Dream Time

Dream Time

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*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Bleh... I probably forgot a lot that I don't even remember I forgot, but I suppose I'll put up what I wrote when I had time.

The military sent us after a group of bandits that had managed to steal a few vehicles from an army base. Our objective was to return the vehicles with as little damage as possible and before the bandits could go into hiding with them. Mr. Hill, GaryJer, myself and our helicopter crew of two pilots caught up with them at a conspicuously undamaged fueling station on a blasted desert road. There were around a dozen bandits, and they were spread out among the four vehicles they had stolen. There were two APC's with some kind of hover engines, a wheeled APC, and an enormous and heavily armored supply truck. By enormous I mean that it was at least fifty feet tall. It was just ridiculous, and there was no feasible location to park it. I assume it was packed full of bandit loot, but I never actually checked.

The three of us inverted as soon as we were close enough to make it to somebody in ten seconds and leapt forth from our transport chopper. I went after the only guard who was paying attention while Mr. Hill and GaryJer inverted into the two hover APCs and killed the crews. The guard had a bandolier of grenades, and instead of simply scrambling him I used them against him. I gave one of the grenades an inversion field, to pull it into "slow time" or whatever, pulled the pin and moved away. The explosion actually started before the inversion effect collapsed, but turned the man into kibbles and bits anyway.

I vaguely remember a short attempt by the remaining bandits to escape that caused some frustration. They got the other two vehicles moving down the road before we could get to them, and there was no safe way to get into their vehicles as they were tall enough to have to climb into them. Inversion made that impossible without inverting part of the vehicle. If I remember correctly, GaryJer quickly ended the chase by perfectly timing the throws of inverted concussion grenades so that they went off inside the vehicles. Once the bandits were all incapacitated or dead we took the helicopter home. I suppose someone from the military was going to come for the vehicles before long.

I returned home to discover that Gold had not shown up for the escort to work in the morning. For some reason nobody but me knew where her apartment in the city was. I went with Roxy (who was chaperoning for me) to check on her. I found her dead. Killed instantly by either a gunshot or a stab wound through the spine just below her neck. I believe she had been murdered only hours ago as she was dressed for work and appeared to have been sitting down for breakfast when she died. I don't believe she saw it coming as there was no sign of a struggle. She also had a curious and disturbing smile on her face for a dead woman. Roxy completely freaked out, slid down the wall and had a good panicked cry while I reassured myself that I wasn't to blame. I wouldn't have been there to protect her in the city where things were relatively safe even if I hadn't left, and even if I'd convinced her to be an inverter she would've died before having the chance to defend herself.

Back in the restaurant things were not going very well. Gold had been the star attraction of the restaurant. Her loss and the stigma associated with murder seemed to be keeping the customers away. Customers also feared that a rival crime syndicate to the one the owner wished to join was responsible for her death, and that they may be targeted as well. Roxy stayed at arm's reach from me whenever possible, as she was still just as panicked and believed she was likely to be the next target. It wasn't a problem that she was in no position to get any work done, as there were less customers than staff. For once I found myself glad that Rice was away... somewhere. I don't know where, but wherever it was I didn't think she was in any danger. As a security precaution, in case Gold's murder wasn't random or for unrelated reasons, I gave the rest of the waitresses inversion fields without telling them. That way I could easily keep track of them and know if they were in a state of abject terror.

Roxy and another waitress I do not remember the name of refused to go home alone. I was once again pleased that Rice was away, as she likely wouldn't have been happy with my new inseparable cadre of pretty girls. Roxy wouldn't even use the bathroom with a window (there was another that had no windows) for fear of being attacked while she was out of my sight, and couldn't sleep without being sure I was in the room with her. The other waitress was much less terrified, likely since she did not have the sight of her best friend's blood-soaked corpse in recent memory. She simply stayed on the premises overnight and watched her back. Watching Roxy sleep wasn't as much fun without Rice, but she somehow seemed like a precious commodity now that she was in danger and so I did not leave her side. Strangely enough, the other waitresses didn't seem particularly important to me, I guess just because I didn't know them very well.

