Dream Time

Dream Time

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*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Oh, come on. Women always look better when covered in blood.
2009 May 1 at 00:13 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
Hah, now havokk has 69 points.

2009 May 1 at 00:28 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
no one cares bout u dave
Free Steam Games
2009 May 1 at 03:16 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I had one recently that I had somehow been turned into some kind of involuntary vessel for the propagation of either Satan or some kind of evil God. I unfortunately remember very little of it.

I had been granted a kind of magical power, but if I used it for the sake of anyone other than myself it would cause everyone around me and myself to be transported into a small hell like pocket dimension (maybe 2000 feet in diameter). The pocket dimension would look similar to the area we were just in, but everything would be unnaturally dark and strange, tall, difficult to see in the shadows lanky anthropomorhic beings would be standing around looking at us.

Now, none of this was dangerous to me, but anyone else that got sucked in was in a lot of trouble. If I felt like it, I could lead them to an exit that would remain open for 5 minutes or so before this place permanently attached itself to the rest of hell.

An example was that at one point a middle aged man had been hit by a car. He was laying on the median of the 2 lane road and bleeding to death and his daughter was yelling for help. there were lots of cars racing by but I still made my way through to them. I told her that I could save him but there would be a terrible price to pay and she had me do it anyway. It was sort of like I didn't want to offer my help on purpose... I just HAD to. Something was making me do it. I didn't really care either way though.

In that case, the man and the girl were happy until she pointed out that all the cars were gone, and then everything got dark. I was nice enough to quickly lead them to the exit which was halfway down a nearby cliff. They escaped without receiving any real harm.
I did notice that time that there was a VERY large, hundreds of feet tall one of those anthropomorphic beings off in the distance thrashing about and walking towards me, and specifically me, I just knew. It also had no head.

I realized at that point that I WAS it's head, and that it wanted me reattached to it. I also didn't really care either way if I was reattached to it or not. I'm not even sure what would happen.

The man I'd saved turned out to be a priest, and while he had gone partially insane from his short trip into hell, he had decided to try to coax me into going to some kind of gathering of clergy in the hopes that they could purge the evil from me. I went with him to train station where many forms of priest had gathered. They were all Abrahamic. I'd say it was about 75% Jewish, 15% Christian and 10% Islamic. This organization's goal was to actively stop the world from being slowly sucked into hell (by me... :D) while remaining out of sight of the public and the spies and servants of whatever evil thing I seemed to be the puppet of.

The head of the organization, and short, bald overweight Jewish man, was skeptical about the priest's claims that I was the primary focus of Hell's attempts to enter the real world. We were in a room filled with holy symbols, there was a large Star of David on the wall behind the rabbi's desk. He apparently had an office at the train station. Before letting them discuss the credibility of the priest's claims I decided to simply show them what I could do and judge for themselves... or, whatever was controlling me decided I should do that. I held out my right hand, which began to shake intensely, I closed it into a fist and blood dripped from it. It turned dark red and when I opened it a small arc of flame shot up towards the ceiling. Before I could finish telling them that I had just used that as an example and I could create much larger bursts of flame the rabbi freaked out.

He said something along the lines of, "You FOOL! Why did you use that here?! Now he can see us!". The building began to shake violently, dust and bits of plaster were falling down. At once all of the holy symbols crumpled up and disappeared, only to be replaced with gaping black holes in the air itself. The large Star of David was pulled back into the wall and the sounds of gale force winds could be heard coming from the hole that replaced it. The clergymen screamed and tried to hold onto heavy objects, but were all pulled into the hole that had formed. I calmly walked out side and witnessed darkness fall for miles around. The hundreds of gathered clergy were being torn apart and consumed by the holes created in place of the very holy symbols they had been wearing. Entire buildings were dropping out of sight into unfathomable holes in reality.

All I thought about all this was that it was very interesting and quite unlike what had happened when I used my powers before. I just noticed the enormous headless creature stepping over some foot hills several miles off when everything suddenly stopped. All the holes vanished, all the clergy were gone and the buildings nearby had all collapsed or disappeared. The only person remaining was the girl from earlier. She just stood there completely wide-eyed and in shock. Then I woke up.

2009 May 24 at 06:47 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Oh boy, it's dream time again!

I'm not sure if this is all the same dream or just parts of other dreams mixed together, but here goes.

