6th Annual Pole Socking / Storm Chasing Olympium.

6th Annual Pole Socking / Storm Chasing Olympium.

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News Reporter

2006 Apr 21 • 17
21 ₧
Hello, Reporter Elenkos here, live from the field in beautiful River City, Alabraska.
Today marks the opening of the Branch Jerian Polesocking Field and
2006 Sep 21 at 14:34 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
It looks like you are right on the Eastern border of the quadrant six showboating field. SuperJer doesn't participate in the tournament as a contender, but he can't help skirt the borders and show off to the newbies.

Many of the administration regulators mistake SuperJer for an out of bounds spider-mine from the obstacle course quadrant... such situations usually end up in a bicycle-bourne triple wheel kick to Sergeant Stone, who always tries to keep the newbie regulators from disarming SuperJer.

On a ligher note, we're holding a byob memorial service for Lance Meredith, the only man to defeat Mr. Ribbon in a contest of wills and punching. His end was as quick and painful as his left jab.

Anyway Elenkos, if you're looking for the heavy action you should head 45 kilometers due west. That will bring you through the showboating region entirely and into the Standard Pole-Socking arena. Watch for the laser turrets though, word is that Mr. Ribbon has reprogrammed them to fire on your crew again. Shields up and stay frosty.
2006 Sep 22 at 08:15 UTC
News Reporter

2006 Apr 21 • 17
21 ₧
2006 Sep 22 at 11:04 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
In case some of you hadn't heard, team leaders are now allowed to undergo full cyberization. Ilor had his entire body augmented or replaced and now only his left eye and the three better quarters of his brain are original.

For new voluntary recruits we are now offering discount rates on cyborg body sets. The Mark V 'Hammer Arm' set is the most popular with Red Team, as their standard pole-socking hammer is equipped by default. Blue Team's Retro Squad is going with a real Classic: The first Cyborg body developed by ancient Native American mechanics in 200 BC. It's the heaviest set known to man, but it's defenses are impenetrable. The rock-hard chassis is powered by sun beams reflected by the same satellites the ancient Hopi and Navajo tribes put into action at the beginning of Pole-Socking history.

The Nomad's religion prevents them from cyberizing their bodies, but they have no sanctions against and take delight in enslaving and reprogramming other cyberized players. So watch out athletes, you never know when your squaddie will turn out to be a robot-zombie time bomb!

Truly professional journalism Elenkos, I was impressed to see you only took 30% casualties passing through Hellpit Gorge, and not a single camera-man lost spying on Ilor! I think some of them should try out to be Ninjas, stealthy as that! Keep it up and keep us posted.
2006 Sep 22 at 21:41 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
This is general_zim with an important news flash update

Iraqi Insurgents are attacking DangerJer stadium!!!

The iraqis poured into the stadium, spraying down innocent elderly people. They seemed to be a division of the least-succesful branch of the iraqi insurgency, IIAAEP (Iraqi Insurgents Against American Elderly People)

But lucky, the marines where there to solve the problem. Here is the video taken by our camera in the town outside dangerjer stadium.


Please, if you have any elderly people you care about with you, please lock them in the icebox in the basement.

That is all.
2006 Sep 24 at 23:58 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I hope they remembered to wrap that severed head in blessed cloth before incinerating it on a giant silver cross. If they'd didn't there will be hell to pay. Quite literally. That was definetly a successful attempt at summoning a Fetch through decapitation.

At least it isn't a Simulacrum... I hate those.
2006 Sep 25 at 05:17 UTC
Mr. Ribbon
Malicious Outsider
2006 Sep 25 • 20
16 ₧
I'm back, baby!

some asshole deleted my account... aaronjer... but I'm ready to rejoin the Pole-Socking league through a handy loophole I discovered! Seeing as registration and blacklisting for Pole-Socking is handled by a division of superjer.com my blacklist status has been lifted!!

so anyway, im workin' on my brand new shit. I've already managed to reprogram 70% of Cammi's work and battle drones! She's gonna look like a real class act when I drop this humdinger of a death ray on 'er! as long as JMD stays out of my way... fuck that monkey. FUCK HIM TO HELL.
Bebop and scat or I'll skin you like a bear!
2006 Sep 25 at 20:13 UTC
News Reporter

2006 Apr 21 • 17
21 ₧
2006 Sep 25 at 21:06 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Delete? Wha? I didn' do nuffin'.
2006 Sep 25 at 23:18 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
thanks elenkos. It's my first week outta boot camp. Lucky I was carrying those sporks. You shouldn't travel without sporks. Never.
2006 Sep 28 at 23:56 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Nah, there's viable substitutes. Both the scissork and the knifler work just as well in most circumstances.

