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Registration date
2006 May 26
Post count
20 ₧
(\_/) (X.x) (><)Oops I killed ur bunny...

Recent posts by ScewUp

Recent posts by ScewUp

2006 Oct 11 at 22:35 UTC
hahahahahahahah.... Wait let me answer that...
2006 Sep 27 at 13:22 UTC
thx for th advice guys
2006 Sep 19 at 14:46 UTC
i got my birthday present early even though u guys probably dont give a flying shit but let me tell at least what it i

hint starts with X ends with 0

Xbox 360 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

and i got good games but i need to ask a question what are some really good games?
2006 Aug 27 at 22:11 UTC
Wii is the shit! in General
O K Then might aswell go screw ur self cause i think uhhhh no to the problem...
2006 Aug 23 at 21:14 UTC
2006 Aug 23 at 21:04 UTC
(畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴) im sacred... shit did they do that to hide something?
2006 Aug 23 at 20:59 UTC
Wii is the shit! in General
WTF????????????????????????????????? again WTF???
2006 Aug 23 at 20:23 UTC
Wii is the shit! in General
srry had to go back in the past to do something there.... wait oops just gave away my time warping secret....
2006 Aug 23 at 20:21 UTC
Wii is the shit! in General
*Dickslaps Hunni Bunni* i was being sarcastic...
2006 Aug 4 at 17:09 UTC
Wii is the shit! in General
OH GOLLY I DIDNT KNOW THAT! NOT... No fucking duh everyone knows that! Except for maybe... ummm... lets say... Hunni Bunni?