"forum fight"

"forum fight"

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Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
*slaps echidna for 1337 damage.*
2005 Jun 11 at 15:25 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
ja uber 1337. echidna3 ist ein fichen Schei
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 Jun 11 at 18:53 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
We don't take to kindly to foreignese around here, Estevan!

You go back to Guam!

*builds a robot, names it Orlando, and sends IT to kick Banana's ass.*
2005 Jun 11 at 20:30 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧

(sadly, nobody's gonna get that reference...)

(not really planning on it, thx)
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 Jun 12 at 04:18 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
*builds an exact replica of orlando, calls it cecil, and sets it to kill orlando*
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 12 at 10:11 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Yeah, but Orlando has better reflective lazer-bombs so he'll beat Cecil any day!

Stay tuned for the epic struggle between Orlando and Cecil.
2005 Jun 13 at 16:15 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
"aaronjer" said:
We don't take to kindly to foreignese around here, Estevan!

You go back to Guam!

*builds a robot, names it Orlando, and sends IT to kick Banana's ass.*

guam... that was german.

*pays orlando protection money*
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 Jun 13 at 19:43 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
*orlando then throws away the money, and warns cecil against it, because they are good citizens that dont accept bribes*
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 14 at 11:43 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
*builds a time machine and kills everyone while they are still babies*

i win
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity http://www.whiteninjacomics.com
2005 Jun 14 at 14:34 UTC
Theou Aegis
2005 Apr 24 • 100
33 ₧
*laughs maniacally*

then i live! for i was never born. I am a god and as a god i have existed since the dawn of time

*smites Shogun with the Rubber Ducky of Elderan*
It'sa me! Carl!
2005 Jun 15 at 06:47 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
*Utters in a barely audible voice.*

Get out of the way.

*Fires a +4 damage vs. Gods rocket at Theou.*
2005 Jun 15 at 08:21 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
i'm still using the old tactics
*kicks aaron*
2005 Jun 15 at 11:55 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Dammit Smoke, you realize you've been attacking an effigy of me this entire time, right? I even stapled a sign to it saying "Attention Smoke, this is not really AaronJer, direct all kicks approx. 35 meters to the South."

Also you shouldn't kick people with opened-toed shoes, you could get hurt!
2005 Jun 15 at 21:11 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
I'm confused thanks

*kicks aaron*
2005 Jun 16 at 02:56 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
*judo chops jacksmoke and knocks him out*

shamone mutha fucka

proper bo selecta!!!
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity http://www.whiteninjacomics.com
2005 Jun 16 at 09:00 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
*punches shogun*
2005 Jun 16 at 11:49 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
*pulls out, wait for it, a, still wait for it, pair of scissors, then proceeds to cut the top of smokes skull off, then eats his brain, hannibal style*
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 17 at 07:12 UTC

2005 Apr 13 • 19
33 ₧
*pokes echidna*
No i don't want five eklanshizal's.
2005 Jun 20 at 09:03 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
*pokes Maisbroodje back. WITH A SPEAR*
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 20 at 13:07 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
*throws a petrol bomb at echidna*

how do you like you anteater well done????
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity http://www.whiteninjacomics.com
2005 Jun 22 at 09:59 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
haha. funny. NOT!

*neglects to clean shotgun, so he misfires and blows the fuck up*
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 22 at 13:39 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
*retaliates to Smoke's constant onslaught with a cunning counterstrike!*
2005 Jun 25 at 06:19 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
did you use a whole commando team for the counterstrike?
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Jun 26 at 12:07 UTC

2005 Apr 13 • 19
33 ₧
*Smoke-grenade-spam's you all*
No i don't want five eklanshizal's.
2005 Jul 3 at 23:51 UTC
Jet Monkey Duo
Reff Admin

2005 Mar 27 • 159
114 ₧
*continues gathering energy*

(for reference, see this post)
2005 Jul 6 at 08:39 UTC
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