Dream Time

Dream Time

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*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
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I know who he is.
2009 Sep 24 at 20:40 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
I always only remember snippets of my dreams.

Last night I dreamt that I was collecting my dirty clothes and put them in the clothesbasket. In fact, I dreamt that I woke up and did all this. Pretty boring, huh.

I especially love those dreams where you dream that you can't fall asleep. And then you wake up like "What the hell?"
2009 Sep 25 at 06:26 UTC — Ed. 2009 Sep 25 at 06:26 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
Down Rodeo said:
Yahtzee wrote a piece about supersoldiers recently.

Women are like yahtzees, cause i rarley get them.

Oh and great job, aaronjer.

2009 Sep 27 at 04:48 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
That one was dedicated to you.
2009 Sep 27 at 06:46 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
The first and third dreams that I had last night I don't remember anymore I woke up and went back to sleep too many times i dont think i was drunk I only remember that they were along the same theme, continuations of the same dream but with different atmospheres That being said, the second dream shifted from the ordinary, indifferent tone of the first dream into a more ominous nightmarish dream I believe that the first dream ended with me in the parking lot of Taco Bell The sun was gone, either behind the storm clouds that were building or below the horizon (although there was no sunset the time was some time in the evening though) People that I don't know in real life or distinctly remember were talking to me as I started my car, but I have the impression that the words weren't exactly friendly For some reason, my car went over the curb and into the ditch that separated the Taco Bell from the street and turned to the left as it did Suddenly, I was facing the cars instead of the street like I was supposed to This way, it was a lot easier to pull back into the parking spot, which I did I think at this point I simply became tired of the dream and took control by shifting the position of the car with my thoughts Since the dream was an unpleasant one, I chose to wake up at this point to a horrible migraine, which may be responsible for the mood shift in my dream

ill right the other one at school on ms word to spell check and have my frend add the comas like he did
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Sep 30 at 04:32 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
the_cloud_system said:
The first and third dreams that I had last night I don't remember anymore I woke up and went back to sleep too many times i dont think i was drunk I only remember that they were along the same theme, continuations of the same dream but with different atmospheres That being said, the second dream shifted from the ordinary, indifferent tone of the first dream into a more ominous nightmarish dream I believe that the first dream ended with me in the parking lot of Taco Bell The sun was gone, either behind the storm clouds that were building or below the horizon (although there was no sunset the time was some time in the evening though) People that I don't know in real life or distinctly remember were talking to me as I started my car, but I have the impression that the words weren't exactly friendly For some reason, my car went over the curb and into the ditch that separated the Taco Bell from the street and turned to the left as it did Suddenly, I was facing the cars instead of the street like I was supposed to This way, it was a lot easier to pull back into the parking spot, which I did I think at this point I simply became tired of the dream and took control by shifting the position of the car with my thoughts Since the dream was an unpleasant one, I chose to wake up at this point to a horrible migraine, which may be responsible for the mood shift in my dream

ill right the other one at school on ms word to spell check and have my frend add the comas like he did

And right as you wake up, the tourettes guy is leaning over you, yelling "DON'T TALK SHIT ABOUT TOTAL!"

2009 Oct 3 at 19:05 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
the_cloud_system said:
The first and third dreams that I had last night I don't remember anymore I woke up and went back to sleep too many times i dont think i was drunk I only remember that they were along the same theme, continuations of the same dream but with different atmospheres That being said, the second dream shifted from the ordinary, indifferent tone of the first dream into a more ominous nightmarish dream I believe that the first dream ended with me in the parking lot of Taco Bell The sun was gone, either behind the storm clouds that were building or below the horizon (although there was no sunset the time was some time in the evening though) People that I don't know in real life or distinctly remember were talking to me as I started my car, but I have the impression that the words weren't exactly friendly For some reason, my car went over the curb and into the ditch that separated the Taco Bell from the street and turned to the left as it did Suddenly, I was facing the cars instead of the street like I was supposed to This way, it was a lot easier to pull back into the parking spot, which I did I think at this point I simply became tired of the dream and took control by shifting the position of the car with my thoughts Since the dream was an unpleasant one, I chose to wake up at this point to a horrible migraine, which may be responsible for the mood shift in my dream

ill right the other one at school on ms word to spell check and have my frend add the comas like he did

