Dream Time

Dream Time

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*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I jus' writes 'em as I see's 'em! It probably would have been much longer if subconscious memories didn't deteriorate so quickly.
2009 Jun 22 at 17:24 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 22 at 17:24 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Jun 23 at 00:38 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I had a dream. I went to the next room and wrote myself notes as soon as I could move, which was surprisingly quickly. Here goes...

I can't really remember the beginning of this dream very well. It might have started with me speaking to my girlfriend and her mother but that might have been another dream that got caught up in this other one. Whatever. It ended up that at some point we (myself and members of my family?) were having a meal in a small local restaurant. It seemed pretty cool, there were reasons why we had done this but I can't remember what they are.

After eating we left, wandering to our respective cars. This is when shit gets a little crazy. For some reason I was aware that you really really didn't want to be around after dark. I don't know why. Also at this point it was late-ish but not quite dark; it was instead the sort of grey that Scottish skies can keep up for an entire day. I remember seeing a car with one of my friends in it drive by; this has no further bearing on the story.

Just then a car bumped my parents' car. Obviously we decided to phone the police then and so a car turned up. We talked to him about what had happened then through chatting to him discovered that he was to perform an execution... At this stage, things go blurry, I can remember seeing faces but have little idea why. It might be tied to the whole not going outside thing. The policeman was saying how much he hated it, it was a totalitarian state, it was terrible, but never went through with the executions. He said he would prove it to us. We got into his car and started driving. I tried to say how funny it was, my friend and prior flatmate's biggest fear was a totalitarian state. (Incidentally this is true, he finds V For Vendetta very scary for the future it represents; I think he's paranoid.) I say tried as I couldn't get a word in, this cop (who looked a little like River Cuomo from Weezer, in particular the 'tache) was talking at us, not stopping. We drove towards a sort of shopping... complex? I can't think of the word for this. Lots of shops, edge of town, but not a mall. Anyway he started driving crazily, launching through glass windows, onto more roads. Very cinematic.

This is where my memory starts to annoy me as some things strike me as being important and obvious but I can't remember why. We eventually drove into another building and lo and behold there is one Beyonce Knowles standing there. She looked upset, stamped her foot and threw her expensive ring at us. The policeman looked at us knowingly; the ring helped with the darkness maybe? I seem to remember that. He said, "See?", and we felt cynical and depressed. Then I remember an action shot where time slowed down, four silvery spheres (like spherical bullets) flew through the window in front of us, then at normal speed smacked into the car's occupants, though I didn't see this.

As some kind of denouement I remember seeing a wooden bowl filled with various important-looking reagents, some of which were the metal balls, also small, golden-coloured nuggets and some wiry substance, which burst into flame. The balls melted and as they evaporated they showed a man of Indian descent. The person watching the bowl (not me although I shared his perspective) shouted a name. At this point I woke up, probably because the doorbell was ringing.


I don't know what to make of that, irritatingly I am aware that there are many pieces missing. Like for instance, that guy at the end? He appears at various points through it. A possible connection is that my girlfriend is in India and I am missing her rather a lot. Depressingly when I saw her in the dream I seem to remember her hating a surprise I have planned for her
2009 Jun 28 at 14:51 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Was it a strip mall?

Also, I'll bet it was Beyonce controlling the metal balls. That ring was probably a magical seal that repressed her sorcery.

Something that helps when trying to remember dreams is to lie perfectly still for 15 seconds and try to remember as much as possible as fast as you can. It seems imperative to start writing immediately, but moving your muscles for the first time causes you to forget more than almost anything else.

Also... Huh-ray! Moar people are posting dreams! It's like a dream dream come true!
2009 Jun 28 at 15:56 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 28 at 15:57 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I think the phrase "strip mall" is sadly absent from British English, but I know what you mean. I think. No, the reason we were getting shot (with the small, spherical, bullet-sized balls that only appeared large because of the dramatic zoom) was because of the totalitarian state. Why Miss Knowles I will never know.
2009 Jun 28 at 15:59 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
And you're SURE Beyonce wasn't the dictator?
2009 Jun 28 at 16:32 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Damned certain. The policeman was using her as an example - of what, I am not sure. The fact that he felt he needed to tell us there was a totalitarian authority says something. I don't think I meant knowing; perhaps "defeated" is better. Like I said, she threw her ring on the floor, and the policeman was saying he knew she'd do that, even though by having this ring she was really lucky. I think she must have thought that we were there to rob her in some sense. The shots fired at us were the government's reaction I think (perhaps more accurately, "I feel").
2009 Jun 28 at 16:59 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
If that's what you think happened, then that's what happened.
2009 Jun 28 at 19:23 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
That makes sense. It's weird how you get these really strong feelings in dreams that, when you look back at them, have no foundation in anything at all.