I don't remember if anything else happened or not. But that was probably everything of consequence.
2009 Dec 29 at 06:30 UTC — Ed. 2009 Dec 29 at 06:39 UTC
2010 Jan 3 • 2

I don't want to share this dream but since were sharing umm.

I had a dream one day i was umm 'playing' with a blow up doll on my 'bed' and i looked around and there my dad was looking at me in a chair out of nowhere!....

Nintendo Forum
2010 Jan 3 at 19:45 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
andre said:

I don't want to share this dream but since were sharing umm.

I had a dream one day i was umm 'playing' with a blow up doll on my 'bed' and i looked around and there my dad was looking at me in a chair out of nowhere!....

Nintendo Forum

Dude i had a dream just like that! Except, with a pillow...
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2010 Jan 3 at 20:55 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧

i onley put this on for the... "YAH!!!" part with the high fives
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jan 3 at 22:09 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 3 at 22:09 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
At the start of this dream I was still a young girl, I was back in the school again, and I had lost my ladder. I had also fallen unconscious due to some sort of "possession complications" during an assembly and was currently on the floor and drooling on another girl's bright red shoes. My left thigh was in a minor amount of pain, and I discovered it was because I was laying on a knife that I had concealed under my skirt. It was held in place by one of those girly lacey elastic bands, a garter, is it? I had this knife so that I might stab myself and transfer the injury to someone else. It was considerably more painful than simply stabbing them directly, but it left me mostly blameless.

My ladder had fallen down some stairs by accident, thus causing me to fall unconscious, and while I was asleep it had likely been taken to a storage room. If I was going to kill that bastard Falker... or Dulton, or whichever one was really him, I needed my body and the rest of my soul back! This meant that getting to my ladder and finding a way to destroy it was absolutely imperative. The girl whose shoes I was drooling on was looking worried and a little upset, so I got back into my seat. I wasn't sure how long I had been out, but Archmage Dulton, the principal of the school, and the person I strongly suspected of secretly being the angel Falker, was still droning on about something boring. Now, Dulton didn't look a thing like Falker... Dulton looked like a non-mustached Santa Claus and Falker looked like a male model... but I just KNEW.

I didn't want to raise a ruckus while Dulton was watching, as he might investigate and discover who I really was, so I was forced to put up with his incredibly disinteresting and melancholic speech about the sudden and infuriatingly time-consuming death of one of my fellow students. If I had known this would have taken so long I would have been more careful as to not actually kill her. I suppose it would be prudent to be thankful that nobody knew I had been involved. When Dulton was finished he declared that he had serious business to attend to. He opened a portal and before anyone could finish gasping he was gone.

I stood myself up, quite of of turn, as the assembly was nowhere near it's deserved end, and went straight for the nearest door. A teacher blocked my path. His face and attitude annoyed me and I had no time to convince him out of my way so I took the only rational course of action and stabbed myself in the kidney. I transfered the wound to him by touch, thereby eluding the baleful glare of the violence detectors, and was out the door before anyone saw what happened.