...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Oct 3 at 19:22 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
If you break it up into paragraphs I think somebody might actually read it. "Big block of text" is the easiest way to keep somebody from reading something.
2009 Oct 3 at 19:23 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Oct 3 at 19:26 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
Exactly my point.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Oct 3 at 19:27 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
Yes, big block of text equals pain.
2009 Oct 4 at 00:02 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Oct 4 at 01:24 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
In the second dream, the storm clouds were present throughout. I drove home from school, shared a meal with my family, and more things I don't remember. I do, however, remember that when I was getting ready to drive back, I found an older man with a beard selling baby chickens (my mom wants a few in real life).

They were in a small cage under a sheet, and they were rather large for baby chickens (about six inches high). They were mostly yellowish-white and white and black looked like it was bloched on them, but there were other colors as well. I stopped to look at them and called my mom to tell her that I was going to bring home some baby chickens. She got angry and we fought for a while. During this part of the dream, the wind was blowing pretty hard as the storm prepared to start.

I drove home in the rain, only for her to show me that she had three white chicks in the garage already. She told me that all the colored ones were claimed, so she was on a wait list for three colored chicks.

Now the storm outside sounded like a full-blown hurricane, which I do think it was supposed to be. I also think at some point there was a tornado, but that just might have been my thoughts nearly inserting one since I'm terrified of them. like in alice in wonderland (how ever the hell she got there) and the wizerd of oz, flying houses. i walked out and fell down on the concrete step and i looked up and a wire fence... or somthing that looked like a fence came down and then i woke up with the feeling of falling then i relised it was 4mins till my alarm rings and i just layed there
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Oct 4 at 01:38 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
See, that was better! Kinda weird though :p

For the first few weeks I was in my new flat, I was waking up before my alarm. This meant I was able to see the ungodly hour of 6:30 am some mornings.
2009 Oct 4 at 10:49 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I could actually understand what you were conveying in the second one. Punctuation and formatting really make a difference... I mean, in the first one you missed more than half of the periods.

Odd how nothing completely irrational occurred in that dream. All of those events could have actually happened. Unless you didn't mention any obvious dream inconsistencies like otherworldly skies or altered structures.
2009 Oct 4 at 22:33 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
My friends, I have had a second dream!

Actually, this one is a little hazy as it happened yesterday morning and I didn't write it down immediately. Sucks for us all.

My dream was that I was in a small town, with its own university, that via some unidentified voodoo was being possessed by the old NES Super Mario Bros. game. How I came to this conclusion is difficult to say as almost nothing I saw had any identifiable connection to the legendary world of the Italian plumber. I did not see a single koopa or goomba the entire time, nor anything of that ilk. What I do remember is realizing the change as it came upon the town. I was walking along the road on top of a hill when I felt a blast of air in a wave, hitting me in the back. I turned around to see where it had came from, if anything, and saw nothing, but when I turned again, I saw that all the houses in the row had been replaced by black and white battlements carved out of marble, roughly the same size as one would expect the miniature castles at the end of each ordinary world to be, except aside from two stories, they were entirely of a different architecture. A repeating motif were flanges jutting out in waves from the roof, similar to what one would find on the tip of a venus flytrap, though much thicker. They would radiate outward from the columns as well, and in each garden there would usually be a pedestal, with one of these resting on top similar to a lily pad, and each flanged pad would contain a stone orb, roughly the size of a soccer ball if not slightly bigger. The houses would alternate, white and black all down the row, to the end of the hill, which curved around before setting into a marsh near the bay. No light or signs of life emitted from any of these houses, though there was obviously something unearthly about them, and faintly cold. Ivies would sometimes crawl and drape around the porticoes, but the houses themselves showed signs of neither use nor disuse, they merely were.

