Masta Frank

Masta Frank

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Masta Frank
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Registration date
2008 September 17
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Recent posts by Masta Frank

Recent posts by Masta Frank

2022 Apr 12 at 07:49 UTC
Ha and a water level with rising water. Thanks. The rising water is kind of fun because it promotes a fast paced gun battle. I can jump into the map, stockpile all the weapons by throwing out the KM_SM and play 10-30 fast paced rounds. I think most people discourage these kind of maps because of the optimizing issues and they are not considered "competitive". I have not tried this on a big server yet so I'm not sure if what I did for optimizing was enough or not. I could probably squeeze out a few extra fps here and there if need be. It would be fun to try this with gungame or the halo mod. I imagine mass chaos would ensue.
2022 Apr 11 at 11:12 UTC
Hello, this is a map I started quite a long time ago and finally finished. Figured I'd post it here because I asked a number of questions about it back in the day. It is a fight yard type map and is very fast paced. If you have any bugs please report them and I will try to fix them. Thanks for playing. Download in the link.

2015 Aug 5 at 14:21 UTC
I don't know...
2015 Aug 4 at 09:48 UTC
I've had some pretty random and interesting conversations from dumb fucks who try to scam me on CL. I sell stuff on there and nothing makes me madder then the lazy Nigerian, Russian, etc... fucks who try to pull their dumb shit. What baffles me the most is some dumb sap has to fall for this shit cause they wouldn't be doing it otherwise. There's only one redeeming aspect. If you get them mad, damn they get pissed.
2012 Aug 16 at 07:24 UTC
What This Now in Hammer Mapping
1. why did u black a path out?

2. if u read the end of the path it says counter-str.
maybe tht has something to do with it.

so u compile the map and u set vhe to open counter strike when it was done correct? I have a better way if ur interested.
2012 Aug 13 at 06:32 UTC
Raising water on VHE? in Hammer Mapping
Heres how to do it. you have to fine tune it though. make a block and tie it to func_water. then name it water and(or whtever) set the render mode to "texture - some light" if u want it to b transparent. set fx amount to however much transparency u need. go to yaw and click the down arrow and change it to "up". delay it for at least .2 secs. go to "lip" and change it to 1 for now (just to make sure it works). set contents to water (or lava ha). and the wave height can be changed if u want waves. then make another box and tie it to func_button (or some sort of a trigger). set the target to "water" (or whtever u named it). thts about it, if u want the button to go into the wall change the lip to 5 or whtever suits u and then test your map to make sure it works. it should rise and then fall. u can make it rise and stay there by changing the reset attribute in func_water to -1.
2009 Oct 29 at 02:50 UTC
ya i went 2 wally world w/ a few of my friends and bout 2 secs after we got there a bunch of walmart officers surrounded us and started followin us round the store lesson to all is dont throw those license plate card things at the ceiling. and definitely dont do it more than once like me. it was prrty funny though cause the cards hit the ceiling and cameras. but it was especially funny when they hit the ceilin cause it sounded like machine gun bullets. plus the day be4 we were taken those big kush things and thrown them round and knockin down signs, merchandise and anything else in the way. thrown boots is another one of our fav past times. any1 else hav sum crazy store stories or ect......
2009 Oct 26 at 05:12 UTC
ahhhhh....sraw u dont remember me? well maybe this will jog your mind
SRAW masta frank, i know ur probably 15 or something but u r a sheer idiot at this stuff= =
or this 1
ok since u r such an idiot i will tell, and
and my 2 favs
u know there a nice website called googledumbass, and and here u dumbfuck
I think u hated me....but im not here 2 start a fueds w/ u.......however if your just gonna post that shit on my posts then pleze do me a favor and dont post @ all and vice versa
2009 Oct 26 at 04:44 UTC
Blood in Vidja Games

nice.....but i like blood 2 slightly better. (well its depends upon my mood)and that 1 isnt there unfortunatley. Their r some other good ones however(includin blood 1). blood 2 can prob can b found on utube or through torrents but im 2 lazy to get it and i dont hav the time to play blood 2. they hav pirates....but it seems 2 good 2 be my next question is r there viruses on these games?
2009 Oct 22 at 04:18 UTC
Blood in Vidja Games
no. nah jsut kiddin. id think that that even works on teh newest windows anymore cause it needs dos (cant remeber the version) to run it. dos changed a little so thats y. i tried getting blood 2 but i had no luck