I had a faint cognition of the whereabouts of my ladder, but the maze-like construction of the bowels of the school perplexed me enough to keep me wandering for several minutes. I was feeling much stronger, so I knew I was getting closer. Only a few more turns and a door or two and I would be reunited with my beloved ladder! Unfortunately a pair of ne'er-do-well students blocked my path, and they appeared to be grossly overestimating how much of a threat I was to them. My body must have belonged to the kind of girl who would have immediately reported the whereabouts and actions of these delinquents, and I wasn't about to convince them otherwise. There were no violence detectors present in the basement, and these two boys were each twice my size. I muttered that if I had my ladder they'd both be dust by now and I brandished my knife. Or, at least, I tried to... but I had apparently lost it somewhere. If I could even make it to the end of the hallway I'd have enough strength to turn these two into hamburger. I'm not sure what their intentions were, but the skinnier one rushed me. With only a little luck I managed to trip him judo-style and he smashed his nose in on the dusty concrete. The heavier one got hold of my arm and painfully twisted behind my back, possibly dislocating something. With no effort at all, as he was already touching me, I transfered the wound to him. He let go and stepped back with surprise. The skinnier one had time to get up and rush at me again, this time I leapfrogged over him and he crashed head-first into a wall. I ran to the end of the hallway and turned to face them. They looked as though they no longer wanted anything to do with me, but I glared at them and turned them to dust for good measure.

I was now far removed from anyone suspicious or curious and had all the time in the world to find a way to annihilate my precious ladder. I tried tearing, bending and stomping it. I burned it, I froze it, I tried to disintegrate it... I even tried to eat it! Nothing I did put a scratch on my ladder. Apparently containing my soul augmented it, and the power I could muster even when I was so close wasn't enough to destroy it. Someone would have to be strong enough to kill me when I was at my best if they were going to bring down this mighty ladder. The only person I knew of who fit the bill was Dulton/Falker himself. It wouldn't be easy for me to convince him to help me kill him, but at least now I wasn't wandering around ladderless.

The room around me had caught fire while I was attempting to send my ladder to its maker. I made my way back upstairs without bothering to extinguish it. The assembly had ended and the halls were bloated with a flush of students. Emotions ran rampant through them, like some kind of sorrowful contagion. From this I learned that these students don't like it when you kill them. I found it difficult to navigate while I held my ladder. Progress to Dulton's office was slow and slippery with tears.

I was accosted by the girl with bright red shoes and my 'friend' Sully. They were concerned about my inexplicable actions and sleeping spells. They were also concerned about my recent ladder obsession. They were so concerned about my ladder obsession that they had completely forgotten my sudden ill manners, lack of interest in athletic events, and tendency to spend long hours staring at girls in the locker room. Excuses about burnt out lights and signs that needed changing no longer placated them. My ladderlust was apparent and cause for difficult questions. I considered killing everyone around me and making a bee-line for Dulton, but that would give away who I was too easily. Instead I told Red Shoes and Sully that the ladder was possessed with an evil spirit, and that I needed to take it to Dulton and have him exorcise it. Trusting and naive as they were they accepted my answer after probing the ladder momentarily and discovering powerful magics inside it.

Outside Dulton's office I told Red Shoes and Sully that I was feeling weak from carrying the evil ladder too long. I had them go into Dulton's office with the ladder while I stayed outside. Dulton would immediately know who I was if he saw me with the ladder... but I hoped he would believe I was merely hiding myself inside the ladder and destroy it, thinking it would kill me. Upon the destruction of the ladder I would gain a massive surge of energy, and I would be far stronger than I ever had been for a brief moment. Hopefully strong enough to turn Dulton/Falker into pudding in an instant, instead of having to risk losing in battle to him a second time. Things didn't go so easily. Dulton asked me to come into his office, and inside I found he was more concerned with my well-being than he was with the destruction of my ladder. As long as I did not touch the ladder in his presence it was unlikely he would recognize me, so I played along while he used restorative magics on me. It took a great deal of effort to pretend that his magic was helping, and not actually hurting me. Lucky for me Red Shoes and Sully were too nervous to say much, and didn't say anything about the obvious signs that I wasn't who I looked like.

