SearchSearchPosts written by Theou Aegis:Truck
I know this is old stuff, as is a lot of stuff on YouTube. But I just happened to search for "King of Fighters" on a whim and this was one of the first to come up. It's a cosplay fight from Korea. And then this one. User
I get freebies if I post ads for Trickster on 5 different forums. The catch is I also have to say what I like about it.
First of all, the site is here: Well Aaronjer might remember me playing the Japanese version just before he moved out of the apartment. They came out with the English version and it actually is keeping up fairly well. They have a lot of events and keep players updated often, so i actually have more event prizes than I ever had in the Japanese version! There are lots of people on now and I spend a lot of time chatting. It has PVP arenas and Guild battles, so if you like those kinds of things, there ya go! If you want to play, it's FREE! Yes all free! It has a little shop function that you have to pay for, but that's strictly optional (won't make you godly either). You also have to pay to customize your camp. Not a whole lot to do in the camp except show off how rich you were before you furnished the camp. Anyway, superjer, please let this post stay. If I can post on 4 more forums I'll get a prize that I'd normally have to pay cash for. If you sign up or play, feel free to buddy up with me. Just let me know. My main character is Azarias and I lead the Ordo Scuti guild. Truck
hahaha omg that rocked. and yes, I know it's an old post.
The heroin spider just sat around all day staring at the ground. They deemed it too boring to include in the documentary. Truck
![]() Gonna send that link to everyone... User
*flings kitty poo at MkErica*
I was working on a Pocky & Rocky multiplayer top-down fighter, but that was on the computer that got jacked. The motherboard is fucked, so my game is gone. Now I'm working on a Strike game (as in Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike). Also multiplayer... But first I have to get the sprites. Seeing as how I have ADD, it will be a while.........
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actually when i found it, i immediately thought of you aaron ol' buddy. i thought, "aaron must surely have checked out this site." actually new songs are still comin' out, although i'm still waitin for you to come out.
![]() ![]() ![]() i'm watchin you... watch----ing-------you...... ![]() ......ew my tendons are protruding from the back of my hand! User
shut up aaron. i know if i made a game, you would play it.
then again, i'd also make sure the links work. (i started working on a Mario game, but I couldn't make the koopa troopa fly out his shell) oh hey! so cornjer is dburnell? what's up dude?! you never PMed me on GM forums User
Dunno how I came across this site, but it has some awesome remixes. AW! NOW I REMEMBER (Edit) I was searching for remixes of music from Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Anyway, just wish some of the songs I really like were remixed. I've listened to Final Fantasy 6's soundtrack so many times that the remixes aren't that interesting, but some of the Phantom Train remixes are pretty good. Some of the songs are just new soundfonts or drumtracks, but most of the songs on the site are actual remixes. A few have lyrics, which I don't care for particularly (the death metal remix of the mansion theme from Castlevania II was decent, though). Some of the remixes make me drool and I can't get enough of them. I'll post the ones I've listened to that I like so far. These are mostly from SNES and Nintendo games (damn the NES had some kickin' soundtracks). Desert Snowstorm (Secret of Mana, desert theme) Cry From the Forest (Secret of Mana, that sad song when you get exiled) Stomp the Summer Sky (Secret of Mana, the first upbeat overworld theme) Dance Master (Blaster Master, fuckin sexy first stage theme) Japanese Swamp (Blaster Master, toad's theme Danny Elfman style) Neighburgers (Zombies Ate My Neighbors, long sexy main theme) The Curse (Zombies Ate My Neighbors, heavy metal version of Curse Of The Tongue) Panic of the Undead (Zombies Ate My Neighbors, second level theme) Ghosts & Goblins Wonka Mix (Ghouls & Ghosts, the famous theme sugared with Wonka) Advance With Caution (Bionic Commando, first stage theme war flick style) Hillbilly Rodeo (Bubble Bobble, world-famous theme on banjo with sheep!) Drum'n'J-Pop (Magical Drop 3, uber-sexy interlude from story mode *orgasms*) Enigmatic Lunacy (Magical Drop 3, Moon's theme song OMG! *has multiple orgasms*) Let me know what ones you like and i'll update as I find more I like. UPDATE Koan of Drums (Tales of Phantasia, elektronika mix inspired by Kajiura Yuki) Victory Festival (Kirby Superstar, Kirby does Ireland...sounds like Chrono) Truck
was there just world -1 or was there another neverending world also? i went to world -1 a few times. nothing like swimming endlessly for hours on end dodging Bloopers and Cheep-cheeps. Aw, those were the days.
