Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
Step 1: Go to Notepad
Step 2: Type " Bush hid the facts " ( without quotations. )
Step 3: Save The File as anything
Step 4: Open the File
Step 5: Kill yourself if you cannot read what you have initially written.
2006 Jun 24 at 04:04 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Well, I dont need to follow step 5...
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Jun 24 at 12:53 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
it doesnt work or something?
maybe it only works for XP SP1, otherwise when you open the file you will see a bunch of squares.
2006 Jun 24 at 17:50 UTC
Check to make sure you have MicroSoft Office loaded on your PC.
2006 Jun 25 at 08:15 UTC
holy fuck that's creepy
Mine turned into this:
WHY? I totally didn't believe that was going to do anything.
2006 Jun 25 at 09:21 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
You don't have the right font/language for it to show up, you need Chinese or somethin'. I think it says "Ching-chong wing-wong" or some Manadrin bullshit.
2006 Jun 25 at 09:24 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Quote: 畂 桳 name Mount 敨 video games were 獴
Is the chinese translation (simplified)
Quote: 畂 桳 栠 摩 琠 敨 projection 捡 獴
Is the japanese translation.
According to google anyway...
However, babelfish says something diffrent...
Quote: □□栠 touches 琠 敨 reflects □□
Chinese traditional
Quote: □□□touches □□reflects picks □
Chinese simplified...
Quote: ? ? ? 摩? ? Projection? ?
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Jun 25 at 22:45 UTC
Was: Kaddi...something

2006 Feb 20 • 34
23 ₧
The reason is that Notepad has to edit files in a variety of encodings, and when its back against the wall, sometimes it's forced to guess.
Here's the file "Hello" in various encodings:
48 65 6C 6C 6F
This is the traditional ANSI encoding.
48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F 00
This is the Unicode (little-endian) encoding with no BOM.
FF FE 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F 00
This is the Unicode (little-endian) encoding with BOM. The BOM (FF FE) serves two purposes: First, it tags the file as a Unicode document, and second, the order in which the two bytes appear indicate that the file is little-endian.
00 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F
This is the Unicode (big-endian) encoding with no BOM. Notepad does not support this encoding.
FE FF 00 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F
This is the Unicode (big-endian) encoding with BOM. Notice that this BOM is in the opposite order from the little-endian BOM.
EF BB BF 48 65 6C 6C 6F
This is UTF-8 encoding. The first three bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the BOM.
2B 2F 76 38 2D 48 65 6C 6C 6F
This is UTF-7 encoding. The first five bytes are the UTF-7 encoding of the BOM. Notepad doesn't support this encoding.
Notice that the UTF7 BOM encoding is just the ASCII string "+/v8-", which is difficult to distinguish from just a regular file that happens to begin with those five characters (as odd as they may be).
The encodings that do not have special prefixes and which are still supported by Notepad are the traditional ANSI encoding (i.e., "plain ASCII") and the Unicode (little-endian) encoding with no BOM. When faced with a file that lacks a special prefix, Notepad is forced to guess which of those two encodings the file actually uses. The function that does this work is IsTextUnicode, which studies a chunk of bytes and does some statistical analysis to come up with a guess.
And as the documentation notes, "Absolute certainty is not guaranteed." Short strings are most likely to be misdetected.
2006 Jun 29 at 23:08 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
So it means that the origional binary string is still there, you just need to make it so it reads it correctly?
Ah ok.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Jul 1 at 20:26 UTC
Well, I typed "Bush hid the facts" and saved it. Got the Chinky text. Then I typed "Clinton is a liar" and it came out fine.
2006 Aug 21 at 08:38 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
"Theou Aegis" said: Well, I typed "Bush hid the facts" and saved it. Got the Chinky text. Then I typed "Clinton is a liar" and it came out fine.
Figures huh?
Lets try putting philosphy statements in it.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Aug 23 at 00:53 UTC
(畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴) im sacred...  shit did they do that to hide something?
(><)Oops I killed ur bunny...
2006 Aug 23 at 21:04 UTC
2006 Sep 1 at 18:03 UTC
2006 Sep 16 at 19:38 UTC
this is a weird firetruck, it could put out fires be creeping them out!
2006 Oct 1 at 06:56 UTC
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