So I was at my Dad's house off in the woods and I was hanging out with my stepmom and my two half-brothers, who are always about the age they were when I stopped going there (12 and 9) and there was also the old Golden Retriever we used to have even though he died over a year ago. At any rate, we were at the house and decided we were going to go for a walk to city hall in New York City ("Where I am now, which is a logarithm / Of other cities.") It took us about five minutes down a path by the creek and suddenly we were in New York, at city hall, which was a dilapidated wooden shack with a large porch. There was a staircase running horizontal up the front and at the top, in the corner, there was a gyro vendor. After that, I left them to walk down the street towards the Columbia campus and for some reason there was an old frontier-styled fort on the west end of campus, which is funny for reasons that should be evident enough.

From there, I think I'm missing a transition, but I remember running with some girl I don't remember (I think she was black?) through the western scrublands around nightfall. A helicopter was chasing us and circling around and we had no real way of escaping it. We found a small house on top of a hill that looked fairly modern and well-maintained for being out in the middle of nowhere. I tried pulling on the door, but I discovered it was purely ornamental, an embellishment embedded in the side of the house with absolutely no functionality. So the girl and I climbed up on top of the roof and at the top we found that it angled up like a pyramid and ended in a small square window. Naturally, I busted open that window and jumped in.

The interior of the house was equally modern, pristine and well-kept. I remember blue tiles everywhere and hanging plants, not too much sunlight, but the shades were mostly down in most places and the only real natural illumination was from the skylight above. The problem was that inside was some sort of metaphysical Borgesian nightmare. I had clearly circled what should have been the perimeter of the house, but the rooms kept on changing, as though the inside of the house was itself infinite. I ran into the girl several times and she had a detached, confused expression on her face. She was counting off the rooms, hypnotically, as though she didn't intend to be and had merely been caught up in some system she could not escape. "21", she would say, and then I'd make my way, the rooms would reorient themselves, and I'd see her walking towards me again, "27". I was starting to get a little bugged out by this whole process, so I somehow found where the door was supposed to be and discovered it was functional this time.

I emerged in what appeared to be an older European city, filled with cobblestone walkways and older brick buildings, except the layout of it lended to the belief that this was just one floor on some more massive superstructure, because I could see stairs leading up and down to subway stations with no logical regard for what was above or below ground. As I left the house, I heard a voice call out that a redhead with fiery eyes would be out to destroy me soon. I took note of the sign and continued outward, finding the area patrolled by pleasant-seeming security guards (most of them overweight women, which was odd) that were observing the comings and goings of all the people. One of them began following me. She had dark hair with ruddy blonde highlights and dark eyes, and this sort of complacent smile on her face, but I was instantly suspicious of her. I descended one of the staircases, which lead out straight into the air and a monorail below, which I was to jump on if I wanted to get anywhere.

Now we were racing in a circuit around a green valley carved out in the hills. The city I saw before floated both above and below me. I looked behind me and saw the same security guard who had been following me before, except both her eyes and her hair were now red and she was making her way towards me, moving awkwardly but seemingly unaffected by the velocity we were moving at. She was a sort of grotesque siren, trying to entice me in a way that she explicitly stated would result in death, and yet since she wasn't attractive in any way (or really not my type regardless) I saw no reason to be drawn in to her.

I jumped off the monorail and ended up in downtown Seattle again. The train zipped past and the woman never dropped, so I presumed myself to be safe. I started walking down the street and I saw her again, standing in the middle of a crosswalk passed by tens of people. She was offering some quick cosmetic fix of a sort, something to improve your appearance and well-being, except everyone was completely disinterested or knew that it was a trap (because that was how she got you, of course). She seemed sad and pleading, and for a moment I wasn't sure whether or not I should feel sorry for her, but sure as anything, I passed too and hoped no one would take notice of her, lest they lose their souls and lives in the process.

I continued down the street, past various shops, but none of them sold the standard fare of clothing and gadgets, but instead elaborate masks and fountains and gardening supplies, as though consumer tendencies had abruptly shifted towards reconstructing a jungle in your own home. I found a small cactus, which was round and free-floating, requiring no soil whatsoever, but the second you touched it, it would shed its spines, sticking them to anything in the vicinity, like the reaction of some venus fly trap except without the need for nutrition. My mother was waiting on a large fountain outside one of the stores. She showed me a small stone seahorse that you were supposed to plant in the pot with any kind of plant. If you spat on it, it would secrete just the right amount of water required to keep the plant healthy.