wow, it censored "face"
Kuno is a cute kitty name. my kitties have cute names. Kuno (looks kidna like a ninja "kunoichi") Koki (short for "Koko's Kitten" she has no tail) Dinky (she's fat...very fuckin fat...the origin of the name was dorky...) User
one of the video links for them below the vid with guys:
"How dare you say such a thing to me!" "You drive me crazy!" "Don't make fun of me!" "It's your fault that this happened!" "Leave me alone!" "I can't stand the sight of you!" "Hasta la vista, baby!" ![]() **brain explodes messily** damn, won't get my cleaning deposit back now.... actually when I saw this vid, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry Then I found this one. Downtown kicks ass! (That's the name of the bald guy and square-faced dorky spiky haired laughing guy on the front right of the vid). They host the show "HeyHeyHey Music Champ." Fun duo. ............ OMG I JUST CLICKED ON THIS OMG IT'S SO FUCKED UP WRONG User
Well, I typed "Bush hid the facts" and saved it. Got the Chinky text. Then I typed "Clinton is a liar" and it came out fine.
my kitty is super cute, but my mom has my camera so I can't take any pictures to upload. it's scary though, one of the cats in Cats In Sinks looked almost like my kitty. the body markings were the same, but the face was a little different. my kitty's name is Kuno, short for Kunoichi (Kuno just sounds cuter) and she's a black/white tabby with white all along her underside, black on the top half of her head and down her back with a little saddle mark. she looks like she's wearing a white ninja outfit with long black hair flowing behind her. ... she also clings onto vertical surfaces like a ninja (kunoichi is a female ninja). my kitty is psycho. i like kitties, but she annoys the shit out of me. i must annoy her too, because she got diarrhea shortly after I bought her.
![]() Truck
They're not dumb fucks. They're smart enough to know they don't know things.
I hit on a Jap girl on Yogurting one night. She tries to speak English once in a while but gives up after two sentences. I asked her if she was a bad student. She said she was just dumb. IN JAPANESE! She admitted she was dumjb. User
I'm online now. Only for a couple minutes. Who else is online?
Want to pass time? Download Yogurting. Japaneses MMO Beat'em up. Cel-shading graphics. Very beautiful. Very free. Very repetetive, but very beautiful and free. And full of Japanese girls. User
I never seen the Kenya commercials, so I don't get the joke, but the loopable music makes it a good flash-to-screensaver movie and dancing Santas always rock. I liked the Holy crap, Santa! Tours bus.
Yup, yup it is. Why do I feel like the only one to have never heard of TSO until this month? Everyone at D&S's board knew who they were and the name of the song as well. Then again, I don't usually listen to Christmas music. ...Like the 80s pop version of Winter Wonderland that's on the radio right now that has the same backbeat as Everybody Wants To Rule The World. My god! My ears!
yay merry christmas!
finally it's december 25th and once again i'm working on christmas morning! and nobody's buying me spiked eggnog this year... :( christmas sucks this year. i miss the christmases of old when I got video games and game consoles for presents. now I just get money, candy, and the constant reminder that i'm the only single male in my family. User
sorry, i didn't get it. but it was humorous, of course. anything from jay is surely humorous. if he said his puppy died, i would bust out laughing. then i would be sad when i find out it wasn't a joke... then bust out laughing again because of the irony.
Yo're not one of those guys that stands out in public squares wearing a board around your neck with scribblings of all the people that will go to Hell if they don't change their ways and getting into fights with everyone that thinks you're a fuckin disembodied nutsack of Michael Jackson's that some pediatrician dislodged from a nine-year old boy's throat, are you?
Oh that thing. I saw it on Stifu & Don's Board.
The guy is famous. He spends $10k every year setting up the lights, programming them to display in synch with music which plays over the radio on a station he broadcasts from his home. People come from all around to listen to and watch the 10-20 minute light show. However, he quit the show (in real life, but you can still watch it online) after a couple cars collided near his house, supposedly due to the show. He told the police he would cancel the show if that ever happened, so true to his word, he cancelled the public display. Truck
Font color: green
virgin or slut? ![]() Truck
mmmm brains...
