OK so my Windows (7) computer is totally hosed up.
IF and when it finally POSTs it can barely boot Windows (sometimes never finishes, sometimes just takes 4 hours) and then it likes to insta-reboot crash about ever 30 minutes.
I couldn't fix it and I hardly wanted to try SC2beta on that so I got crazy and installed Wubi+Wine with the SC2beta patch. Had to install IE6 as well since the SC2beta installer needs IE. (WTF)
And then after updating forever... it works!
Not very fast though until I turned down all the gfx. But hey it makes everything easier to see.
NOT liking how SC2 forces me into a game just to make sure everything works. So there I am trying to learn the UI and set the gfx and windowed vs. fullscreen while some other noob is rolling me. But anyway it looks fun.
Just wish my mobo and Windows didn't suck SOOOOO much.