I kept walking and came out by my dad's parent's house in Ballard. It was a regular family gathering, except both sides of my family were there which was near unheard of. I looked out from the front porch down onto the street and saw an asian organ grinder, looking sad and just grinding away until someone paid attention to him. My grandma came out and said that the man was a messenger from my Sumatran half-uncle (I don't actually have one of these). Apparently, my grandpa worked on the side as a world-famous smuggler and somewhere along the line fathered an illegitimate child in southeast Asia (all this was explained to me in a flashback). My grandma had come to peace with this somehow and treated it in a bemused manner.

I descended the stairs to the street and my half-uncle was waiting there. Everything had abruptly become rather spooky, like a caricature of a graveyard in some Army of Darkness sense. There was a a set of wooden planks molded into the soil and leading up a small hill to what I assumed was the yard. My mother (it wasn't really my mother) came down with my brothers (not her sons anyway) and started pleading with my half-uncle, but he remained serious, stoic, and silent. She became so distraught that she turned into a green smoke cloud, but the kind that had a discernible face, again like in fantasy movies. She floated in a storm towards the graveyard and began shouting at my half-uncle "Call out to me!". My "brothers" and I kept trying except she wouldn't respond, she was completely fixated on him and nothing we did amounted to anything. "Call out to me! Call out to me!"

and then my alarm went off.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 May 24 at 06:49 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
For some reason, aaronjer's headless giants reminded me of the god warriors in Nausicaa.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 May 24 at 06:58 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Okay. Seriously. I have to know... we both have dreams where extremely weird shit is happening around us... but do you have the same sort of lack of interest that I have? I mean, for me it would be like I'd notice that a city with floating nonsensical structures didn't make any sense... I just wouldn't really care. Do you have that too? Where none of it seems as interesting as it really is until you wake up, and you're fixated on some particular thing that is commonly mundane compared to your surroundings?
2009 May 24 at 07:03 UTC — Ed. 2009 May 24 at 07:07 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Shouldn't the headless giants remind you more of the... headless giant... in Princess Mononoke? It didn't seem very reminiscent of that in the dream, but upon writing this dream out I noticed the similarity.
2009 May 24 at 07:07 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
It's not that I'm disinterested... well, sometimes that DOES happen, for different reasons. I've had plenty of dreams where I've been arbitrarily killed off and then switched to a third person camera point of view, and that doesn't really have the same kind of interest. I sometimes have emotional responses to things and needs within dreams, but if I'm looking at some weird floaty city thing, I don't really regard it as anything out of the ordinary. Regardless of whatever weird shit is going down around me, even if something really scary is after me, I don't think "oh, why me, this shouldn't be happening, the world isn't like this, this shouldn't be real", I just treat it as though it is real and move forward from there.

And as for the giants, we should totally get Hayao Miyazaki on the horn about this one because he would know.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 May 24 at 07:12 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
The headless giant had neither the motives nor the recent history of the Forest Spirit. My understanding is that it had removed it's head on purpose and sent it forth into the real world where it had, as a necessity, taken the form of me. It's like I was an extra consciousness formed as a side-effect of the giant's attempts to force it's way into the real world. Apparently the only way it could cross over was to send it's head first and wait for me to use magic powers enough to give it time to reach me before the hell dimension collapsed or became part of hell itself. It SHOULD have been utterly terrifying. I don't know why it wasn't.
2009 May 24 at 07:16 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Alright, look... I just had this dream where I was trying to prove to my boss (the head of some space technology company) that I knew the whereabouts of all the lost works of one Professor Vaughn. He was an elusive scientist, a genius inventor and always on the fringes of the law and known space.

I had actually been to Vaughn's secret underground space laboratory before, and although I was never actually told the location it didn't matter. Apparently everyone already knew where his lab USED to be, they just couldn't figure out where it had gone. I knew that for whatever reason you had to go to a specific set of seemingly unrelated coordinates first and THEN go to where the lab was or it wouldn't be there.