![]() I give that map 5 stars. Out of five. I burst out laughing at Maine and New Jersey., as well as California. A lot of them I didn't think were that funny. The ones I thought were funny I thought were very funny indeed. Truck
![]() Ok I've been meaning to ask for some time now. How'd all you Europeans wind up on SuperJer's forum? Truck
He baked a kitten... ![]() I don't feel sorry for the guy that got shot. He fucking slept in a trailer with a convicted kitty killer. You can't honestly say he didn't have it coming. That story hit closer to home for me than for most of you guys. Snohomish county is going to hell. I'll make a contribution -- another sad but true weird story. Oh, and if you like weird news, CNews has a website dedicated entirely to off-beat news stories. California canine billed as world's ugliest dog dies at age 14 And another one... OMG I want a batch of these things! The scientific names even call it miraculous! HAHAHA I have to post two more from that site: French woman tries to step outside for a smoke... 3000 feet in the air! This one isn't funny itself. The joke is in the headline -- Stork gets prosthetic pecker. Or maybe I'm just immature. ![]() Sorry. Gotta tack on another hilarious news story. I burst out laughing when I read this. It's like something out of Monty Python. Speaking of which... A moose once bit my sister. No, seriously! OMG this one is so coincidental it's freaky. Man gets Satanic license plate from DoT. Truck
Idiot. It's from "Dr. Strangelove, or How I came to Love The Bomb."* How could you forget? It was also on The Simpsons, well a parody of it was. It's one of the most famouse scenes in cinematic history.
I'm American but I don't eat at Mickey-D's or any other fast food joint. Except DQ. I like the Blizzard. I also don't want to bomb anyone. I want to fuck their women. After making them shave, of course. Damn nice ass in front of me grabbing a Budl Light. She's a WSU student. Damn fine. Wonder how many times she's been taken from behind... I like German girls. Austrian girls are cute too. Damn Ruskies though, they're fucking fine. They can clean my windows anytime. But by far I love gook and jap girlies. Mmm Mmm good. I'm only racist against indians. Damn indians. Fucking Tulalips made me that way. Read this shit in the paper about students being forced to learn about "Native Americans" and their culture. Fuck them! They're useless to society. They drain the wealth from honest, tax-paying American citizens. They should have all died off from smallpox long ago. Or from racial purging. Purge the unclean ones! Q: Why wasn't Jesus born in Perth (west Australia)? A: He couldn't find three wise men from the east. * Admin edit: It's actually "...Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb." User
I think the soldiers shouldn't be off fighting a pointless (you heard me!) war in Iraq. Our economy is suffering as a result. Our soldiers are banging Shiite chicks instead of our own homegrown hookers. Just look at Everett! The city has gone to hell since this war started. The gas station I used to work at got robbed 3 times in a row. That's how desperate the hookers are to make up for lost income. I'm serious!
And Japan was cool before the US interrupted, too. No more samurai now. Remember, that was partly the US's fault (and partly Portugal and the Netherlands). And remember, Japan and Germany changed after two interventions. You can't say the US has intervened seriously with Iraq twice yet. They went in against Saddam Hussein during Bush Sr. and Saddam was still in power when Bush Jr. went in. We got Hussein out, but don't expect any significant changes because this was only the first significant intervention. We'll go to war with Iraq again at some point in the future, mark my words. If we don't, then Iraq will be a shithole until the end of the world, which is fine with me. I'm not advocating another war with Iraq. Truck
I haven't looked at the plaid ninjas thingies, but I did go to the Media tab and watch the Matrix Ping Pong. That was da shit! I was laughing so hard.
Ok I'll watch the ninjas now. User
Yes that game is most assuredly cool. Poor Domo-kun, everyone thinks he's a bad boy.
![]() Do you have to fight kitties in the end? Truck
That python vs alligator story is disturbing... and funny! That stupid python committed suicide by eating an alligator whole!
![]() And did anyone notice in the article about the Korean gamer? Quote: Lee had recently quit his job to spend more time playing games, the daily JoongAng Ilbo reported after interviewing former work colleagues and staff at the Internet cafe.
Now THAT is sad. Too bad he was playing RTS or whatever. Would have been so obvious why he died if he had been playing Battlefield 2. "OMG I need to reach Gunnery Seargent! I'll quit my my job so I can have more time to get promoted. ... What the? I ranked up so fast after the update! What have I been spending all this time doing? Oh well. Might as well get promoted more. ... WHAT THE HELL?! My BFHQ rank bar isn't going up at all! ALL THIS TIME! ALL THIS TIIIIIIIMMMMME!!!! AARRRRRRRGH! ...Pain...Serious pain.....blargh" Truck
"Yo, Hero. I'm pregnant now, thanks to you."