Finally, Dulton summoned his magic sword, and with an incantation and a flourish he slashed the ladder in twain. A surge of light and a distortion in the air conspicuously blasted across the room and into my body. My ring burned hot and fused itself to my finger, and Dulton was wide-eyed with surprise. I tried to move, tried to reach out and kill that bastard... but alas, I was unable to move. The surge of power I had received was so strong that I could barely even move. I was in shock, but very aware of the danger I was in. Dulton, figuring out what had happened, transformed into his Angelic self and shouted "It's YOU! I should have known!". He advanced upon me wings spread wide and sword raised in the air, to strike me down a second and likely final time. As a last ditch effort, in the girliest, most nervous and terrified voice I could muster, I uttered a barely-audible call for help. Falker hesitated for a moment, obviously wondering if the girl I had possessed could still be saved, and if killing me would kill her. Unfortunately for him she was already quite dead, and I only needed that brief pause to get my act together. I lunged at him and wrapped myself around him. We were enveloped by a fantastic light and I could feel his body give way and turn to ashes as I brought my arms up against my chest.

The light faded and I found myself on the floor. I stood and saw Red Shoes and Sully looking at me with awe and disbelief. Red Shoes tried to say something but only emitted a short and stuttered "Uh". I looked at them calmly and said innocently, "Do you want to hang out after school?"

Then I woke up.
2010 Jan 8 at 05:04 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 8 at 05:04 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
aaronjer said:
At the start of this dream I was still a young girl, I was back in the school again, and I had lost my ladder. I had also fallen unconscious due to some sort of "possession complications" during an assembly and was currently on the floor and drooling on another girl's bright red shoes. My left thigh was in a minor amount of pain, and I discovered it was because I was laying on a knife that I had concealed under my skirt. It was held in place by one of those girly lacey elastic bands, a garter, is it? I had this knife so that I might stab myself and transfer the injury to someone else. It was considerably more painful than simply stabbing them directly, but it left me mostly blameless.

My ladder had fallen down some stairs by accident, thus causing me to fall unconscious, and while I was asleep it had likely been taken to a storage room. If I was going to kill that bastard Falker... or Dulton, or whichever one was really him, I needed my body and the rest of my soul back! This meant that getting to my ladder and finding a way to destroy it was absolutely imperative. The girl whose shoes I was drooling on was looking worried and a little upset, so I got back into my seat. I wasn't sure how long I had been out, but Archmage Dulton, the principal of the school, and the person I strongly suspected of secretly being the angel Falker, was still droning on about something boring. Now, Dulton didn't look a thing like Falker... Dulton looked like a non-mustached Santa Claus and Falker looked like a male model... but I just KNEW.

I didn't want to raise a ruckus while Dulton was watching, as he might investigate and discover who I really was, so I was forced to put up with his incredibly disinteresting and melancholic speech about the sudden and infuriatingly time-consuming death of one of my fellow students. If I had known this would have taken so long I would have been more careful as to not actually kill her. I suppose it would be prudent to be thankful that nobody knew I had been involved. When Dulton was finished he declared that he had serious business to attend to. He opened a portal and before anyone could finish gasping he was gone.

I stood myself up, quite of of turn, as the assembly was nowhere near it's deserved end, and went straight for the nearest door. A teacher blocked my path. His face and attitude annoyed me and I had no time to convince him out of my way so I took the only rational course of action and stabbed myself in the kidney. I transfered the wound to him by touch, thereby eluding the baleful glare of the violence detectors, and was out the door before anyone saw what happened.

I had a faint cognition of the whereabouts of my ladder, but the maze-like construction of the bowels of the school perplexed me enough to keep me wandering for several minutes. I was feeling much stronger, so I knew I was getting closer. Only a few more turns and a door or two and I would be reunited with my beloved ladder! Unfortunately a pair of ne'er-do-well students blocked my path, and they appeared to be grossly overestimating how much of a threat I was to them. My body must have belonged to the kind of girl who would have immediately reported the whereabouts and actions of these delinquents, and I wasn't about to convince them otherwise. There were no violence detectors present in the basement, and these two boys were each twice my size. I muttered that if I had my ladder they'd both be dust by now and I brandished my knife. Or, at least, I tried to... but I had apparently lost it somewhere. If I could even make it to the end of the hallway I'd have enough strength to turn these two into hamburger. I'm not sure what their intentions were, but the skinnier one rushed me. With only a little luck I managed to trip him judo-style and he smashed his nose in on the dusty concrete. The heavier one got hold of my arm and painfully twisted behind my back, possibly dislocating something. With no effort at all, as he was already touching me, I transfered the wound to him. He let go and stepped back with surprise. The skinnier one had time to get up and rush at me again, this time I leapfrogged over him and he crashed head-first into a wall. I ran to the end of the hallway and turned to face them. They looked as though they no longer wanted anything to do with me, but I glared at them and turned them to dust for good measure.

