried.
"You'd better saddle up and get on outta here, boy. I didn't wanna have to tell ya but the mages are trying to form a mob to get rid of you."
"It's always something..."
"They seem to think you've come here to scout the defenses so that the empire can send in troops and take over."
"I'm not a damn piss-ant scout. That's about as low-rank as they get."
General Souther suddenly looked a lot more serious than he ever had before.
"If they knew who you really were, they'd already have killed you."
I hopped onto the horse and got serious too.
"You sound so sure that they could catch me. I'd ask you to tell me how you ended up in this town... but I really don't want to have to hurt anyone, I think I can hear them tying a noose..."
That last part was a joke, and I said it with a smirk. As I started to ride off General Souther said one last thing. He knew what my job was as well as I did. I effectively had the same profession as lovable old Coso... I'm writing things in such a way as to have more dramatic effect for the reader. Shut up.
"I hope you never have official business here, assassin."
Without incident, I left town and headed East.
I have no recollection of the events between my leaving Holy City Okan and arriving at the Capitol city of the Empire. Also approximately 10 years passed between my returning home and the next set of events. I was awaiting the arrival of some people I was intended to work with in a dark and rainy alley between two buildings. Across the city at least a quarter of a mile away I could see a tall black tower through the gloom. So tall in fact that you could not discern the top of it. Lights pouring out it's windows kept rising into the sky until you could no longer see where one ended and the next started. That was part of some sort of headquarters for the Empire.
I still had the Finisher's spear and cloak after all that time, and I specifically noticed that I hadn't aged a single day because of the cloak. Normally people who had Finisher cloaks and Finishers themselves would be in a great deal of danger because obviously a lot of people would be willing to kill someone or battle a Finisher to get one of their cloaks... but there were severely high, nigh unreachable requirements for being able to even wear one without being cursed by it. Like the merchant said, one must be a master of demon sorcery to use such a thing effectively... and I was one of very few capable. In fact, it seemed as if the magic I used was forbidden even in the Empire except under certain circumstances like allowing specialists like myself to use it.
I was getting very bored and very irritated waiting for these guys... they were supposed to be here before me. When they showed up I saw that it was a team of Empire soldiers ten strong. They all looked like they were well-trained as warriors. Their leader told me that our orders were to head out to Holy City Okan. The Empire wished to install their own governor in the city, for it was an important city in the path of expanding to the West. Apparently they tried this a few months ago and the governor was violently kicked out of town... he didn't survive long after returning to the Capitol. They intended for me of all people to be the next attempt at installing a Governor... and it had been decided that this team of elite soldiers would be protection enough from the dissenting citizens. Normally I'd object to the whole thing but no matter what I did a governor would eventually take over that city, even if he had to massacre half the population just to do it. It might as well be me, I can trust myself to be fair to them at least, even if they were total dicks to me in the past.
I actually remember the journey back to Okan. After we left the enormous city that was the Empire's Capitol there was a distinct difference in reaction to seeing Empire soldiers. People in the Capitol would barely even notice us, or occasionally throw a friendly greeting our way. But on our way through a small burg people shut their windows and locked their doors, as if a glance from us could mean death.
Only one part of our travels stood out in particular, and that was when we were only a few miles away from the city and stopped to rest for the night. It was a dry and sandy climate, but couldn't qualify as a desert. You could always see another patch of trees down the road, and shrubbery was hardly uncommon. We sat in a circle around a fire... or more of a semi-circle with a floating point across from it. The soldiers all stayed out of arm's reach from me as if I might suddenly lash out at them. Nobody trusts an assassin, I guess.
While the soldiers muttered to each other and further ostracized me I saw several things lurking in the dark. One of them made some kind of crunching sound and all the soldiers shot to their feet and grabbed the hilts of their swords.
"What was that?! Does anyone see anything?" Their captain asked.
"Yeah. We're surrounded." I casually responded.
One of the soldiers had a worried look on his face, and loudly whispered, "Bandits...?!"
"Like anybody would be stupid enough to attack us... it's animals." I calmly replied.
I could tell it was a pack of some large anthropod beast, they we're standing hunched over in the dark about 30 feet away in every direction. There had to be at least two dozen of them. I hadn't stood up. I was just sitting on a log and gnawing on the bone of some animal. The soldiers had begun to stare at me with looks of disbelief.
The captain sounded none to pleased with me, and queried, "You don't seem worried! You just gonna sit there?"
"Your job is to protect me, isn't it?"
"That's our orders..."
"Well go earn your pay!"
Now all of the soldiers looked displeased and grumbled indecent words, but they formed a circle around me and advanced towards the beasts. I moved on to picking my teeth and I really paid no attention to the fight. I heard some yelling, and some roaring... and some high-pitched whining noises like a dog yelping as the soldiers undoubtably stuck swords in the monsters. I was kinda actually hoping the soldiers would lose, or at least get the crap beat out of 'em. An excuse not to go back to Okan would have been just dandy.
This is the end of what I had time to write before I got distracted and forgot most of everything. Everything after this is just notes that are in the order I remembered them after I got back to writing it down. Dreams fade fast, I'm sure there was more, but that's all I got down. If you actually read everything up to this point you can write a 100 word essay on why sleeping too much fun. This may earn you an undetermined amount of points. Only the first few essays will get points. Yes, I know it's awesome to hide something like this in the middle of something most of you probably won't read. If Edan or that other guy writes something good again they'll get a double score for a combo.
-We arrived at town I had a terse argument with Souther. About what, I can't remember.-
-As Evening set in and we claimed an unused building we were attacked from all sides. Men on roofs of buildings with bows and arrows attacked first to little effect, the soldiers have very thick armor and I was behind them.-
-We backed off and ended up getting caught between two buildings with no way out. Except up... but only I could manage that. Even if the other soldiers were acrobatic enough they'd never have done it in that armor.-
-On both sides there were about 20 men with spears and round shields. The shields were silver and were designed with three crescents. Their spears were unremarkable other than that they all hadThey were mostly unarmored but held a massive advantage against our weapons given the confined space. Behind each group of men was an older man in white robes that looked just like the people who I saw earlier as I was passing out.-
-My soldiers weren't panicking but they knew they were totally screwed. I saw the old men in robes raise their hands at the same time, and all the enemy soldiers held their shields up to their faces. I yelled "cover your eyes" but it was too late. There was a bright flash, which I avoided most of, and the enemy soldiers charged forward. In the time it took me to jump and pull myself onto the roof of the shorter building my soldiers had already been killed or fatally injured.-
-Pact with demon.-
-Girl forced out of town.-
-Mother leaves with other daughter.-
-I bring the girl with me back to the Empire, and Empire sorcerors notice she has demonic power. I start trying to cover it up by saying that I just found her and she was already like that, but they don't listen and cut me off because they detect that she has the same blood as me. Empire mad that I did an unauthorized demon magic transfer, but I cover it up by saying she's my daughter, which is the only legal way to give someone demonic power since it can't be avoided. Then things get extremely awkward when we fall in love. Some nosey officials or nobles ask too many questions about us so I use my political pull to have them shipped overseas somewhere.-
-Well, I love me so much... and after I ressurected you you're more like me than any other girl... it's only natural, right?-
-I love you too, even if you are a coceited bastard.-
-You've got something on your vanity, Narcissus.-