McDiddy's Game

McDiddy's Game

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2006 May 21 • 6
20 ₧
okay i am an animator that was bored with no ideas UNTIL i saw your McDiddy's movies there hillarious and i was wondering if i could make a McDiddy's Game for yall
2006 May 21 at 02:47 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655

And if it is good I will put it on the site.

Are you making a Flash game or otherwise?

2006 May 21 at 07:35 UTC
2005 Jun 21 • 107
31 ₧
i can make a game for stores :)

but it will be at least 700MB or more
2006 May 21 at 09:16 UTC
2006 May 21 • 6
20 ₧
yes it would be a flash game but it may be a while im still coming up with the story plot sound fx and coding so dont expect it to be too soon
2006 May 21 at 16:10 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Ok well good luck, keep us posted on your progress.

Just FYI Molkman was working on something similar quite a while ago but I think he stopped working on it. :/
2006 May 21 at 23:39 UTC
2006 May 21 • 6
20 ₧
okay i'll keep yall posted on my progress so far i have made part of the first level
2006 May 22 at 01:13 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
2006 May 22 at 01:33 UTC
2006 May 21 • 6
20 ₧
ok this is startin to piss me off my flash keeps fucking up and i think its because i downloaded it on limewire thats the fourth time ive had to start over!!!
2006 May 22 at 02:19 UTC
2006 May 21 • 6
20 ₧
nevermind disregard that i jus downloaded macromedia flash professional 8 and its all good
2006 May 22 at 03:15 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Great. I am too tired to bother reading what it is.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 May 22 at 13:40 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
But you're not too tired to post about how you're too tired to read what it is?

2006 May 22 at 17:11 UTC
2006 May 21 • 6
20 ₧
Srry i haven't posted but exams are a bitch and really stressful but i tried to squeeze in working on the game so ive done some but now my finals are over. Tomorrow i wont be back for a few days (family problems) and my laptop doesnt support flash so ill try and work some more when i get back but so far the game is going very welli think you will like it
2006 May 26 at 01:16 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Ok. Good luck with your problems. Remember -- keeping a family together is like keeping magnets together: you gotta align the poles.
2006 May 26 at 08:11 UTC

2006 May 26 • 31
20 ₧
I like Mcdiddy's and i also think it would be a great game soplz make it!
(\_/) (X.x) (><)Oops I killed ur bunny...
2006 May 26 at 13:49 UTC

2006 May 27 • 1
20 ₧
i cant wait for the McDiddy's game!!
2006 May 27 at 23:05 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
If he doesent update...Then Im going to have to make one.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 May 28 at 20:51 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
You couldn't make a McDiddies game your way out of a cardboard box, Cornell. You gotta stick to grass-jumping and "Fill Dodging" if you wanna work with your skills.
2006 May 30 at 22:35 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
"dburnell01" said:
If he doesent update...Then Im going to have to make one.

You can make one too. Let's all make one.
2006 Jun 5 at 20:31 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
YEAH! im in!

lets boogie *zwap zwap*

i hate flash, c++ etc :P good luck guys

i may help with some grapichs if needed....

request in a new thread and i think i will answere
2006 Jun 22 at 22:47 UTC
"Fluffy Bunny Kitty"

2005 Dec 14 • 173
25 ₧
yeh u should all make one!! cant wait...
2006 Jul 1 at 13:18 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
I could make it for ya, heres an example of my coding

Just gimme a list of what the features amd the levels and I'll get to work.

I could make it like CS, you'd be able to shoot the guys and crap.

Tell me what you think...
2006 Sep 3 at 00:52 UTC

2006 Dec 1 • 24
13 ₧
Can anyone make a new game
One liner jokes : Caution : May Die from laughterl Your mama is so hairy she got afros on her titties Your mama is so old she got dust bunnies under her rinkles Your mama lips are so fat she need a paint roller to apply lipstick
2006 Dec 26 at 16:42 UTC

2005 Jun 2 • 17
31 ₧
Lol i think its cool, keep it up, that could be funny!
MC diddy's im lovin'it! BUDABUDABAA!
2006 Dec 27 at 20:05 UTC
2005 Aug 30 • 27
28 ₧
If you guys wanna try making a game with something other then flash, I know of a cool program called Game Maker ( I used it before and its easy to learn.
2007 Mar 31 at 19:24 UTC
2007 Jun 17 • 12
7 ₧
or The Games Factory! TGF FTW!
C-T | Inex - Web master. - CS 1.6 Mapper. - Leader.
2007 Jun 18 at 18:26 UTC
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