As much as I hate the Greyjoys, their house words are perhaps my favorite.
HouseGreyjoy said: WE DO NOT SOW
While I'm not one for the arrogant nature of the statement, I revel in the implication that they feed themselves by taking what you sow.
I'm not into the show. HBO doesn't even know how to make bad television, and I love the Song of Ice and Fire books, but somehow the two enmeshed do nothing for me. I think it started when Danaerys didn't say 'yes' the first time she was mounted, as she did in the book. It's pretty much Greedo shooting first, as far as I'm concerned. Also where does GRR get the time? He has two more books to write, damnit! Although I suppose HBO's interest in seeing them complete before season five goes to post will probably help matters there, so there's always that going for the show.
No spoilers, no tutorials cum advertisements, no homo.
2012 Sep 30 at 13:50 UTC