I passed a few of these, perhaps three or four, before I walked into one of them. In front of me was a dark staircase ascending, again, neither used nor disused, but merely there. I turned to my left into a small parlor with a grand piano, that opened up into a dining room at the far end. A dim chandelier hung idly from the ceiling. Near the piano, there was a table with a small clay dish that held a glowing orb. I touched this orb and a cloud of mist released, and as it spread around the room of its own mind, the world slowly dispersed and I was in reality again.

I decided to informer my employers about this, seeing as how I was some sort of amateur paranormalist or some such thing. My employers, in this case, were actually my real employers, the editor-in-chief for the magazine I work for and the editor of another magazine whom I also know. I met them in an abandoned building that resembled an office in design and a parking garage in aesthetics, for there was no electricity or windows, all was concrete, and the stains of water dripped down the sides. I spoke with them and they seemed intrigued by my findings, not surprised, but as though something added up in a certain way that had not yet been revealed to me. They encouraged me to continue my investigation. I looked out across the courtyard and saw a girl with long blond hair, dressed in blue, roughly twenty, not especially pretty but not unattractive either, smile at me and then enter a small shack that served no purpose I could tell. I was led away by the editor of the other magazine (quite the genial fellow, not the best listener) and we exited the building and crossed to the shack on the other side of the yard. He opened the door and allowed me to pass through, smiling and reminding me it was haunted, legends from some twenty years ago.

Inside, it was larger than it seemed. To my right was a stone staircase ascending upward into the darkness, improbable, as the shack was connected to nothing on that side. A young man in a khaki jacket and a backwards hat, with backpack, shoulder length greasy black hair and the stubble of a beard, nodded to me nervously, and then disappeared up the stairs. I looked ahead and saw another flight of stairs leading downward. As I reached the bottom, a stone panel slid shut behind me and ahead of me, as though revealing a grand prize in a game show, another panel slid open to a lighted room. I immediately realized that I had been transported twenty years into the past and was now stuck there.

The room was a small library with wooden cabinetry, dense, but by no means overwhelming or foreboding in its collection, for indeed the room was of a very ordinary size. At the wooden desk, there was a secretary, a woman of about twenty (much more attractive) with purple hair cut into a sort of asymmetrical bob, tanned and with light green eyes, she looked up at me from her task and then resumed writing. I continued inward and found another woman, middle aged, with dark eyes, glasses, and dirty blond hair shuffling through papers. As she did so, without a moments loss of concentration, gathered a large portion of her hair with her left hand and then produced a pair of scissors with her right and cut the handful off and then flipped another page. I peered around the corner into an adjoining room. and saw other people, a bald man in a white dress shirt, scanning books on a shelf. Behind him was another table, where people were studying documents, but behind the table, instead of a wall, there was a chainlink fence. The room was very bright, lit by an unseen source, but beyond the fence, darkness and darkness only.

I turned around to face the left side of the main room, which I had left unexamined on entering, and saw another stone panel slide away. The blond girl whom I had seen earlier leaned out, smiling secretly and holding a finger to pursed lips making a "sshhh" noise. She waved me through and I followed her out into daylight, and we got into a car (which I don't remember in the slightest. We drove out on a road, through lush green scenery, which did not obstruct the light in any way. On the sides of the road were clay slopes, not hills quite but more like oversized speed bumps which wound along the path with the road. Eventually, the road opened up to a park at the beach, with many picnickers in white, sandy volleyball courts, and kite flying beyond the trees. She led me to a drainage hole, looked down on it, smiled, and then looked up at me. There was a metal grate covering what appeared to have been a hole of some sorts, but it and all sides around it were filled with wet sand and dirt. I found a stick of gray driftwood, about the size of a walking cane, and struck the dirt between the grating, and the silt drained away like some grand plug had been pulled underneath it and now it could seep freely like water. I suspected in reality it was a warp pipe.

