2005 May 31 at 14:36 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
FPS = First-person shooter
My brother spends every waking moment of his life on Runescape, and as far as I'm concerned that thing has STDs or something, and I could get gonnoherplamdilis if I ever so much as visit the website.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 May 31 at 15:26 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
Wow is at 13,99 €,
I don't know how long I play it, because its (like you said) BORING, hitting enemys and collecting stuff, thats all.
2005 May 31 at 17:46 UTC
Okay thanks for the FPS thing Jay.
2005 May 31 at 18:25 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
i cant believe you didnt know that smoke.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 1 at 09:05 UTC
The little ninja that did.
2005 Mar 27 • 398
20 ₧
esspecially since he plays HL games.
2005 Jun 1 at 11:07 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I consider Asheron's Call to be the one good mmorpg, and I've tried a lot of 'em!
Unlike what MJ is complaining about, it is the one mmorpg that actually has fighting in it. You could go somewhere where it takes no effort to fight things, and your character can fight for you (only with 3rd party apps btw) but there is ALWAYS the option to go somewhere dangerous and challenging. Unlike EQ and WoW (which are EXACTLY the same game for god's sake, just WoW is prettier and has Blizzard stuff in it) the fighting is fast paced (you can easily die in one hit) and requires actual movement. Mind you, it still isn't all that great, can't compare to an FPS.
CS was fun for me for years, then I got totally bored of it and now I can barely even play FPS's anymore. They really are just a game of "try to shoot the other guy in the head first." Not a lot to it...
The reason I am okay with paying for AC is that it is CONSTANTLY updated and supported. You can ask an admin for assistance in game and they take mere seconds to respond. You definetly get what you pay for. The community is more outstanding than in any other game I've played. People in EQ were freakin' jerks compared to people in AC. As Ilor stated, they are the same way in WoW.
EQ and WoW are generic. Orcs, dragons, elves, dwarves and all that lot... all the typical cliche fantasy creatures abound.
AC is ENTIRELY original, with the exception of humans, everything in it is only found in AC. I like teh virindi... *hugs* xoxoxo <3.
EQ and WoW involves a lot of waiting. Be it running for hours on end to some town, or waiting for something to come pick you up to bring there, you do a LOT of wasting time.
In AC as long as you know how to get somewhere, it is 5 minutes tops before you are there. (with the exception of specific places that require completing a quest to gain access too... but the quests invovle no waiting, lots trying not to die... which is fun!)
In all AC has a broad range of various combat styles and situations. (farming tuskers mindlessly or desperately clinging to your last 10 health in Valley of Death.) You can just do what you want.
However, unlike most mmorpg fans, I am HARDLY addicted to my game. If I want some serious excitement, I'll go play SSBM or whatever FPS I'm not currently bored of. I also go months at a time not playing the game, in which I can simply cancel my subscription until I want to play again without losing characters or anything.
AC ties with EQ in the horrible graphics and engine department. Looking aside from the low res textures which will be updated in the AC expansion, many problems abound in both. AC has the most horrible buffering and occlusion I have ever seen... it is bad... really bad... not enough to make things intolerable though. It is irritating as hell when your left arm appears in front of your chest and right arm when you are looking at yourself from the right side... EQ has abominable level design, packed with more loading zones than you can shake a graphics card at. EQ's textures are higher res... but they are applied by a four year old... misaligned and mismatched.
All in all, I would play WoW over EQ, as WoW is the same but with a graphics engine. AC beats 'em both though, hands down, entirely due the skill required when playing. You don't just choose an attack, you choose how to DO the attack as well... nice to have at least 2 dimensions. Lots of flippin' out like a ninja and dodging spells (holy crap, you can manually dodge? Watch out, EQ!)
I didn't even mention the EXCELLENT storyline in AC, entirely original and very creative. EQ is blaaaaah blaaaaah durrrrrr blahhhh *cliche* blah durrrrr....
2005 Jun 5 at 03:15 UTC
One thing AaronJer is forgetting is how much fun competitive play is with FPS games (wait...just Counter-Strike, all other multiplayer FPSs suck after about a day). 5v5 Counter-Strike was a ton of fun (because there's so much strategy involved and teamwork needed). It stopped being fun when you realize people have been playing Counter-Strike forever and are way better than you. I'm not a bad player by any means, but I suck compared to the real competitive players (CAL-p/i). I'm now burned out on CS. I need something fresh and new that still have a good amount of skill depth, but that offers a new experience. Who knows, maybe superjer and I might just make one. :p
2005 Jun 13 at 20:00 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Go play in DT in AC, get to reasonably high level, and go attack another monarchy. THAT is competition.
2005 Jun 14 at 04:21 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
but making the game will burn you out so much that you will get sick of even looking at the computer, so you will go off games for months, and then the whole exercise of making the game would be futile.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 14 at 11:41 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
i luv operation flashpoint and ghost recon (you may say what you want but i luv them) and also worms world party come  on the concrete donkey owns
2005 Jun 14 at 14:37 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
worms world party's cool, but worms 3d rules also. but worms forts sucks.
2005 Jun 14 at 16:38 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Oh man, Worms 2. We wasted so much time on that one having all sorts of good times. What was that active multiplayed German copy called? Leiro?