I was now far removed from anyone suspicious or curious and had all the time in the world to find a way to annihilate my precious ladder. I tried tearing, bending and stomping it. I burned it, I froze it, I tried to disintegrate it... I even tried to eat it! Nothing I did put a scratch on my ladder. Apparently containing my soul augmented it, and the power I could muster even when I was so close wasn't enough to destroy it. Someone would have to be strong enough to kill me when I was at my best if they were going to bring down this mighty ladder. The only person I knew of who fit the bill was Dulton/Falker himself. It wouldn't be easy for me to convince him to help me kill him, but at least now I wasn't wandering around ladderless.

The room around me had caught fire while I was attempting to send my ladder to its maker. I made my way back upstairs without bothering to extinguish it. The assembly had ended and the halls were bloated with a flush of students. Emotions ran rampant through them, like some kind of sorrowful contagion. From this I learned that these students don't like it when you kill them. I found it difficult to navigate while I held my ladder. Progress to Dulton's office was slow and slippery with tears.

I was accosted by the girl with bright red shoes and my 'friend' Sully. They were concerned about my inexplicable actions and sleeping spells. They were also concerned about my recent ladder obsession. They were so concerned about my ladder obsession that they had completely forgotten my sudden ill manners, lack of interest in athletic events, and tendency to spend long hours staring at girls in the locker room. Excuses about burnt out lights and signs that needed changing no longer placated them. My ladderlust was apparent and cause for difficult questions. I considered killing everyone around me and making a bee-line for Dulton, but that would give away who I was too easily. Instead I told Red Shoes and Sully that the ladder was possessed with an evil spirit, and that I needed to take it to Dulton and have him exorcise it. Trusting and naive as they were they accepted my answer after probing the ladder momentarily and discovering powerful magics inside it.

Outside Dulton's office I told Red Shoes and Sully that I was feeling weak from carrying the evil ladder too long. I had them go into Dulton's office with the ladder while I stayed outside. Dulton would immediately know who I was if he saw me with the ladder... but I hoped he would believe I was merely hiding myself inside the ladder and destroy it, thinking it would kill me. Upon the destruction of the ladder I would gain a massive surge of energy, and I would be far stronger than I ever had been for a brief moment. Hopefully strong enough to turn Dulton/Falker into pudding in an instant, instead of having to risk losing in battle to him a second time. Things didn't go so easily. Dulton asked me to come into his office, and inside I found he was more concerned with my well-being than he was with the destruction of my ladder. As long as I did not touch the ladder in his presence it was unlikely he would recognize me, so I played along while he used restorative magics on me. It took a great deal of effort to pretend that his magic was helping, and not actually hurting me. Lucky for me Red Shoes and Sully were too nervous to say much, and didn't say anything about the obvious signs that I wasn't who I looked like.

