shout out shogun

shout out shogun

General — Page [1] 2
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
how can most of u not get my fucking name right ITS SHOGUN OK (as in the Japaniese General of Army)
and super jer for fuck sake change the rank thingy u bastard
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 May 11 at 09:29 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Shogun how about not you little faggot?
2005 May 11 at 12:34 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
stfu jacksomke you cunt why don't u get that everyone HATES u fuck off!!! u wanker go blow a goat
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 May 12 at 10:07 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
But I LIKE Jacksmoke...
2005 May 13 at 00:28 UTC

[User deleted]

He LIKES Jacksmoke.
2005 May 13 at 00:29 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Alright Shotgunner, or whatever you want to be called:

If you can't handle the routine circulating bullshit of then get out now.
2005 May 13 at 01:21 UTC
Jet Monkey Duo
Reff Admin

2005 Mar 27 • 159
114 ₧

No one panic. I've made a new avatar for Mr. Gun that I think should clear up all this confusion.
2005 May 13 at 01:32 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Ahhh ok good now I get it.
2005 May 13 at 01:44 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Someone is taking things too seriously, and if he doesn't stop, there will be none left for the rest of us
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 May 13 at 03:31 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
nice rank ^^
but why the name in your avatar is [GTA]Shoutgun and your name is [GTW]shogun... ?

ok... I think I got it....
2005 May 13 at 08:35 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
lol thats actually quite good you should know irish people get worked up easily and anyway it was only a bit of banter so calm down

i question how did he get to make the avater so big when it's 120x120 max

can u get soda bread in america cus i i come over there some day i can't live without an ulster fry
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 May 13 at 08:58 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
i like mr jacksmoke
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 13 at 11:04 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
ok your gay.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 13 at 12:20 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 May 13 at 13:45 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Yeah, you can get soda bread some places, but it's not like it's a really common thing. I haven't seen a lot of areas sell it unless it's around St. Patrick's Day. It could also depend what part of the country you're in (maybe...).
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 May 13 at 15:34 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
wtf is soda bread. and shutup shotgun
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 13 at 23:58 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 14 at 19:24 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
what makes it any different from normal bread?
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 15 at 09:44 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
not sure but it tast different.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 15 at 15:03 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
It is good bread?
2005 May 15 at 21:29 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
It is a bit different, the soda bread I've had tends to be a bit drier, but kind of sweet.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 May 15 at 22:30 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
ahhhk. makes sense now
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 16 at 04:50 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
let me confirm it rocks and its not bread its a kind of thing u fry and eat with bacon eggs sausages brown sause pancake potato bread black pudding and tomatoes
and its not sweet its savoury mmm ulster fry u really should try it some time although that would mean u coming over here so don't
unless u are on holiday but don't come in the summer as the annual riots happen then on the 11th of july
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 May 16 at 09:19 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
haha national riots? i prob wont end up coming over there in the near future. (there= usa??)
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 16 at 13:04 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Soda bread to me is nasty!
2005 May 16 at 16:29 UTC
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