"You're welcome." "No, no. I want you to help care for the child." "...You're welcome." "Are you even listening to me? I want some fucking child support!" "Ah! What's that? My hero senses are tingling! I think I hear a raft full of Hooters waitresses caught in rapids!" "Fuck your hero se--HEY COME BACK HERE! I"M TALKING TO YOU, DAMMIT!" Now if Aaron was willing to go in drag, he might have been able to score some rescue poon from the rugmunchers... But alas, poor Aaron couldn't get some in his dreams. Truck
Where are the bombs coming from?
![]() I always have and perhaps always will love the sniper kitty. I don't have any funny pics of cats, just ones of my widdle fwuffy kiddy. er... kitty. *abashedly packs his luggage and shops for an airplane ticket* Truck
"echiddy chizzle" said: i sorta cant be fucked to look at those links, so ill be contempt with the fact that they suck
contempt is a noun with a meaning similar to displeasure. you mean "content." you guys make an english teacher like me worry about the future of our wonderous language. no wonder all the damn wetbacks can't speak a word of it - they hang around losers like you. ![]() Truck
how i miss weekends!
working the graveyard tonight-- Hooray for boobies!! Boing, boing! My eyes bounce around. Jiggle them funbags for me! Daylight Savings Time O! How I hate thee--A bane! One more hour of work... We are forgetting Haikus are about seasons. So let's right them write! Spring, Summer, Autumn What poetic injustice! Poor, lonely Winter. Truck
Bring home da bacon!
Are ya achin'? Yup! Yup! Yup! For some bacon? Yup! Shut it you lame whore. I make my greatest return and you treat me so! A curse on your home! May it recede in decay as with your hairline! Truck
O muse come to me
and inspire me with psalm! Alas! Crap haiku! Sup ye from poetic springs. One and all, let's do renga! Truck
i'm starting to believe Freeman's just schizo. and the more you guys talk about him, the more like me he seems.
now excuse me, i must discuss matters of prime importance with my secretary. Truck
Medic! I repeat!
Man down! We need a medic! ...That wouldn't be me... Guns a'blazin' high I spray and pray through the night Shet! I shot my team! Truck
"echidna3" said: plastic surgery. thats all i have to say before ending that topic. think about it. technology these days, you never know. and freeman might have been a secret undercover agent, then had an accident and lost his memory, like XIII.
Then whhy not come back as a woman? cover up any trace of his past identity then. And Freeman being in the same room as G-man doesn't mean anything. Freeman could be schizophrenic. Remember John Nash. Truck
they're obviously different. although i'd love it if it really was some psychological thing (seeing as how Freeman ends HL and starts HL2 on a subway in space with G-man talking to him. i'd have loved that twist. oh btw i haven't finished HL2 so no spoilers plz.
NEway, Freeman's cheeks aren't as pronounced as G-man's. Freeman has broad, round cheeks, while G-man has sharp angular cheeks. The five-o shadow is convincing, though. Next there are the eyebrows. One of the many reversals. Freeman's brows bush out, while G-man's bush in. G-man also has earlobes. Freeman has small or no earlobes. Also G-man's hairline has a pronounced cleft while Freeman has a nearly straight hairline. This is innate and not something that can be easily changed, especially when you consider Freeman obviously doesn't consider an upkeep of his appearance (buy a razor, man!). Lastly, the nose. Freeman's nose is big, while G-man has a very skinny nose. Also, G-man's nostrils flare out at the tip and close in at the bottom. Freeman's nostrils flare at the cheek bone. So there, as you can see they're two different people. End of subject. New post now. Truck
Battlefield 2
Storm's a brewin' when I play Fear mah support skillz! Truck
Aaron is spring rain?
I prefer November rain Long live Axel Rose! went back to R.O. found a good private server then it changed on me inns were 200 zeny now 2000...lost my wealth... Truck
month-long hiatus
myriad of tasks to do much slacking instead no time for haiku! bah! i will always make time read the above post Truck
echidna should be disqualified from this game, he didn't pick one of my choices.
