For a button, just draw something, press F8 and tick "button". Then go to the actions frame and insert
on(Release){ gotoAndPlay("Scene Name", X)}
X = Frame number IN Scene called "Scene Name".
For a scene selection, just add a new scene (or frame) before your existing scenes or whereever you want it to be and add some buttons in the way described above. Like, if you want a button for Scene 1, Scene 2 and Scene 1337, make a button with gotoAndPlay("Scene 1", X) and so on...
For a loader bar, here's the script I always use:
In the first frame, add
totalBytes = Math.round(getBytesTotal()/1024);
loadedBytes = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()/1024);
percentDone = Math.round((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
if (_root._framesloaded>=_root._totalframes) {
Make sure to add "gotoAndPlay(1)" in the 2nd frame and to name the 3rd frame "start"! (without ", of course...)
(2, 3)
Then, create a bar, FULL SIZED and tick "movieclip" and add this code in the actions panel after clicking your bar:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_xscale = _root.percentDone;
Then, go into your bar movieclip and drag the whole bar to the right and make sure the very left of the bar touches the little cross in the middle of the movieclip.
(1) Now add 3 text fields with the variables "loadedBytes", "percentDone" and "totalBytes". The "percentDone" one shows the percentage of the bytes already loaded, you can put this anywhere to add a fancy looking number. Nakes people think you're an awesome coder ;) .
Then, squeeze the bar to 1 pixel.
Fun Fact: You can also change "gotoAndPlay" to "gotoAndStop".