Then I heard my suitemates talking in the lounge and I woke up.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Oct 6 at 19:05 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
It was sort of more that creepy live-action Mario Bros. than anything else. I see that you have different reactions in those vague, themeless dreams than I do. When I'm in a situation without a particular goal in mind like that my reactions are easily predictable. Like, "See pretty girl, attempt to have sex with pretty girl."
2009 Oct 6 at 22:37 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
So DO I!!

2009 Oct 7 at 00:32 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Nah, the "attempt to have sex with girl in dream" thing has only happened a few times, through a combination of lack of pretty girls and the inescapable need to figure out oh my god what the fuck is going on?
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Oct 7 at 15:13 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Oct 7 at 16:14 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
I can buy that. In most of my dreams I'm not feeling much of anything. There have been a few when I was outright terrified, or had some other strong reaction to something, but mostly I'm not attached to anything emotionally, I'm just there and observing.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Oct 7 at 16:29 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Pretty girls are, much to my excitement, littered throughout my dreams like porno magazines in Las Vegas. Even in the face of impending death I will often get sidetracked and go chasing skirts. I'm so easily sidetracked by pretty girls, in fact, that I will wander away from one just because I see another. This only happens when I'm fairly certain I'm dreaming, however. In dreams that really pull me in I'm usually not in the mood for poon when the whole world is collapsing around me and there are giant monsters eating everyone.

It's only been a major drawback a few times. There was that one dream where I sucked the life out of any living thing I touched... upon attempting to have sex with pretty girls the pretty girls rotted away into ash and bones. It was very gross.

Strangely enough, whenever I attempt to have sex with pretty girls out of context of the dream scenario, they always react as though they are slightly confused and curious as to what is happening to them. They're all like, "Huh? What are you doing? Why are you putting that there?" I don't know what that might mean... but they never resist nor participate in the slightest.
2009 Oct 7 at 22:57 UTC — Ed. 2009 Oct 7 at 23:02 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
You know what? I've had two dreams recently that heavily involved Peach, Daisy and Rosalina from Super Mario Bros. games.

In the first one I was attempting to escape the police after pulling a job for the Russian mafia. I had a few minutes to find a getaway vehicle. I ran up the street while quickly redressing myself and throwing my old clothes in a dumpster to help avoid capture, when I saw a Japanese sedan, probably an Acura.

Inside Peach was driving, and Daisy, Rosalina and some extra princess that followed their theme were in the back seat. Peach appeared to be having some trouble driving due to her cumbersome clothing, so I offered to drive for them. She moved into the passenger seat and I took her place. I feel it is necessary to point out that this car had a bench seat, even though Japanese cars always have bucket seats. I took off well above the speed limit straight up an on ramp and onto a somewhat busy freeway. The Police hadn't caught up to me yet, but a rival crime syndicate was chasing after us in their black town cars. I fired a handgun at them out the window sporadically. During all of this, I had complained about the high temperature inside the vehicle.. even though the windows were down, it was fall, and we were driving very fast. I immediately gave up on working the AC controls myself and left it to Peach. There was a large panel covered in levers, switches, dials and sliders that was used to operate the AC system and I just couldn't figure it out.

This never really amounted to anything, but it should be mentioned that all of the princesses were very excited and yelping with joy while sticking themselves out the windows and sun roof and waving their arms around.

In the second dream, maybe a week later, I had just happened to book a room in a hotel right next to a room occupied by the three princesses. The extra princess amalgam was no longer around. My room was large and luxurious. There were two queen size beds, a small bar and kitchen, and many things not found in a standard hotel room. The belongings of an unidentified woman were on top of one of the beds, I never encountered her in the dream. Strangely, a balcony connected my room with the princess' room. On a couple otherwise uneventful outings to the hotel lobby for nutrition, I bumped into the princesses, who commented on how much fun our crazy car chase had been.