Strangely, my method of travel was just floating freely in space with no sort of protection. I would simply will myself in the direction I wished to go and I would travel there as fast as any space vessel. My boss, an angry looking, short and bald man was inside a company vessel. With him were a few technicians and... SuperJer. SuperJer had also apparently been to Professor Vaughn's secret lab. At least he better have, otherwise he had no reason to be tagging along! After making our way to a wandering planet, nearly impossible to see in the darkness, we turned towards the lab.

The lab was immediately obvious upon arrival. It was a metallic structure made of a cylinder encircled by three rings spaced evenly apart. On the center ring on each side there was a set of guns that were significantly larger than the ship everyone else was travelling in. They turned towards the ship and opened fire. Luckily the shots were slow-moving and easy to dodge... probably some kind of anti-capital ship PURASUMA!!! weapon. While the boss was busy dancing about like a god damn fairy in his space cruiser I floated down to the guns and flipped an extremely conspicuous on/off switch. The guns indeed stopped firing.

We apparently docked somewhere and made our way inside the lab. Everyone was very excited to see what valuable technologies we might acquire in our plundering raid... the lab looked nothing like how I remembered it other than the shape. I had been expecting walls of terminals and machinery, half-finished devices and robots and the occasional extremely dangerous security mechanism. Instead I found an underfurnished living room adjoined to a dining room with one of those fake gas-powered fireplaces. The boss was so wholly unimpressed he decided to go back to his ship and shout for a while. The technicians looked bored and just sat around... but SuperJer and I... we knew better. There had to be some strange trick to finding the actual lab. Our first idea was to check places where the real lab had secret containers. Upon inspection we found all of them. A row of five in the living room and 3 more on the floor between the living room and the dining room. All of them were empty save one. It contained an old paperback book on magic tricks for kids. I was now thoroughly annoyed, but SuperJer quickly scanned the pages for anything of interest. Part of one trick was circled, the part detailed the need to show a decoy while the real trick was hidden from view.

For obvious reasons I jumped back into space to search for the actual lab. I emitted some kind of wide spread pulse from my body in various directions until I saw a distortion in space. I emitted a much stronger pulse towards the distortion and a new structure slowly revealed itself through a dispersing black, inky cloud. The structure was identical to the decoy structure except that it was positively bristling with weaponry. Missile launchers, lasers and machine guns of all sizes were slapped on this thing in no sort of symmetrical fashion. It still had giant PURASUMA cannons as well, although they looked sleeker and more dangerous. I quickly floated in towards the PURASUMA cannons, the various turrets all opened fire. I emitted that pulse again and it caused all forms of fire to hang in place for a couple seconds before continuing on their trajectory, making it a simple matter to avoid them. The same overly conspicuous on/off switch was placed on the cannons, but the "on" and "off" were replaced with an angry smiley face and a happy smiley face. Upon flipping the switch all the external defenses deactivated.

Everyone was now inside the real space lab of Professor Vaughn. I told everyone that the security in the place would only recognize Vaughn and would use lethal force on anyone else who entered. I went out of the airlock and into the first security checkpoint before anyone else. I was armed with a semi-automatic pistol and a combat knife... strangely low-tech given the setting. A very tall (6'9" or so) thin man in a light tan jumpsuit and a motorcycle helmet blocked my path. He had an enormous dog. The dog was at least 5 feet tall, and was a very shaggy looking golden retriever of the same tan color of the man's jumpsuit. The dog also hand an antenna sticking out of it's forehead and a collar that had the name Mary on it. He held out his hand as if to motion that I should not progress, the dog looked completely unmenacing. Without a second thought I shot the man in the knees and then shot the dog's antenna off. The dog still had the same unmenacing look, but it bit down on the man's torso and started shaking him about. He screamed "Mary, noooooo!" but the dog just kepting flailing him about like a rag doll. The stress had caused a lot of hemorrhaging and his organs were spilling out on the floor. I shot the dog in the head and it dropped to the floor motionless. I shot it three more times just to make sure it was dead, and then shot the tall man twice more in the chest. He still wasn't quite dead, but I just left him there. That amounted to all of the security in the lab.

