Cammi Falls

Cammi Falls

User name
Cammi Falls
Assigned title
Fuck you, Ribbon!
Assigned post color
Registration date
2006 April 24
Post count
21 ₧
People's Republic of Cascadia
Quando omni flunkus moritati.

Recent posts by Cammi Falls

Recent posts by Cammi Falls

the_cloud_system said:

How did you manage to misspell my name? Its just one post under yours.
Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth.
2009 Nov 13 at 02:48 UTC
Crytax said:
Da-shiang bao-tza shr duh lah doo-tze!!

2007 Sep 15 at 01:35 UTC
2007 Apr 3 at 00:32 UTC
The corn hole?
2007 Mar 26 at 19:59 UTC
I know what to do with your childhood.
Bend over.

2007 Mar 18 at 20:02 UTC
2007 Mar 18 at 19:58 UTC
Superjer... in General
"CornJer" said:
Seriously though, is Cammi a real person or Zarathuster with a dupe account?

Please, next you be saying something crazy like Aaronjer is the same as that goat punching son of a bitch Mr. Ribbon. Such talk is blasphemy in the eyes of Red Team.

Also, creamed corn is gross.
2007 Mar 10 at 03:22 UTC
Superjer... in General
2007 Feb 27 at 19:56 UTC
Superjer... in General
"The_sloth" said:
Are you here again ! You can,t Run .. for me!

No, but he can run TO you. And hold you in a loving embrace as he slips a shiv between your ribs.