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 Jun 14 at 18:21 UTC
2005 Jun 15 at 03:30 UTC
fuck you all! Gunbound all the way! yeah!
as for FPS, I play MOHAA, but that gets old fast...still play it though. at the internet cafe they let me play Call of Duty: United Offensive and Battlefield: Desert Combat for free, although recently I forked over 12 bucks to play COD for three hours. They pitied me for losing my computer, so I also got four free hours the last time i was there. on thursday nights they let me play for free. one of the owners is nice to me. i kick decent ass in CoD. Among those of us in the cafe, I probably rank 4th. Although Smashhead (the one that lets me play for free every week) can easily snipe my ass and pretty much always outranks me in every FPS match we play, he still fears me on some maps. when i pull out the PPS4 or um...think it's called the Stein or Sten something or other... British assault rifle, i'm deadly. occasionally i get lucky and we end up in a heated gunfight. the greatest one was when i was trying to toss a grenade, but i had reached second rank so i had a smoke grenade also and because i always mousewheelUP, it selected the smoke grenade. so i tossed the smoke grenade out and it popped right between us. i used that opportunity to run backwards then hide behind some bushes. then i ran out of the bushes and the gunfight continued. i forgot who won that fight, but Smashhead congratulated me on the awesome duel. my reflexes are also a little faster than his, so when i have the automatics and run out around a corner, sometimes i bump into him and BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM! ... he gets lucky and kills me first. how the fuck he does that i dunno, some fucked up glitch in the game. i get him to low health though. and sometimes i snipe with an SMG. in COD that is hard to do. i picked off Smashhead in Stalingrad one time using burst-fire with my MP40 (German SMG), four bullets in paired burstings. Smashhead complimented me on that too. That game is heart-pounding. I come out of that game shaking sometimes. serious adrenaline rush. If you ever wanna join us, i think the server name is CODUO GALAXY GAME CAFE. My SN is (GGC)Theou Aegis.
Gunbound never gets boring for me. It's always fun talking shit and in Gunbound you have plenty of time to talk shit. Unfortunately the fuckhead minors playing video games these days keep kicking me or banning me from games. I've been banned from I dunno how many MOHAA servers...  but in Gunbound i'm just soooo cute, so i love playing it.  although, i've had falling outs with some of my Gunbound buddies, one of which is slowly being pieced back together, and other buddies just stopped playing. my Japanese guildmates are rarely on when i'm on nowadays. and the 14yr old girl in Brunei whose father's Japanese and mother Chinese (small tits but GODDAMN SHE'S CUTE!!!!...she sent me a photo) never plays anymore now that she's working at a bank.  I miss Yuri.... That was Kanariya's real name. Yuri Miyazawa. Or was she 16? I forgot. I just know she was too young and lived too far away. oh wait, maybe she was 17. Aaron probably doesn't remember how old i first said she was. it's been so long since i've seen her. i think she was 17. i remember wanting to go out with her once i moved to Japan. she has relatives in Fukuoka and so i was gonna date her on her reunion trip. but i haven't heard from her in ages and all the emails i send to her result in mailer daemons. i'm very sad...
2005 Jun 15 at 06:36 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
You're creepy.
2005 Jun 15 at 08:13 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
whats he on about i read 3 words and then got bored
2005 Jun 15 at 14:30 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Something about statutory.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 Jun 15 at 19:47 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Yeah, that's the part that caught my attention.
Liero was the best thing that ever happened to Worms. I wish Worms dropped dead and was replaced by it... I mean, seriously... real-time worms?
Shiiiiit niggas!
*does a gang sign*
2005 Jun 15 at 20:43 UTC
Can I not have a special title anymore?
2005 Jun 16 at 02:58 UTC
IT'S NOT STATUTORY! I was gonna wait till she turned 18. Dudes you should see her. She's a total cutie. She's so sweet and kind and gentle. Granted, those were the words used to describe the heroine in "Battle Royale," but still... I'd post her picture, but she said she'd only send it to me if i promised to delete it and so i kept my promise. Now i only have the picture in my mind. Oh, and it's only Statutory in some countries. In Canada you can fuck a 14-year old. That's what one of my Canadian GB buddies told me. He's 19 and tries to fuck 14 year olds. I just make friends with them. I'm not a perv rapist.Besides, she liked me too. I just know she did...
Played Battlefield 2 tonight. The squad system is cool but the gameplay kinda sucks. Guns some weaker and jets seem overpowered. Especially against helicopters -- hop in a heli and BOOM! you die from heat-seeking missile attacks before you even lift off. But now there's a sprint function. It's tight. Make you feel all covert opsish.
2005 Jun 16 at 07:30 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
whatever dude noone cares about you as far as anyone is concered you are a waste of space who talks absoulute dogshit
2005 Jun 16 at 08:18 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
OMG will people stop tampering with my fucking name thingy below my user name and above the avatar thingy jobber thing
hey does any one want to hear some stand up comedy by Mr Billy connelly it is quuite funny i listen to it often????
2005 Jun 16 at 08:21 UTC
If you post too long of posts we don't read them=)
2005 Jun 16 at 11:46 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
hahah tendrils mcgee
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 17 at 07:17 UTC