Past the security checkpoint the laboratory waited. It really was full of all the things I had expected, but the whole place was powered down. A single red light blinked at the far end of the lab where it was too dark to see anything. There were drawers you could pull out by the red light with motherboard looking computer parts and many criss-crossing wires. I held up a flashlight and SuperJer and one of the technicians worked on switching them around in some fashion I didn't understand. Eventually the light turned green and power was restored to the lab. We were now able to see that this whole end of the lab was filled with the skeletal remains of people in lab coats. The boss just pointed at them and screamed loudly. He wouldn't stop screaming, he never even took a breath. SuperJer then turned to me and looked somewhat disappointed while he said, "We better get back to the car wash."

Then I woke up.
2009 Jun 5 at 23:35 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 5 at 23:39 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
1. It seems as though aaronjer was fitted with some combo smartbomb/interdiction sphere, which is funny because I'm certain that you could not fit the later.

2. The anecdote with the lab security (re: Mary) has also caused me internal hemorrhaging.

3. Of all times to go to the car wash, that was one of them.

4. I appreciate that the boss did nothing but yell the entire time.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Jun 5 at 23:51 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
aaronjer said:
It really was full of all the things I had expected

so what did you expect?
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Jun 5 at 23:51 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
the_cloud_system said:
aaronjer said:
It really was full of all the things I had expected

so what did you expect?

It's up there earlier. The walls of machinery, terminals, and half-finished robots. etc.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Jun 5 at 23:53 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
oh lol
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Jun 5 at 23:54 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I liked the implication that we were all actually car wash employees and we were screwing around when we should be at work. And that car wash employees have space ships, guns, and amazing technological skill.
2009 Jun 6 at 07:57 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
this topic has so many replys
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2009 Jun 6 at 09:01 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
fedex _ said:
this topic has so many replys

See it's posts like that that earn angry posts in return. Thanks for noticing, you know?

Another interesting, crazy dream from AJ. You have to wonder what kind of guy Professor Vaughn was to have switches controlling the external defences for his base next to the external defences for his base...
2009 Jun 6 at 10:57 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
This topic have so many dreams. Don't let them come true.

Else, the guy in yellow shoes will hunt you down. Like in my dream about a yellow shoed man, hunting me down.
2009 Jun 6 at 11:01 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I'll bet Professor Vaughn wore yellow shoes. I never actually saw him... surprisingly I never even imagined what he might look like... even though I had supposedly met him a long time agoperiod

And come to think of it, Enjay, I never actually knew how to fit smartbombs either.
2009 Jun 6 at 13:52 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 6 at 14:39 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
Sleep deprivation.....
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Jun 6 at 18:34 UTC
2009 Jun 10 • 1
hi can anyone tell me how to place down weapons in valve hammer editor and disabling players from buying!
2009 Jun 10 at 18:20 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
NSR said:
hi can anyone tell me how to place down weapons in valve hammer editor and disabling players from buying!

No. Not here anyway.

In chat I've already said:
NSR you won't believe this but superjer actually coded the possibility of making a truck in the Hammer Mapping section for a reason...
Not to mention edan making a whole firetruck named Mapping F.A.Q.-read before posting for a reason and it wasn't that I owe aaronjer a quarter.

And what the hell does this have to do with dreams? This is the one firetruck on this forum where we at least kind of stay on topic for more than -3 posts and now you come and go into a totally different direction.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jun 10 at 19:49 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 10 at 20:03 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Alright, here's one about saving mentally retarded or emotionally damaged mexicans from hell... or something:

I had a dream that Zarathustra (the forams member, aka Alex) and I were in a very bad place... it was akin to a modern city turned into hell. It was not totally unlike the extra bad version of Silent Hill in the Silent Hill movie. Everything was very dark, the sky was a barely illuminated red, and pillars of inky, black smoke rose inexplicably from many places. Huge chasms scarred their way across roads and straight through buildings, they were seemingly bottomless. A few of the chasms had cast iron constructions build along their walls.

I know that Alex and I were not supposed to be in that place. We had only recently arrived, and were somewhere in the multi-floored basement of a partially collapsed skyscraper. Alex had a flashlight, and I had a pump-action shotgun... but only 2 shells. There was no light in the basement at all, so progress was slow. I knew that somewhere in the basement we had left another shotgun and the rest of our ammunition, and we were searching for it. The reason we had left such useful things behind was unclear, but likely it was because of some urgent doom at hand.

Surprisingly, we didn't run into anything dangerous at all before finding Alex's shotgun, and another 2 dozen or so shotgun shells. We did come across a few bodies, however, all of them withe their upper body torn from the lower half, and with bags over their heads. They were wearing little more than rags. Some of the bodies had various kitchen and combat knives on them, we decided to take purchase of them.

