Raising water on VHE?

Raising water on VHE?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2008 Sep 1 • 93
can we make a raising water?
like the water level goes up and/or down.

it is possible?
[Noobs] Lorenzo
2012 Mar 5 at 12:44 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
2012 Mar 5 at 14:39 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
In fairness there is that bit in Half-Life where the water level rises in a sewer, I don't know how to do it though.
2012 Mar 5 at 20:22 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Isn't the water just a brush with a water texture on it or something? Couldn't you just attach that brush to a func_train or something?
2012 Mar 5 at 21:50 UTC
2011 Sep 10 • 24
you can make water rise. when you set it to func_water you can see a list of properties. it will always be water but can be moved like a door using a button or the 'use' key.
2012 Mar 16 at 07:24 UTC
Masta Frank

2008 Sep 17 • 79
Heres how to do it. you have to fine tune it though. make a block and tie it to func_water. then name it water and(or whtever) set the render mode to "texture - some light" if u want it to b transparent. set fx amount to however much transparency u need. go to yaw and click the down arrow and change it to "up". delay it for at least .2 secs. go to "lip" and change it to 1 for now (just to make sure it works). set contents to water (or lava ha). and the wave height can be changed if u want waves. then make another box and tie it to func_button (or some sort of a trigger). set the target to "water" (or whtever u named it). thts about it, if u want the button to go into the wall change the lip to 5 or whtever suits u and then test your map to make sure it works. it should rise and then fall. u can make it rise and stay there by changing the reset attribute in func_water to -1.
2012 Aug 13 at 06:32 UTC
2014 Feb 3 • 6
Masta Frank said:
Heres how to do it. you have to fine tune it though. make a block and tie it to func_water. then name it water and(or whtever) set the render mode to "texture - some light" if u want it to b transparent. set fx amount to however much transparency u need. go to yaw and click the down arrow and change it to "up". delay it for at least .2 secs. go to "lip" and change it to 1 for now (just to make sure it works). set contents to water (or lava ha). and the wave height can be changed if u want waves. then make another box and tie it to func_button (or some sort of a trigger). set the target to "water" (or whtever u named it). thts about it, if u want the button to go into the wall change the lip to 5 or whtever suits u and then test your map to make sure it works. it should rise and then fall. u can make it rise and stay there by changing the reset attribute in func_water to -1.

You can also make the water to be flowing like a river - moving the floating boxes or vehicle/boat on the water surface. Example map: csde_canelli
the map source file is available free for download, so you can learn and recompile it. http://www.geocities.ws/cmg_lee/cs.htm
2014 Feb 4 at 07:52 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
supermap777 said:
You can also make the water to be flowing like a river - moving the floating boxes or vehicle/boat on the water surface. Example map: csde_canelli
the map source file is available free for download, so you can learn and recompile it. http://www.geocities.ws/cmg_lee/cs.htm

You're about 2 years from this post . lol
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2014 Feb 5 at 01:22 UTC
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