Finally, Dulton summoned his magic sword, and with an incantation and a flourish he slashed the ladder in twain. A surge of light and a distortion in the air conspicuously blasted across the room and into my body. My ring burned hot and fused itself to my finger, and Dulton was wide-eyed with surprise. I tried to move, tried to reach out and kill that bastard... but alas, I was unable to move. The surge of power I had received was so strong that I could barely even move. I was in shock, but very aware of the danger I was in. Dulton, figuring out what had happened, transformed into his Angelic self and shouted "It's YOU! I should have known!". He advanced upon me wings spread wide and sword raised in the air, to strike me down a second and likely final time. As a last ditch effort, in the girliest, most nervous and terrified voice I could muster, I uttered a barely-audible call for help. Falker hesitated for a moment, obviously wondering if the girl I had possessed could still be saved, and if killing me would kill her. Unfortunately for him she was already quite dead, and I only needed that brief pause to get my act together. I lunged at him and wrapped myself around him. We were enveloped by a fantastic light and I could feel his body give way and turn to ashes as I brought my arms up against my chest.

The light faded and I found myself on the floor. I stood and saw Red Shoes and Sully looking at me with awe and disbelief. Red Shoes tried to say something but only emitted a short and stuttered "Uh". I looked at them calmly and said innocently, "Do you want to hang out after school?"

Then I woke up.

intresting but really kinda weird cause ur a girl in this dream
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2010 Jan 8 at 10:06 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
This was actually a continuation of a dream from over two years ago. I was somewhat upset that I never managed to get my original body back. I don't think I even could have. I'm pretty sure Falker blew it up.
2010 Jan 8 at 16:36 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 8 at 16:37 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
It confused me when you made references to things that were obvious to you and entirely unknown to the lay-reader. Strange one, even for you.
2010 Jan 8 at 16:42 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
I did that on purpose. It conveys my absolute and baseless sense of certainty that I carried throughout the dream.

In a nutshell, in the original dream Falker killed me almost immediately. Afterwards my very special ring was found by his little sister, a girl I refer to as "Sully" because she is very, very sullen. I was essentially a ghost and could not move far from the ring. I couldn't touch anything and I could be visible for only brief instants. I didn't want Sully's body because she was so sickly she likely would have died if I tried to possess her, so I attempted to coerce her into showing my ring to friends at school. A healthy and athletic girl put on the ring, and with no visible sign I killed her and stole her body. I said a bunch of creepy things to Sully and went to the bathroom to go make sure I was uninjured. A strange side effect of a body having even a minor injury when you possess it is that any wound will fester and rot at an alarming rate. I found that I had a paper cut on my hand and it was spreading quickly. A friend of the girl I had possessed noticed the nasty wound and told me I should go get it checked. I transfered the wound to her and then repeated her exact words back to her. I then wandered around basking in the joy of having found a new body and I tried to come up with a good way to kill Falker. I was as of yet unaware that the majority of my power was trapped inside a ladder. There were other details, but thats the gist of the original dream.

The girl that died, by the way, was the one I transfered that most deadly wound to. I probably could have saved her myself, I just didn't care enough to bother.
2010 Jan 8 at 16:59 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 8 at 17:50 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2010 Jan 8 at 20:32 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
This is entirely based on circumstantial evidence, but I'm guessing I was someone who really didn't like Falker. But seriously... I never really thought about it. I could have been some kind of evil spirit, or demon, or sorcerer... I don't know. I was too focused on my objectives to look at the big picture. I was abnormally evil though. More evil than someone with a vendetta. During the span of the dream I was certainly sociopathic.

The ladder actually had a reason though. When Falker killed me my soul was supposed to be transferred to the ring Sully found. I had designed the ring incorrectly though, and it couldn't fit all of me. The rest of me moved into the nearest magical object large enough to fit me. I can only assume what the ladder's magical properties were, but given the atmosphere at the school it was probably enchanted to stay balanced or something.
2010 Jan 9 at 03:20 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 9 at 03:22 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I had a dream last night. I'll write it up later but to remind myself it involved someone like Richard Dawkins, David Tennant's Doctor and my grandparent's house.
2010 Jan 10 at 14:51 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jan 10 at 19:15 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
For some reason, the last week i've dream episodes of someweird alien, girl fiction stuff.. First i was in italy, at a party and me and a girl finds a room and she locks her self inside the bedroom to "Dress" and i hear her scream, Smash the door. and waking up. second. I was near the beach to see the sunrise and I go for an icecream. and wow where did she go? blood trail. For some reason my brain is annoying me =( And again and again. at last me and my friends creates an Anti-alien super force to protect girls from all over the world. Wow .
2010 Jan 10 at 20:01 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
Sloth said:
Wow .