You had to look that up in a dictionary? Tsk, tsk. And you forget -- I, sir, am a poet. I never learn anything through diligence. What I know of Japanese is strictly by chance. Hell, the fact that I even graduated from college is a matter of happenstance. So don't question my bastardization of an already bastardized language, for you, sir, cannot truly appreciate the poetic justice of my oddball ways. zing.
shouldn't we be getting back on topic? someone add to the story. i think i was last, wasn't i? Truck
"echidna3" said: i heard the US pilot was shit. (of Red Dwarf). yet another fucking uneeded remake
seriously. if people don't get British humor, they don't get humor at all. British humor is the only kind of humor there is. Well, that and black humor. No, I ain't talkin'bout nigga fun like Chapelle or Sinbad. I mean laughing at someone getting his blains brown out or fucking corpses. Ah yes. Nothing quite like corpus fellatio. My mom's computer says I spelled fellatio wrong. Truck
the stingray
![]() xor ![]() oh come on guys! you know you derive guilty pleasure from looking at gay kitty porn! Truck
Not English. Studied the English language as compared to American. And my sister visited England a long time ago. And I love British comedies. Besides, it'd be hard to throw in Japanese slang in an English post and Japanese is my only other fortuitous language.
is this cheating?
![]() Truck
Abel was a pussy.
Cain Citizen Kane or candy canes? Truck
once upon a time there was a man crossing the road belfast style and nearly got run over...So he went to the store and the cashier said he ain't got no food... so he said "Fair Dinkum Mate" and walked out... muttering "Well that's just hunkey dorey."... He put on his thongs (NB - not underwear) and went for a walk to the shop... and went to the bog to fire off a few missiles... then went to see his mate John Smith. "SMITHY!" (putting y or o on the end of names, and calling people by their last name), he called out... But ol' Smithy was still mad about this old acquaintance's affair that was had with Smithy's wife and told the guy, "Sod off!"... He went and grabbed a beer from the esky, and sat down and pondered life... a cattywampus life it was! He thought to himself, why bother buggerising around getting a job, when you can sit on you ass and be a dole-bludger! So he plopped his ass down on the couch and had himself a four-twenty while watching reruns of Teletubbies.
i did much better
bought it at iBuyPower and it's a laptop i don't want to build laptops there are too many small screws Truck
once upon a time there was a man crossing the road belfast style and nearly got run over...So he went to the store and the cashier said he ain't got no food... so he said "Fair Dinkum Mate" and walked out... muttering "Well that's just hunkey dorey."... He put on his thongs (NB - not underwear) and went for a walk to the shop... and went to the bog to fire off a few missiles... then went to see his mate John Smith. "SMITHY!" (putting y or o on the end of names, and calling people by their last name), he called out. But ol' Smithy was still mad about this old acquaintance's affair that was had with Smithy's wife and told the guy, "Sod off!"
(equivalent to "fuck off" but in homo terms) User
IT'S NOT STATUTORY! I was gonna wait till she turned 18. Dudes you should see her. She's a total cutie. She's so sweet and kind and gentle. Granted, those were the words used to describe the heroine in "Battle Royale," but still... I'd post her picture, but she said she'd only send it to me if i promised to delete it and so i kept my promise. Now i only have the picture in my mind. Oh, and it's only Statutory in some countries. In Canada you can fuck a 14-year old. That's what one of my Canadian GB buddies told me. He's 19 and tries to fuck 14 year olds. I just make friends with them. I'm not a perv rapist.Besides, she liked me too. I just know she did...
Played Battlefield 2 tonight. The squad system is cool but the gameplay kinda sucks. Guns some weaker and jets seem overpowered. Especially against helicopters -- hop in a heli and BOOM! you die from heat-seeking missile attacks before you even lift off. But now there's a sprint function. It's tight. Make you feel all covert opsish. Truck
*laughs maniacally*
then i live! for i was never born. I am a god and as a god i have existed since the dawn of time *smites Shogun with the Rubber Ducky of Elderan* User
fuck you all! Gunbound all the way! yeah!