Also, apparently your dreams are better than mine :(
2009 Jun 29 at 16:36 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
It's probably just that I remember them better, since I've put years of practice into remembering them better. Anything seems incoherent if you forget 90% of it.
2009 Jun 30 at 02:05 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Jun 30 at 16:21 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I'm the only person whose comments matter, anyway.
2009 Jul 1 at 15:32 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
I don't remember how exactly I got there, but I was on a vacation overseas. The peculiar thing about it was that everyone spoke English and there were a great deal of tourists in an area that I wouldn't anticipate either. We were in the middle of the desert, bright with salt flats stretching to the horizons where some low, rugged hills circumscribed the field of vision. The facilities were old, ranging from 1970s to around the wild west area (all the more peculiar since this was not the west, but somewhere in the middle east).

One thing they had going for it was mass transportation, which was not only convenient but entirely free. Nevertheless, the mode was a bit unusual. There was a central platform of concrete and plexiglas, with a few freestanding lightposts, but no cover. Still, I never noticed the heat even though all else was heavy with light. At regular intervals, something akin to a catwalk on wheels (a large metal grate) would roll up on the tracks and some people would step on, holding onto the central poles (it was not enclosed) and away they went. Not really thinking about it, I stepped on the first platform I saw and we began to speed through the desert.

Night started to fall and we reached the outskirts of some town, run down, a few power stations and nothing more. The tram slowed to a halt without any shuddering or audible noise, then realigned to another track which shot into the air at roughly a 30% incline. The track did not seem to have any ground supports and I regarded this with some mild wonder. We soon reached a cliff and proceeded in front of a large graveyard, again looking as though it came out of some other century, save for the fact that there were no wooden crosses. In front of each headstone, there was a small grouping of candles in small glass dishes. The hillside was filled with them and the procession went on for some five minutes before we turned. I wonder why a place which would otherwise be valued for such a view of the surrounding desert would be used simply for graves, but we soon turned and continued on up into the town proper.

The tram pulled up and stopped in a supermarket that was poorly lit and seemed to have gone a few decades without improvement or renovation. Save for the fact that it had train running through it, it was otherwise fairly ordinary. I met an old man there who was quite eager to chat, but what we spoke of, I'm no longer able to remember. I think it might have been ice cream. In the cold foods section I kept seeing packages of bacon, and I continually thought to myself how strange it was as this was the middle east, somewhere, and bacon is not an acceptable food there so far as I knew.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Jul 1 at 16:35 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
See that's interesting, in many of my dreams I'm me but like, not really... You make it sound as though there was conscious decision there, even if it was dream-you deciding to do something. In mine it was like I was watching, almost.
2009 Jul 1 at 18:16 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
It comes and goes. Sometimes I'm playing an active part and then something kills me and I stay on and observe a while. The old trope about not being able to die in dreams is bullroar. Or maybe I'm the exception. Whatever.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Jul 1 at 18:29 UTC

2008 Sep 3 • 198
34 ₧
You can die in dreams if you're ALREADY DEAD.
2009 Jul 1 at 19:01 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
if you dream drempd things
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Jul 1 at 19:10 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Jake?! said:
You can die in dreams if you're ALREADY DEAD.

See? Jake?! understands the loopholes.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Jul 1 at 19:22 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I did mention in my dream that I got shot, right? I don't remember it though. I think I was spectating by that point anyway (dreams are just like online multiplayer apparently).
2009 Jul 1 at 20:14 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I go in and out of 3rd person separately from going in and out of observer mode. I will usually go into 3rd person and still have complete control over my actions, when this happens it's almost always to give a really cinematic shot of whatever I'm doing (which is usually awesome). I don't observe very often, and even less often am I only observing while I'm physically present in whatever is going on... but it still happens.