We made our way outside, and the 'city' seemed to consist of one main road lined with skyscrapers on either side. In one direction the skyscrapers appeared to continue over the horizon and on the other they stopped after a half mile. Beyond the skyscrapers there was nothing but dim sky. The buildings furthest down the road suddenly crumbled and toppled sideways as if over the edge of the world. A few minutes later the next set of buildings went over, these were close enough to see that the road was falling away with them. Apparently this world was collapsing from one end to the other... it would probably be only an hour before the ground we were standing on would fall into the abyss. This is when several dozen people with bags over their heads emerged from the buildings and alleys along the street. All of them had knives, and a few had crossbows. They looked emaciated and weak, almost as though they were suffering from some wasting disease, but they moved quickly in their lurching manner.

They had been waiting for us, but they were not hostile... which was good because it would have taken all of our ammunition to dispatch them. One of them told us that they were going to try to get further down the street, so as to not die. They told us that they'd have to turn off the city's power to make it any further, because the way was blocked by Angries. He told me we'd know the Angries when we saw them, because they wouldn't be wearing bags over their heads. I guess these people wore the bags just to distinguish themselves from the Angries. At once the army of bag-heads charged down the street, we followed suit (although we didn't lurch). Something had started chasing us, and two of the slowest bagheads had been caught up to, and made muffled and quickly cut off screams. We rounded our way into an alley, where a chasm lay before us. The chasm had iron platforms jutting out of the side, connected by ramps, stairs and ladders. Whatever was chasing us apparently couldn't be fought, because everyone was making a mad dash down the platforms without even looking back. I decided to take the quick route and jumped over the edge of a platform down several floors. I rolled when I landed and almost when straight into the chasm, there were no railings on this floor. I'm unsure where Alex was at this point, but I heard a shotgun fire a few times and a howling noise.

I was on the bottom platform, and it jutted out much further than the rest. There was a row of nearly a hundred large, rusty levers attached to the chasm wall here, I could only assume this is what we were looking for. The levers were not easy to budge, I had to use all of my weight to bring one down. I couldn't see what it had done due to my being in a chasm. The four bagheads with crossbows had made their way down and were aiming up towards higher ramps. The ones with knives were busy pulling down levers and disconnecting plugs I hadn't noticed before. The four bag heads fired at once, and some bluish, hairless four-legged creature about twice the size of a male lion tumbled over the edge into the abyss with a groaning sound. A panel of wall suddenly came crashing down next to me with a loud "Hoo-ah!" sound. Alex emerged from some kind of secret passage and said, "I make my OWN road!". I was all like, "Shut up and pull levers." Six of the blue creatures crashed down from above, shaking the platform violently and causing a crossbow baghead to fall over the edge. Another one calmly walked down the steps with a pair of human legs hanging out of it's mouth. The creatures had the body of a large cat, twice the size of a lion, as I had said. They had no tail, and somewhat human heads. Their mouths were abnormally large and they had no noses or ears. Their eyes were either squinted or closed. The "lion" walking down the stairs crunched the person in it's mouth in half, their legs falling onto the ground, and spit out the upper half. It was now time for a fight.

Most of the bagheads turned to charge the lions with their measly knives, although a few remained to pull levers. Everything happened quickly, one lion took 3 crossbow bolts to the face, but stumbled into and knocked two more crossbow bagheads into the chasm with it. I fired two shells into the body of a lion, which wounded and stunned it, but did not kill it. I retreated to load more ammunition. A pile of bagheads jumped onto the wounded lion and stabbed and slashed at it maniacally. The last crossbow baghead was torn in half by a lion while reloading. Alex had slugs loaded instead of buckshot, and fired one into the forehead of a lunging lion, smashing it's head to pieces. He fired a second shot at a lion that was chasing bagheads, but only grazed it's jaw. It was, however, enough to stun it long enough to let the bagheads leap onto it and slash it to death. The other lions had killed at least a dozen bagheads during this time by crushing or eating them. There was little hope of attacking an unstunned lion with a knife, even en masse. I loaded more buckshot and blew off another lion's front legs with two well placed shots, it rolled down the now slanted platform over the edge, toppling over another baghead and taking him with it. Alex dove under a lunging lion and shot it in the ass, causing it to smash headlong into the row of levers. A surge of electricity went down the row, killing it and all the bagheads who were working on the levers. There was now one lion and about 15 bagheads still alive. Alex and I fired at the lion simultaneously, while the bagheads accurately and effectively threw their knives. It had no chance, and was likely dead before it slid off the platform.

