Schpida! He is our hero!

Schpida! He is our hero!

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Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
You are really awesome at drawing stuff, AJ.

Make sure to add some of those:
2009 Mar 3 at 16:57 UTC — Ed. 2009 Mar 3 at 16:58 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
That is a very awesome attack. I like how you have a very solid idea of what is going on in 3D.
2009 Mar 3 at 17:49 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Don't worry, Molkers, they way I've already started to draw it contains nearly identical sword trails to what you drew. And yeah, who knew I'd have such a natural skill at visualizing and then drawing people in a spatially correct fashion... given that I have absolutely no background as an artist... it's weird.
2009 Mar 3 at 18:17 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Dear god, I leave for a few months and this happens?
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2009 Mar 4 at 15:20 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Mar 4 at 18:08 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Why did you leave us?! We love you!
2009 Mar 4 at 18:26 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Mar 5 at 00:52 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
When will all this stupidity turn into funny retardness?
2009 Mar 5 at 05:05 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
It already did, in your case.
2009 Mar 5 at 13:23 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Here's hopin' this looks right on the forams...

2009 Mar 9 at 11:38 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
'spretty, but the eyes and facial expression aren't quite right. She looks like some kind of robot zombie, whereas, ideally, if you're flipping out you should be... uh... flipping out.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Mar 9 at 12:43 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
It's pretty awesome, though as NJ points out, she's rather expressionless. And I know this would be a lot of work but even a couple more frames would make a big difference I think.
2009 Mar 9 at 13:48 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
Yea, a few frames for her "bouncing on the ground and running away" at the end would be neat.
2009 Mar 9 at 15:06 UTC

2009 Jan 16 • 152
12 ₧
Although this truck is intresting,why does it hae so many answers??
2009 Mar 9 at 15:44 UTC — Ed. 2009 Mar 9 at 15:50 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Mar 9 at 15:47 UTC

2009 Jan 16 • 152
12 ₧
mmmm.... boobies....
2009 Mar 9 at 15:50 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
KnightOfH3ll said:
Although this truck is intresting,why does it hae so many answers??

Well it is pretty old and also, as DR pointed out, boobies.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Mar 9 at 20:33 UTC — Ed. 2009 Mar 9 at 20:33 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
I already said I was going to add more frames before. I've every intention of adding at least one at the start, one possibly between the 3rd and 4th, and probably two at the end. Ever since I learned that you can time each frame if a .gif animation I've become very happy, because I can add in as many frames as I want and just move them faster to make them look correct.

I just felt like showing the "so far" of this.


2009 Mar 9 at 20:42 UTC — Ed. 2009 Mar 9 at 21:09 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
It has come to my attention my FF fight truck is gone....
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2009 Mar 9 at 21:15 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
aaronjer said:
I already said I was going to add more frames before. I've every intention of adding at least one at the start, one possibly between the 3rd and 4th, and probably two at the end. Ever since I learned that you can time each frame if a .gif animation I've become very happy, because I can add in as many frames as I want and just move them faster to make them look correct.

I just felt like showing the "so far" of this.


It looks the same.

Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2009 Mar 9 at 21:15 UTC — Ed. 2009 Mar 9 at 21:16 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Now this totally reminds me a of Blaze's forward-forward B with the sword in Streets of Rage 3.

Which, of course, means it rules.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Mar 9 at 21:26 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
But Blaze's face is featureless... you make no sense.
2009 Mar 9 at 21:32 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Indeed. It was just the motion. It took me that long to put it together.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2009 Mar 9 at 22:02 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Mar 9 at 23:22 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Since I know you're all just dying to see my next piece of art... here's a quick (but colored) sketch of everyone's favorite elven princess critically injured. She got hurt, and it's all your fault. What do you have to say for yourselves?!

2009 Mar 13 at 12:24 UTC — Ed. 2009 Mar 13 at 12:24 UTC
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