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Registration date
2009 January 16
Post count
12 ₧
My house

Recent posts by KnightOfH3ll

Recent posts by KnightOfH3ll

2009 Aug 23 at 09:52 UTC
And i am back in General
I smell something about this pie. And its not good. Sounds like insulting pie....
2009 Aug 22 at 20:33 UTC
And i am back in General
Yes thats right. I am back and i brought pie for all of you. Still i am searching for Mate's pie. I just cant find it.
2009 Aug 1 at 05:16 UTC
Why did Mate get the credits for this one?? All he did was ask for compile log. Mate dont go over your head. BTW i still dont know what pootang is. So if you dont tell me i wont be able to bring you some.
2009 Jul 31 at 20:28 UTC
I will be back in General
Mate de Vita said:
Bring me a piece of the good old poontang pie.

What is poontang ??
2009 Jul 31 at 14:47 UTC
I will be back in General
Havokk Edge said:

Mmmmm pussy pie....
2009 Jul 31 at 12:22 UTC
I will be back in General
Down Rodeo said:
Didn't I just reply to this truck?

Yes u did. But Mr. Sloth had to make a truck about him going away. Hey Sloth! My truck has more replys than you.

BTW what kind of pie do you want me to bring when i get back?
2009 Jul 31 at 09:29 UTC
I Will be Back in General
Damn u Sloth!! Damn u!!!!
2009 Jul 31 at 07:44 UTC
I will be back in General
Yes thats right. I am not yet gone but i will be. So bye bye.
2009 Jul 27 at 06:08 UTC
BF Heroes in Vidja Games
A new game from EA in the battlefiel games. The game is free and cartoony. Choose ur army and profeesion and then costumize your fighter. Gain levels and get points that unlock funny costumes and weapons.
ANy1 played it??
2009 Jul 18 at 07:19 UTC
Kinda like superjer? Full of dicks?

And i thought we were alone...

BTW it was ok