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2007 October 24
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13 ₧
A Dark , Lonely Place YOUR MIND!
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!

Recent posts by begginer

Recent posts by begginer

2008 Aug 29 at 16:39 UTC
WTH?!? in Hammer Mapping
yeah all resources have to be on same drive
2008 Aug 29 at 16:37 UTC
Tap Training in Hammer Mapping
water :
make your brush put a water texture on it
press ctrl+t and select func_water
i know how to make continuous flowing water .. but one that stops .. thats gonna be some fancy trigger and sprites
2008 Aug 29 at 16:31 UTC
crazy player spawns in Hammer Mapping
yeah he has enough 16 on each team ... but its some crazy thing ..
i had that problem on 90 % of my maps
usually did everything he did + compiling on a different name and fixed

2008 Aug 29 at 16:28 UTC
deagle map in Hammer Mapping
Down Rodeo said:
Hmmm... me no know. I've not got Hammer see so blablabla

nice grammar ^^
2008 Aug 29 at 16:16 UTC
New Idea in Hammer Mapping
i saw cs maps that had moving rats in it .. and yes it was a model .. try searching the net for it
when you found your model insert a cycler_sprite and select the model in the " model " area .. also the model should go into your cstrike/models folder
2008 Aug 26 at 10:15 UTC
crazy player spawns in Hammer Mapping
amm maybe try to compile your map on a different name .. i had problems that persisted and this fixed it
just save and compile it on a different name with a new .bat file
maybe it'll help

and i know its the map you made for the server right ?? so if you compile it and it works ok then just rename the .bsp file to its original name
2008 Aug 26 at 10:13 UTC
if you want the text to appear before you literally enter the map ( the credits on the side ) then just do what edan said ..
make a mapname.txt and write in it whatever you want in your map
place it in your cstrike/maps folder and it i'll be fine
2008 Aug 26 at 06:23 UTC
A real law suit in General
2008 Aug 26 at 06:20 UTC
School in wad-file? in Hammer Mapping
to make good wads you need a good photo editing program .. like photoshop or corel photo paint .. i myself use both + corel draw

but for really good textures you need a quality camera , and take good photos to make into textures

2008 Aug 26 at 06:08 UTC
now why in hells name did you add the " < " >" . that will just mix the poor kid up...

and this mite be a dumb question .. but do you HAVE info_player_starts in your map ?