It was getting very difficult to stand on the platform now, which had nearly come loose from the wall during the commotion. All of the levers had been pulled, however, and the bagheads had started running up the stairs. Alex and I were too far away to make it in time, so we quickly dashed into the secret passage. The only light was Alex's flashlight, and we used it to go up a spiraling staircase. At the top we came out right next to the chasm. Only two bagheads came from the iron construction, nearly tripping over themselves in their haste. A final lion came up after them with blood all over it's face. It was a bit larger than the previous lions and was a white flesh color. Alex and I advanced at it firing repeatedly, using all of our ammo. It received only minor injuries from each shot, but it had been pushed back to the edge of the platform. That was when the entire construction creaked slightly, and then came loose. The lion didn't make it. Alex jested, "Next time we do this I'm bringing rockets."

The two bagheads were a man and a woman, both without weapons or injuries. The man was very obviously mentally retarded, with his slow, simple and deliberate speech. The woman was totally silent, and just followed us, she was the only baghead that walked without limping or lurching. The man pointed out a building as we walked down the street and said, "Exit." Alex and I hoped this meant it was the exit from this weird hell city, not that we weren't having fun. The city was still collapsing in our direction, and the regular sound of a building going into the abyss could be heard. I asked the man why the woman wouldn't say anything, and the man said that the woman's voice fell into the abyss with her sister. I suppose that's one way to say she's in shock... I guess. Also, upon asking, I couldn't get either of their names. I started calling the retard 'Kazan' after the movie Cube, but I didn't bother calling the woman anything as talking to her was pointless.

The building was easily the most normal and distinguishable structure in the city I had seen. It was the only building that wasn't a skyscraper, and it was clearly labelled as an elementary school. There was no power here, due to our previous escapade, and we couldn't see anything at all inside. Kazan looked at Alex and said "No light. Angries." Alex's flashlight was not currently on, but it was obvious he meant for him to not turn it on. We followed Kazan through the front door, and down a hallway to the left. It turned to the right at the corner of the building. The hallway before us was a long stretch, windows on the left and doors to classrooms on the right. At the very far end there was a faint light coming from a door to the right. The majority of the hallway, however, was pitch black. Through the window of the first room I could just barely make out the forms of people sitting at desks, they all appeared to be sleeping. One person was near the window and shuffling about, they appeared to take no notice of us in the low light. Kazan whispered "Quiet" and we slowly made our way down the hall. We couldn't see or hear each other anymore at all. I could only assume the four of us were still together. I nearly had a heart attack as there was a loud bang in front of me. Alex had dropped his flashlight, and it had turned on... it loudly rolled along the floor, facing the the right side. We watched in horror and perfect stillness as it rolled right in front of a classroom, illuminating the contents. The classroom was devoid of occupants, it was dusty, but everything was in order. It looked like nobody had entered it in years.

Then a multitude of figures suddenly shot up from right behind the window and slammed themselves against the glass. They looked like regular people, if not dirty, but they were all screaming angrily and staring at us. Kazan was loudly whispering, "Light off, light off!" and looking very desperately at Alex. Alex scrambled for the flashlight, which was still rolling away, but the Angries were already barreling out the door only feet away. I threw one of my two knives at the angry in front, and it stuck right in her forehead. She fell back into the other Angries, slowing them down. I jumped over Alex while he was crawling about, and smashed another Angry over the head with the butt of my shotgun. I pulled the knife out of the forehead of the first angry and was just about to stab the next clawing psychopath in the chest when the light went off. I paused, now surrounded by darkness again, and toppled over with the dead woman as the Angries backed off. Apparently Kazan was wrong, we didn't actually have to be quiet, as the Angries lost interest in us the instant they could no longer see us. I turned back and asked if everyone was still there. Alex and Kazan gave affirmations, but I received no response from the woman. I slowly waved my hand back and forth and walked towards where I thought she might be, and found a woman's hand, which tightly grabbed on to mine. It was slightly disconcerting, but I felt around at head level to find a bag, so as to make sure it wasn't an Angry still milling about. It was definitely the silent woman... also she wouldn't let go of my hand. Upon trying to move forward, the silent woman trembled a bit and then started falling forward. I couldn't tell what was wrong and I knew there was no point in asking... maybe she was scared? Maybe she had been injured and couldn't walk? No idea. Either way, I didn't waste any time lifting her up on to my back, and piggybacked her down the hallway. At least she let go of my hand so I could hold her up properly and she was fairly small, but I had to leave my empty shotgun behind. I also could feel what I presumed was warm blood trickling onto my hand from the woman's thigh. I still couldn't tell if she was scared or injured... I didn't SMELL pee, but it already smelled intensely of death and smoke in this place anyway.

