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Posts written by Cammi Falls:

the_cloud_system said:

How did you manage to misspell my name? Its just one post under yours.
Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth.
Crytax said:
Da-shiang bao-tza shr duh lah doo-tze!!

The corn hole?
I know what to do with your childhood.
Bend over.

"CornJer" said:
Seriously though, is Cammi a real person or Zarathuster with a dupe account?

Please, next you be saying something crazy like Aaronjer is the same as that goat punching son of a bitch Mr. Ribbon. Such talk is blasphemy in the eyes of Red Team.

Also, creamed corn is gross.
"The_sloth" said:
Are you here again ! You can,t Run .. for me!

No, but he can run TO you. And hold you in a loving embrace as he slips a shiv between your ribs.
"mrsticks" said:
how do u post messages?

"superjer" said:
Yo mama's so DUMB (and FAT) she went fishing and I got shot into the sky!

I have to agree; I feel like killing myself now
Please. Mine is nicer.
As for the rest of you: I dare you to enlist in the sexiest Tactical Internet Terror Squad ever.

"Zarathustra" said:

This is perhaps the most shocking Halloween-related thing ever!

With the possible exception of the joke about Mrs. Ghost not being able to get pregnant because Mr. Ghost had a hollow weenie . . .
Zarathustra is making me wear this thing.

I don
It may look like Christianity, but it tastes like Buddhism.

The Sailor Senshi pown the tremors monster-of-the-week style.

Motherfucking Moon Prism Power, bitch!

But be sure to fetch me a Siemens Lufthaken and a couple of meters of WLAN cable.
Why the Warthog?
Well I
Shut up peanut.
Check out this Blue-team uniform I captured. I think it fits me rather well, don
Thanks Elenkos. I love the hair.

Ok. I have a whale bone to pick with Mr. Ribbon. Nasally voice? What the hell are you talking about?

Silly crack head. You can pump me full of whatever you can dream of, but I