![]() as for FPS, I play MOHAA, but that gets old fast...still play it though. at the internet cafe they let me play Call of Duty: United Offensive and Battlefield: Desert Combat for free, although recently I forked over 12 bucks to play COD for three hours. They pitied me for losing my computer, so I also got four free hours the last time i was there. on thursday nights they let me play for free. one of the owners is nice to me. i kick decent ass in CoD. Among those of us in the cafe, I probably rank 4th. Although Smashhead (the one that lets me play for free every week) can easily snipe my ass and pretty much always outranks me in every FPS match we play, he still fears me on some maps. when i pull out the PPS4 or um...think it's called the Stein or Sten something or other... British assault rifle, i'm deadly. occasionally i get lucky and we end up in a heated gunfight. the greatest one was when i was trying to toss a grenade, but i had reached second rank so i had a smoke grenade also and because i always mousewheelUP, it selected the smoke grenade. so i tossed the smoke grenade out and it popped right between us. i used that opportunity to run backwards then hide behind some bushes. then i ran out of the bushes and the gunfight continued. i forgot who won that fight, but Smashhead congratulated me on the awesome duel. my reflexes are also a little faster than his, so when i have the automatics and run out around a corner, sometimes i bump into him and BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM! ... he gets lucky and kills me first. how the fuck he does that i dunno, some fucked up glitch in the game. i get him to low health though. and sometimes i snipe with an SMG. in COD that is hard to do. i picked off Smashhead in Stalingrad one time using burst-fire with my MP40 (German SMG), four bullets in paired burstings. Smashhead complimented me on that too. That game is heart-pounding. I come out of that game shaking sometimes. serious adrenaline rush. If you ever wanna join us, i think the server name is CODUO GALAXY GAME CAFE. My SN is (GGC)Theou Aegis. Gunbound never gets boring for me. It's always fun talking shit and in Gunbound you have plenty of time to talk shit. Unfortunately the fuckhead minors playing video games these days keep kicking me or banning me from games. I've been banned from I dunno how many MOHAA servers... ![]() ![]() ![]() Truck
Nay, I like Gunbound!
For I can play and download Other games lag out Plus I am sexy and cute You envy my cuteness, huh? Truck
*quickly logs out before dying then logs back in*
crap! my respawn point is so far away *spends the next hour landsharking back to where the action is...or was...depends by then* Truck
Paul: Live and let die.
The computer is long gone. Time for a new one. At There are nice laptops for sale. New laptop for me. If anyone gets near me, I'll cut off his balls! No, seriously. I will. I carry a knife with me. Want Alienware But far too pricey for me I'm a broke-ass bitch. Gunbound has gone bad! Avatars for rent only. No more cool wardrobes. Girl account is sexy cute Rentals aren't nearly so cute Truck
*gets splattered by Ilor bits and, realizing his cover is blown because of the red mess splattered across his back, retreats into the water to rinse off before resuming landsharking*
system override? round restart? duh... where the fuck did i spawn at in the first place?
*landsharks through the map looking for unwary souls* (if you dunno what landsharking is, play Medal of Honor and eventually you'll learn) User
i was learning how to use Game Maker 6 and working on a multiplayer deathmatch game based on Kikikaikai, but then my computer got ganked and I dunno if I want to restart the programming from scratch. Spent so much time working on it, but now it's all gone. fuck! and i still had so much anime on that comp that i wanted to copy off for future viewing. well, one was a live-action movie. and some of my Kajiura Yuki soundtracks were on that comp too! NOOOOOOO!! i'll kill that fuckin cocksucker!
*grabs his box cutter left over from Fred Meyer and goes hunting* and why should i go to hell? *cries cause aaron wants him to go to hell* i don't see you contributing much to conversational topics. Truck
good friends are helpful
reserve some aging agent and girls will be mine! my laptop got ganked on my way home i got robbed i'll kill that fucker girl at the cafe looked legal but was fourteen damn i feel so old Truck
*copies aaronjer's console command, finds a secluded spot amidst dense foliage and camps out for aaron*
*pauses midstep, stealthily draws three daggers from inside his jacket, spins and hurls the daggers at echidna*
*returns with a box full of fire ants, takes the lid off the box and hurls the box at jacksmoke before making a hasty retreat*
this place is getting too dangerous even for a ninja... User
My favorite PC game is "True Love." Spending a couple hours trying to nail as many girls as you can, which results in breaking many hearts and your friend threatening to kill you if you ever act like that in real life, is quite entertaining. I still haven't figured out how to nail every girl. Some of them I haven't even found yet.