Just a week ago I traveled across the entire south-west quadrant with a group of Administration Rangers and not one of us brought a spork. We only had one scissork to go between the whole squad and me... poor Lieutenant Stanton couldn't handle the meager rations and lost his mind about 120 miles south of Checkpoint Delta Six. Sadly, we had no choice but to tie him to a rocket and launch him back to base. He's now undergoing body reconstruction, soul reattachment, mental stability processing and a court martial. Lucky for Stanton even those discharged for mental conditions from the Pole-Socking Administration (or P-SA) get a huge severance package.

On an even more depressing note, P-SA sentries have detected a fleet of hovercraft numbering in the hundreds to the east. They are heading directly towards ground zero of the playing field. These hovercraft are unregistered and far too heavily equipped to follow Pole-Socking Manual Vehicle Regulations. I'm worried about their intentions, so I've decided that in this rare and unfortunate crisis I'll be appointing both Cammi Falls and Ilor as the commanding officers on the field. Don't fight, you two! This is really serious, people could be slaughtered in a manner totally against regulations! All software and hardware restraining plugs will be pulled from all equiptment, so grab the biggest and most illegal weapons you can find! I'll be heading the P-SA Rangers and Regulators through the hills to hit their flank while Cammi and Ilor's teams hold them at the Mississippi. If you see Ribbon make sure to shoot on sight, we do NOT need him interfering with this operation!

Oh, and I'm going to borrow your guard team Elenkos, we need all the soldiers we can get. I would suggest that you lay low at the Command Center until this blows over... but I know better than that. Just try not to get yourself killed? It's not easy finding replacements for positions such as yours.

Suit up and get ready to move out!
2006 Sep 29 at 01:23 UTC
Mr. Ribbon
Malicious Outsider
2006 Sep 25 • 20
16 ₧
uh... this is sorta my fault... just sorta tho!

that fleet of hovercraft was made by Mr. Ribbon Heavy Manufacturing and Brewery. you know those drones I reprogrammed? well it turns out that I accidently set them to autonomous mode and then dropped the laptop I was hacking them with. I also was playing around with their combat settings and activated the "Purge Humans" command. Then they stole my hovercraft and ran off.

I'm pretty sure they will stay localized in the American Midwest, as their service area only extends so far. so even though this isn't REALLY my fault i've decided to help out by NOT firing any missiles at anyone fighting against the robot scourge. I'm sticking to non-explosive ballistic weaponry and stationary explosives such as mines, double-mines and reflective laser-bombs!

I'll be waiting in ambush! Have fun bitches!!
Bebop and scat or I'll skin you like a bear!
2006 Sep 29 at 01:36 UTC
News Reporter

2006 Apr 21 • 17
21 ₧
On the eve of this monumental crisis, I think its best that we pause and reflect on the last conflict which shook the interweb to its very foundations and moorings.
As some of you are old enough to remember, a year ago our subsidiary shareholder and sole financer, Superjer.com, was locked in a cataclysmic battle with Superjer.net.
However, this clash of the titans was only a part in the larger World Web War.
Using our the latest advances in science and technology (and a box of crayons) we here at PSTV would like to present to you the first in a seven part series about the greatest generation.

But first, a word from our sponsor.
2006 Sep 29 at 05:11 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
wow omg
2006 Sep 30 at 01:32 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
That sponsor wasn't very interesting... perhaps we should reallocate our funding to something that makes more money?
2006 Oct 2 at 08:39 UTC
Mr. Ribbon
Malicious Outsider
2006 Sep 25 • 20
16 ₧
like Mr. Ribbon brand Giant Thresher Robots or Mr. Ribbon brand Standard-size Thresher Robots! those make a pretty penny on the Nomad market!
Bebop and scat or I'll skin you like a bear!
2006 Oct 2 at 21:40 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
I don't know why I'm posting here, I'm not really part of this so called Pole-Socking. But I have the pr0n, so I must be important.
2006 Oct 5 at 03:23 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
You don't need porn to sock a pole, but it certainly can't hurt.
2006 Oct 5 at 04:23 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
Cammi Falls said:
Check out this Blue-team uniform I captured. I think it fits me rather well, don
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Apr 3 at 19:42 UTC — Ed. 2009 Apr 3 at 19:52 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
Why is Elenkos' avatar somewhat familiar?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Apr 3 at 20:41 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
2009 Apr 3 at 21:53 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Mate de Vita said:
Why is Elenkos' avatar somewhat familiar?

Ja. You didn't know all his avatars before his current one were stolen from other users?

Cloud System, stop bumping old threads you little shit!
May contain traces of invisible text.
2009 Apr 4 at 02:09 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
He can bump Pole Socking trucks all he wants!
2009 Apr 4 at 07:39 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
eDan Co. said:
Ja. You didn't know all his avatars before his current one were stolen from other users?

I knew for JMD's one, I didn't know for this one.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Apr 4 at 08:58 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
aaronjer said:
He can bump Pole Socking trucks all he wants!

I wish it was only Pole Socking threads he bumped...
May contain traces of invisible text.
2009 Apr 4 at 11:06 UTC
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