I hope you're talking about your grammar.
2010 Jan 11 at 00:23 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
DR, I don't see a write-up yet. I am disappointed. I'm exactly as interested in reading dreams as I am in writing them. Get to it, ya lazy hump!
2010 Jan 11 at 15:52 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Yeah, why not.

I ought to have written things down for this dream because I've forgotten a lot of it. But from what I can remember, I was at my grandparent's house, in the dining room. I was being friendly with David Tennant as the Doctor, but things go hazy, and I somehow remember the Doctor being kidnapped. Well anyway, obviously I felt I had to go rescue him, and as I was leaving, this Richard Dawkins fellow turns up. I say RD but he was very very healthy looking, like quite tanned as well. I'm not describing this well. Anyway, I immediately didn't trust him, for whatever reason. I set off to find Casanova but my suspicions were confirmed as I saw this character attempting to ... eat one of the people at the table. Think something slightly like the T-1000, except I can only describe him as being 'hollow'. He was bending over the person at the table, with his mouth enlarging to become very big and circular. My response to this was to run inside and beat him with a golf club, telling him that I'd warned him. I'm sorry, I've realised this isn't very good and is fairly incomplete, I can't even remember what happens next. Perhaps I wake up.
2010 Jan 11 at 17:25 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
i had this dream about a cat that acted like the grudge
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jan 11 at 17:41 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Write it down FASTER next time or I'll kill you.
2010 Jan 12 at 06:30 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2010 Jan 12 at 12:23 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Okay you guys, it's very important for you to know that I had a DREAM last night.

The main feature of the dream was that aaronjer, Nez, and I were all playing a video game, which I can only describe as a combination of Bomberman and Little Big Planet. It was much like Little Big Planet in that there was a large playing field with objects in motion, an end goal to be reached, and a gameplay environment extremely conducive to fucking around, EXCEPT, there was always a large and awkward piece that you had to transport over to the end in order to win and the main means of locomotion for yourself or anything else was to throw bombs at it*.

Every time you got hit by a bomb you would go rocketing off in some direction, but the amount of damage you took was always minimal relative to the environmental traps. That meant that as you were playing in co-op mode, where points were mostly shared, you could do all sorts of unusual and rather mean things like trying to juggle a person in the air the entire time as you were moving the block to the goal, or doing everything in your power to make sure that whenever one person tried to move the block (bombs were the only way, it was too heavy to push), they would be blown away from it by their own teammates who had other plans.

Anyway, the real point is that Superjer needs to make this game or something like it right now, or after he finishes Fluffy Kitten Farm or SPARToR or whatever he's doing.

* I understand this is not in the least bit how Bomberman actually works.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2010 Jan 21 at 14:23 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
SolidKAYOS said:
andre said:

I don't want to share this dream but since were sharing umm.

I had a dream one day i was umm 'playing' with a blow up doll on my 'bed' and i looked around and there my dad was looking at me in a chair out of nowhere!....

Nintendo Forum

Dude i had a dream just like that! Except, with a pillow...

Dude I had a dream jus' like that, except with a girl...
2010 Jan 21 at 19:29 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
Once i've .. lets stay out of that dream.. Ehmm.

Once i dreamed..

I don't dream anymore, not since those poor girls ... ..
2010 Jan 21 at 21:03 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
its not gay unless you make eye contact
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jan 21 at 23:44 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
Yes it is.
2010 Jan 22 at 00:33 UTC
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