At the end of the hall there was a white light coming from the crack of the door. Alex found a handle and opened it without saying anything... even though it would let the Angries see us again. Kazan made a nervous moan that clearly meant "Hurry", we ran through the door and someone slammed it shut. It was so bright I couldn't see for a moment.

When my vision cleared I saw that we were outside... of a grocery store... in what appeared to be a normal city. I turned around in confusion and saw that there was no door where we had come from, just the wall of the grocery store. Alex said, "That door just totally fucking disappeared when I closed it." and I was all, "Good riddance, that door was like, super gay". Alex, by the way, had apparently been wearing urban camo and sunglasses this entire time, which I couldn't see before since he never flashed the light on himself. I don't know how he could see at all with sunglasses on in that dark place. I had been wearing a suit-jacket over a t-shirt and matching suit pants, which also didn't make sense because that place was fucking hot and I wouldn't have kept the jacket on even beside that because it would restrict mobility. I could now see that the silent woman had a bad gash on her thigh right above where I had been holding her. Yay! She didn't pee on me!

The bagheads finally un-bagged their heads. Kazan was a bald hispanic man in his mid 20's, and had numerous burn marks on his face and hands. He had a very strong and intelligent face that completely belied his mental handicap. Also he had a very fine, bushy mustache. The silent woman was of similar age and race, but was hiding long black hair under the bag. She was pretty if you saw past the dried streaks of blood coming from under a bandage wrapped over her eye, and the bruised gash going up her cheek, and the greasy grime... but her teeth were perfect and pearly white! She didn't seem relieved like the rest of us to be out of that hellish place (or maybe it WAS Hell, I dunno). She was just as silent as before, and if I didn't have to carry her I'm sure she would have just followed us like before.

We were in a small town on an island, with weather similar to that of southern California. Either Alex or I, It never became apparent who, owned a house on the beach. The four of us rested and recuperated there. The silent woman actually had to be set down in the shower. She didn't resist or help in any way when disrobing her, dressing her wounds or anything at all except that she'd eat if you put food in her mouth and go to the bathroom if you put her on a toilet. Kazan, for some reason, compulsively set about to doing yard and house work. He was always wearing denim overalls, a grey long-sleeved shirt, rubber boots and a blank black baseball cap. Alex was now dressed like Bayman from DOA 2, which makes sense, because that's how he actually dresses. We put the silent woman in a sun dress, because it didn't require a lot of awkward fuss when trying to take care of her basic needs. After an incident in which the silent woman had left her hand on a stove while it was turning on, I realized that the four of us had some strange properties. We seemed to have developed a resistance to heat, as her hand was undamaged. Kazan's resistance seemed the most effective, as he could put his hand in a fireplace with no pain or damage and the rest of us couldn't. Eventually Kazan's eyes turned black, and small amounts of flame would emit from his mouth if he coughed or breathed heavily. The rest of us followed suit soon. The changing stopped when we all had solid black eyes and could willfully breathe fire like a dragon. The silent woman had regained more of her ability to take care of herself, but would still follow Alex or I around wherever we went.

I don't remember what happened after this point, but I know I was driving with the silent woman and Alex to go get fast-food when I woke up. I also remember that people on the island were very fearful of us, even though we never showed them any hostility. I think some of them even saw us come out of that door...
2009 Jun 22 at 06:57 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 28 at 16:19 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
Wow, that sure is a long writing, bro.
2009 Jun 22 at 13:53 UTC — Ed. 2009 Jun 22 at 13:53 UTC
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