With little warning, martial law came down upon the city. I do not know what instigated it, but all foreigners such as myself and the princesses were locked into our hotel rooms or otherwise detained. While I was making Ovaltine in my room, Peach came from the balcony with an escape plan. There was an obsolete ventilation shaft with a grate for access just behind the wall in their room. Upon crossing the balcony I witnessed the city in a state of destruction. pillars of smoke rose from behind building,s gunfire and screaming could be heard periodically, and a burning jet even crashed into the city. Upon entering their room I specifically noticed the MASSIVE amount of luggage they all had. That's royalty for you, I guess. I have no idea how they found it, but they had already torn away the plaster so that the duct could be accessed. It was nearly vertical and difficult to climb down without slipping. I was the first one to enter, Daisy was directly above me and Rosalina was at the top.

Apparently Rosalina slipped, because some kind of fumble caused all four of us to slide down the duct uncontrollably. The duct opened up into the side of an elevator shaft, at least twenty floors off the ground. The elevators were not nearby, apparently all above us. There was nothing in the shaft to hold onto, so I grabbed onto Daisy's legs. As I expected, all three of the princess' skirts opened up like parachutes. Daisy was dismayed by the discomfort I was causing her, and told me that I had better not look up. I responded that there was nothing interesting to see up there, and she kicked me in the head. This caused me to wake up. I still have a headache.

2009 Oct 8 at 23:01 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
thats some heftey dreaming there son
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Oct 9 at 02:35 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
Ok, I have got two dreams for you:

.: 1 :.

I was on a cruise, like a Carnival one, and I had to take a leak. So I grabbed 5 bucks to go take a leak and get a drink [even though there was a bathroom in our cabin --like 5 of them actually]. As I was coming down these grand stairs, at the last one, I kind of jumped off and dragged my toes on the ground [weird I know].
All of the sudden Heidi Klum asked me "Are you a ballerina?" To which I responded "Should I be?" She then gave me her number [even though it was displayed on her shirt --and she even showed it to me].
Later [some time later maybe a day or week or that night], I was at this like private audition for ballerinas. I went first and did this awesomely weird ballerina/parkour moves. The second contestant [Asian female teens] got up there and yelled [trying to sing] "Fuck you" over and over. At the end of her song[?] she called someone on her phone [I suspected it was her little sister because she picked up the phone and hung up the phone as the one made the call] And slightly whispered "Fuck you." There was a third contestant I can't remember anything about her but there was a third. Finally the fourth contestant got up there and got on the judges table [with Heidi Klum and some other people] and started shaking her ass to the crowd.
Meanwhile, I was busy painting the bleachers we all were sitting on, a nice red, a different plank a green, and a crossbeam blue [for some reason I only painted about a third of the planks --also I screwed up because I started to paint another plank blue when I wanted to paint them all different colours].
I got up then [after painting four planks 1/3 of the way] and showed my sister the work [so very proudly]. She then asked something like why did you do that? To which, I responded "Because you told me to!" A slight argument about misinterpertation, and then I woke up.

I never did find out who won the contest!

[to clarify I am not gay --I had to look up how to spell ballerina
[to clarify I am not stupid --I knew how to spell ballet

.: 2 :.

--This one is a bit vague

There was another ship but not a big cruise liner no it was like a big yacht and the lady in charge [i dont know if she was the owner of the yacht but i dont think so] she didnt like me very much and for some reason we put up papers every where like some kind of um oh scavanger hunt and of course i put mine up with some awesome parkour moves and then a bunch of little kids came on and went to find them? i dont really remember the rest except that the yacht started to tip over and it was to big for the lake or something

[i got tired of typeing --notice the lax of punctuition and spelling]
2009 Oct 9 at 17:15 UTC — Ed. 2009 Oct 9 at 19:24 UTC
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