Walmarts Fukin Crazy

Walmarts Fukin Crazy

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Masta Frank

2008 Sep 17 • 79
ya i went 2 wally world w/ a few of my friends and bout 2 secs after we got there a bunch of walmart officers surrounded us and started followin us round the store lesson to all is dont throw those license plate card things at the ceiling. and definitely dont do it more than once like me. it was prrty funny though cause the cards hit the ceiling and cameras. but it was especially funny when they hit the ceilin cause it sounded like machine gun bullets. plus the day be4 we were taken those big kush things and thrown them round and knockin down signs, merchandise and anything else in the way. thrown boots is another one of our fav past times. any1 else hav sum crazy store stories or ect......
2009 Oct 29 at 02:50 UTC
Last Rebel

2008 Sep 29 • 4
nice. im might hav to try sum of that shit.
2009 Oct 29 at 02:54 UTC — Ed. 2009 Oct 29 at 02:55 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
My friend and I got kicked out of wally. We went around and put all of the clothes on [well as many as we could] and jus' kinda layered them you know. They thought that we were going to shoplift them or something. It was one of those 'you had to be there' moments. And about card throwing, thats a really bad idea. I [in school] found a stack about 6 inches high of football card/broucher thingys, went down a stairway that nobody uses, threw them in the air, then picked them up [yes a teacher caught me jus' as the cards left my hand]. 2 days in school
2009 Oct 29 at 14:15 UTC
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