When, about a dream, I am describing some detailed physical process I am undertaking it's usually in 3rd person. It'd be hard to tell exactly what action I was performing if I wasn't viewing myself because in first person my body is inevitably inaccurate to anthropomorphic physiology.
2009 Jul 2 at 03:50 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jul 2 at 03:52 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
I had a dream that i really had to go to the bathroom and so i did then i woke up and i was like "aww...."

2009 Jul 6 at 03:54 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I had a much less interesting dream than usual last night. I was playing WOW with Les and Commie... I know, pretty lame compared to the usual. Also weird, because I normally can't stand that game. ANYWAY! I was doing it all wrong.

Essentially, I found a way to log into WOW without using a WOW account by using some hidden process in Diablo 2. Nobody else knew about it yet, but you could enter any WOW server with any Diablo 2 character on Battle.net. After some testing I found that every character except for Assassins had abnormally low stats, to the point where you couldn't really do anything with them. All characters would be at level 40 when you first entered the game, but their stats would be based on the the level, skills and equipment you had in Diablo 2. Meaning a level 92 with good gear was EXTREMELY powerful upon entering WOW at level 40. In WOW you would see that your character had no race (even though all D2 characters are human), their class was displayed as "D2ASSN" or something similar and was not aligned with Horde or Alliance and could attack or group with either side. You couldn't choose your appearance, you would always be the same model. It was about 3/4 the size a human in WoW is, had long, dark blue hair parted down the middle and base clothing vaguely resembling that of a Diablo 2 Assassin. Many of your equipment slots were missing, and were replaced with an Armor/No Armor toggle button that would change your model and give you a 75% damage reduction that completely ignored armor stats when turned on. The only gear you started with was a powerful shield, that when equipped and unequipped the model for would change randomly. This shield would give a further 15% damage reduction, which made your character very difficult to kill. All Assassins wore a hood and a cloak (not at all like D2) and they made the head and cloak slots unusable, even though they did nothing. Your hands, wrists, waist, feet, accessory and weapon slots were the only ones open to use.

Other than their basic attack and a pure damage (pure damage means it's unresistable, I don't even know if that exists in WoW) kick, Assassins had only 3 abilities when exported to WoW. I don't know if I would have gained more if I'd kept dreaming or not... they were:

Speed: Increases your movement and attack speed by 25%, slowly drains mana when active.

Wind: Turns you invisible (to everything, nothing can target you directly) for 30 seconds and increases your movement speed by 50%. It would wear off if you attacked.

Tempest: Pushes enemies back and stuns/damages them based on their model size in an AoE around you. Smaller target take more damage and are stunned longer. Also increases your attack speed by 400% for 10 seconds.

Yes, it really was that specific and detailed. Don't ask me why. Anyway, only if you had an Enigma in Diablo 2, you would have the ability to instantly teleport to any place in line of sight you double right clicked on. Kinda odd that the abilities were so detailed, and yet were mostly unlike Diablo 2 Assassin abilities.

I went on a Level 40 group quest with Les and Commie and discovered that an imported level 92 character was inordinately strong and could solo the entire thing without even taking damage. At one point in the quest, however, the first character entering (me) a room at the end would automatically be disabled until the other characters literally carried them out on a stretcher. A purple, iridescent stretcher. I don't get it either. I was unhappy to discover that I gained no experience upon completing the quest, and all of the loot disappeared when picked up. We tried another quest with the same result. I eventually discovered that the "D2ASSN" class could only gain XP and loot from killing other players. When you killed a player that was higher level than you they would lose some XP based on their level (which you would gain, like THE VAMPIRE! ^vv^) and they would drop one piece of equipped loot. The object they dropped would change into something else seemingly randomly when picked up, but I think it might have been altering it to make it wearable at your level. Killing higher level characters, by the way, was very easy. The town guards would totally ignore your conflict, and your target couldn't retaliate easily against an opponent that can turn invisible or teleport at will and stun you while invisible. Upon seeing me other players would say things like "WTF class is that?" or "Your character is broken." or "Quit hacking, noob!"... to which I would respond by shanking them.