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is kinda fun, especially if you like Age of Empires. It uses the AOE engine but adds flying vessels and cloaking ability. It's AOE-meets-Starcraft. Truck
*stands up from behind a bush, puts a blowgun to his lips and hits jacksmoke in the back of the neck with a dart soaked in the venom of a red poison dart frog and labeled "You owe me one, Ilor" before submerging back into the foliage*
summer sun reveals
what the spring moon highlighted whithering rosebud Truck
i am heaven-sent
poetry and prose alike i write skillfully but love always eludes me and i remain a virgin to the bar i went cleaned my room, dressed nice, smelled nice hot virgin on prowl struck down by the blind bouncers they thought my I.D. was fake five hours spent cleaning been ages since i looked good not even my room all that trouble to snag hoes but three I.D.s weren't enough curse this youthful face! i can fuck jailbait minors no one would suspect a thing God forbid i go to bars to pick up skanks as old as me Truck
cool you may yet be
but haiku you cannot write return to prose, bitch Truck
understand jacksmoke
i cannot very well do for Yoda I'm not Truck
sad is the old man
who admires the blossoms before they fall. in my old age i watch them frolick on the winds of time. Truck
the end good was not
but rest of movie liked i hot jedi axshun Truck
this truck dead it seems
yesterday Star Wars saw i good it was thought i User
i had ninja skillz
then i became great monk say hi to Buddha Truck
ah i remember!
and when we met in his room his short hair threw me he was very girly then alas! it was not to be Truck
sweet aaron my mate
how i long for your pink bud grab those ankles and beg! whoa...i have not been myself. aaron's not girly enough! all week and all night i waited for that one girl never did she come must i go on in dark lust drooling over girls' asses? here i sit broken with no one to party with i'll visit sports bars Truck
fleeting youth, away
it drifts on the winds of change... my summer solace sing "happy birthday!" i am another year old! and still a virgin... Truck
pr0n I/O error;
failed to initialize pr0n; insufficient RAM; suffered so long with no pr0n... the autumn of my desktop. Truck
yet we sit idle
watching the ninjas throw knives at tentacled fiends; but where do the cartoons end? Redundancy of Blue Girl... what the fuck was that? messed up hentai talk it is! yoda speak can i... Truck
haiku are written
from each person's heart with love, even pointless ones. day in and day out i hunger for the sweet taste of pomegranate Truck
very nice reply
but you follow up seven with another five the world turns and we still learn how to write renga at will if this were renga the third person would do this follow up haiku only to then be followed by another's fine seven but alas return to the haiku we so love how will you respond? springtime of our renga truck autumn of this haiku truck Truck
A lusty vixen
Begged me to bend her over The storefront counter O how I long for her cunt! This was a tanka by Carl. We need renga trucks. "What is renga," you may ask? Five-seven-five first, Then someone else follows up With seven-seven. Repeat. Truck
hahaha so true!
what normal dryer have you! August of dryers... Is it just the vent? I thought my clothes just won't dry. No dew is good news. Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead pile of monkeys. That was awesome. Her new act stunned many around the turtlemeat company, which specialises in turtlemeat, obviously. Managers are trying to steal her act and her thunder. The turtlemeat company is going to hell in a horse and carriage driver's handbasket. Fraudulent charges were brought by a donkey that hates all extraterrestrial lifeforms, who, tried to use, unsuccesfully, with ease, a damn good interpretation of Piles. Then aliens attacked. Piles was horrified. Now we are entering into a new paragraph. Without the insight of all the members of superjercom.webstation, where will this brave new paragraph lead us to..... Of course! New Orleans! Where Piles had a hankering for some naughty name calling. Unexpectedly, his mom showed him that while he danced he had his fly honies all up in his grill, which caused him grief. The girls couldn't understand that Piles was a problematic child with conditions far too advanced to treat. Now Piles needs some very costly hardware-rendering upgrades so we must laugh because he doesn't compare store prices. Now he must have a histerectomy to pay for the terrible transgressions that he commited. Now we all really have to stop saying 'now', but with all the things we treasure in life everyone must die. "The only one who can save us is me," Jacksmoke said boldly. Jacksmoke is now pondering his existance, in a pool of his own bodily fluids. What fluids could theese be, you ask? Milk of course is not it. But who cares? We all care. By this time banana will die in 100 years. Or maybe soon. but probly notbecause we all love cheese. In the recent past Truck
it can be six, fool!
i know! i studied haiku read Bashou, bitch! in case you don't know "Bashou" is not two parts but three syllables Spring comes but once here but lasts every day all year... Watching blossoms bloom. omg i rock that was such sexy haiku Jap bitches will swoon! User
be nice to aaronjer. sure, he's an asshole, but that's just because i left him a few months ago and he's been moody ever since.
