

User name
Assigned title
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)
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Registration date
2009 November 14
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Recent posts by Rockbomb

Recent posts by Rockbomb

2017 Jan 2 at 01:05 UTC
First off, if anyone wants to add me on steam, my username on there is terridax_

Second, anyone wanna recommend me some games worth purchasing on there? Perhaps things that are on sale for the winter sale?
2016 Dec 30 at 05:54 UTC
Rockbomb in User Discussions
I am here again.
My signature is now lame.
Perhaps a new one.
2014 Mar 23 at 18:27 UTC
Communicating with another (3rd party) application in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
2013 Nov 13 at 09:06 UTC
Anime in Video Recommend!
SRAW said:
While I understand maybe being a fan of watching them or something... if you discuss them and cosplay like some of the people here... then you're WEIRD AS FUCK. and as for the koreans, will they're asian, and we lived in malaysia, where it's asia too. But I bet you haven't even been out of the country, so why the hell would you support asia's fucking shitty culture? Japan + Korea + China + Polynesian countries = fucking shit culture with fucking shitty animes and you should be glad we have american tv shows and not fucking stupid nigger stuff like this anime. It's glorifying culture that should not be glorified, it's almost as bad as those fucking faggots too claiming "gay" pride. If you stopped talking about your gay pride then there would be no problem fucking shit heads. Same with racism. I know this may not have to do with anime, but my point is that you're glorifying culture that should not glorified unless you want to go live in their fucking shitty country.

0/10, trying way too hard.
2013 Nov 12 at 18:04 UTC
Anime in Video Recommend!
SRAW said:
Asides from who actually watches tv/anime/tv... what is so fun about animes? :( Also aren't you guys like 20-something you should be ASHAMED that you like anime like unless you're korean like the guys I knew, you should not be watching this ghey stuff.

So if you're Korean, it's fine to watch them, but if you're from any other country it's gay and childish?

We watch them because we like watching them. If you don't like them, don't watch them
2013 Oct 3 at 18:03 UTC
Background Color Change On Scroll in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
Here ya go breh: link-diddy
2013 Sep 21 at 09:12 UTC
Your Password! in General
2013 Sep 11 at 18:17 UTC
Music I made. in General
Creep Her is very Prodigy-esque, only it's definitely a lot darker... love it
2013 Sep 5 at 17:10 UTC
I don't understand how to play :(
I mean, I get the concept of the game, but how do you put two cards together? Tried dragging them over one another, double clicking, etc.... nothing worked
2013 Sep 3 at 18:03 UTC