After doing this for a while, Nezumi figured out a way to log onto WoW with an Asheron's Call character. In his case I warned him that stats in Asheron's Call were generally much lower than those of WoW, and that this was probably not a good idea. However, it turned out that an AC character would be modified to be the approximate strength of a WoW character of the same level. Given that Nezumi was like level 150, he was completely unstoppable. His character was far more broken than mine, and not just in it's indomitable fighting skills. Jumping would cause him to log off, running forward cause him to gain experience at 1% of the XP required to level every 100 feet, and running backwards would cause him to lose XP at the same rate. His attack spells could be dodged, like in AC, although nobody knew that... but his debuffs were so powerful that an endurance/health debuff would instantly kill almost any character. He still had mana conversion and the related spells from AC, meaning that it was essentially impossible for him to ever run out of health/mana/stamina or whatever he was using. Les and Commie eventually got mad that we were breaking the game so much, given that Nezumi had somehow summoned an armada of airships and was indiscriminately bombing the entire world, and they stopped playing. Nezumi even made it unplayable for me, at which point I woke up.

I should also mention that I woke up twice during this dream, and went straight back into it after going to the bathroom or whatever.
2009 Jul 11 at 15:11 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jul 11 at 15:18 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Jul 17 at 00:23 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
You guys, I had a completely retarded dream last night that I don't remember the bulk of, except that most of it took place on or near a boat, which is funny because I'll be on a boatmotherfuckers next week.

There are only a couple of things that I remember about the very beginning. I remember being on a dock at night looking at a set of buildings that had glass facades and ramps leading up and down inside (ones that shouldn't have been on a small island), and I rememmber a covered overpass, and some other ramps with pink flowers. I was thinking about juxtaposing the two in a modern art project but instead I drew a big cartoony eye and then showed it to everyone because that's how fucking stupid I was.

The second part of the dream was a bit different. I remember two basic features of it:
1) I was at my dad's house, in my old room, which hasn't been my room for fifteen years, and discovered that a demon had taken up residence there and was being kept as pet. It would routinely turn into horrible shapes, like a giant pit in the center of the bed which would have blood dripping from the sides and ribcages and contorted heads poking out of it, except it wasn't really horrifying because it was only doing this to get attention, at which point we would throw a bunch of puppies and kittens at it and it would become overjoyed. It wouldn't do anything with them, it just sat there making this laughing noise. It's like it didn't realize it was supposed to be scary.
2) There was a friend of mine who was trying to fuck me, except for some reason she was really overweight in the dream and I was kind of put off by that.

ANYWAY.... So, I was on the docks or something and somehow got caught up in some crazy ritual to resurrect the spirit of a dead serial killer because isn't that how it always goes? It's strange because a) it resembled a crucifixion b) there were magnets involved and c) there was no vertical plank, in fact, it was just a horizontal metal pipe and instead of nails there were millions of tiny needles pinning my arms and blood and such. Well whatever it was did the trick because, enter evil spirit, at which point I told the girl that I'm probably going to have to handle this one alone and she smiled and said okay, going on her merry way.

How we ended up trapping the resurrected ghost is a bit hazy to me, but I remember that we killed it in the pantry of a Mexican restaurant and it splattered into ectoplasm which got over everything. Nevertheless, we celebrated by having tacos. Did I mention that I was with other people? Yes, they were physical manifestations of various years in the careers of major league baseball pitchers. That was terribly significant. So, we celebrated by having tacos covered in malignant ectoplasm while riding around on a boat and I guess I was the only one who really grasped that this was probably a bad idea because I took two bites and then threw the tacos overboard. Immediately afterward, I saw the grim reaper next to me [actually it was Barragan's released form from Bleach but we're kind of splitting hairs there] and he descended into the water. From the water emerged a black guy who sort of looked like Shaft but had crazy eyes and he pulled a knife out of his cloak and attached a list of all the people he killed to the side of the boat using nothing but knife slashes. I pretty much decided to high tail it from there and so I jumped into the water and swam for the other shore, following various sports writers because yes the baseball theme was continuing. I looked back at one point and there was a major league umpire trying to argue with the ghost that his conduct was unsportsmanlike and the ghost slit him from ear to ear. On the other shore, there were a bunch of mascots waiting around listening to the ghost screaming crazy shit and then they all eagerly hit the water and started swimming in that direction. Some might think that they were wanting to stop this nonsense but the belief I held at the time is that they all had a desperate deathwish because most mascots deserve to die anyway.

And that was the dream I had! Less Mexican food before bed, right?
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Aug 12 at 23:02 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Wasn't there a movie where baseball and ghosts were meshed together before? I might just be crazy, but I remember something like that. And I had hard time understanding what you were describing around the "crucifixion." Was it you that was crucified? And how did you get down?
2009 Aug 12 at 23:43 UTC
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