... wait, he left me! OMG! fuck you arron you asshole! ill nevor forgiv you! mark my werds! *grabs a red sharpie and marks all his words for each typo* OMG YOU MADE ME WRITE ALL OVER MY SCREEN! I HATE YOU! *runs off crying to his mommy* Truck
What's this five seven
triple five crap you speak of? i know only of five seven five seven seven which are called "tanka" you fool In this wretched spring I dream dirty dreams of lust O foul loins of youth! i said spring i did technically it's a haiku? Autumn of haikus... Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead pile of monkeys. That was awesome. Her new act stunned many around the turtlemeat company, which specialises in turtlemeat, obviously. Managers are trying to steal her act and her thunder. The turtlemeat company is going to hell in a horse and carriage driver's handbasket. Fraudulent charges were brought by a donkey that hates all extraterrestrial lifeforms, who, tried to use, unsuccesfully, with ease, a damn good interpretation of Piles. Then aliens attacked. Piles was horrified. Now we are entering into a new paragraph. Without the insight of all the members of superjercom.webstation, where will this brave new paragraph lead us to..... Of course! New Orleans! Where Piles had a hankering for some naughty name calling. Unexpectedly, his mom showed him that while he danced he had his fly honies all up in his grill, which caused him grief. The girls couldn't understand that Piles was a problematic child with conditions far too advanced to treat. Now Piles needs some very costly hardware-rendering upgrades so Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead pile of monkeys. That was awesome. Her new act stunned many around the turtlemeat company, which specialises in turtlemeat, obviously. Managers are trying to steal her act and her thunder. The turtlemeat company is going to hell in a horse and carriage driver's handbasket. Fraudulent charges were brought by a donkey that hates all extraterrestrial lifeforms, who, tried to use, unsuccesfully, with ease, a damn good interpretation of Piles. Then aliens attacked. Piles was horrified. Now we are entering into a new paragraph. Without the insight of all the members of superjercom.webstation, where will this brave new paragraph lead us to..... Of course! New Orleans! Where Piles had a hankering for some naughty name calling. Unexpectedly, his mom showed him that while he danced he had his fly honies all up in his grill, which caused him grief. The girls Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead pile of monkeys. That was awesome. Her new act stunned many around the turtlemeat company, which specialises in turtlemeat, obviously. Managers are trying to steal her act and her thunder. The turtlemeat company is going to hell in a horse and carriage driver's handbasket. Fraudulent charges were brought by a donkey that hates all extraterrestrial lifeforms, who, tried to use, unsuccesfully, with ease, a damn good interpretation of Piles. Then aliens attacked. Piles was horrified. Now we are entering into a new paragraph. Without the insight of all the members of superjercom.webstation, where will this brave new paragraph lead us to..... Of course! New Orleans! Where Piles had a hankering for some naughty Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead pile of monkeys. That was awesome. Her new act stunned many around the turtlemeat company, which specialises in turtlemeat, obviously. Managers are trying to steal her act Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. Truck
Yeah I figured you had ditched them. I left there as soon as my job at Freddy's ended. Not a moment too soon. I feared for my anal virginity every night and had to double-lock every door to my room before I went to bed. Rob was a horny fucker after you left. Oh, and those fuckasses charged me $25 to clean the common area, which mind you I had cleaned thoroughly before I left because after three other people had moved out (you, Jeremy and whoever the wetback was) they never bothered to clean it. I'm back down living with my parents and working at a Texaco. Just started this week and get to work with a hot girl on Fridays. Things are starting to look up for me.
Back on topic. Ummm. Ummm... McDiddy's 2 rulez! Hell yeah! Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like Truck
woooooo! what's the topic now? is it still McDiddy's 2? I loved McDiddy's 2. it made me laugh so hard even though i was in a public place at the time. but why wasn't aaronjer in the credits? or was he and i missed it? oh well, it was still good nonetheless.
hey aaronjer, Kajiura Yuki also did soundtracks for "Mai Hime" (good anime) and "Boogiepop and Others" (live action). oh yeah, and Suzumu Hirasawa has songs on the soundtrack to "Paranoia Agent." so many anime with good soundtracks. but anyway, how ya been? the apartment was lonely after you left...until Rob started hitting on me. (o.O);; so are you a manager yet or still a lowly pawn fighting off hordes of horny crackwhores? i envy your hellish life. hey superjer! you probably don't remember me. i was the guy that caught you breaking into aaronjer's apartment. oh yeah, aaronjer, you owe me for taking the time out of my busy schedule to let the real estate management know you moved out. and i took your Age of Empires 2 cd. i can finally play AoE2 online! too bad i don't... Truck
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL |