I have failed!

I have failed!

General — Page [1]
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
I vowed never to make a fb account, until my friend came over today and decided to make one for me, misspelling my first and last name...
Free Steam Games
2010 May 18 at 09:03 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2010 May 18 at 10:53 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Down Rodeo said:
Well, if they're both wrong you could in fact argue that it's not yours :p

I fixed it, but I vowed not to make one, but since my friend made it for me, I'm just using it...
Free Steam Games
2010 May 18 at 12:15 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
You vowed never to make a fb account and you haven't made a fb account. How does that constitute as failing?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2010 May 18 at 13:25 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Mate de Vita said:
You vowed never to make a fb account and you haven't made a fb account. How does that constitute as failing?

I didnt think of that while making this truck, and I have 30ish friends! Which is going to overtake my sister's boyfriend account soon...
Free Steam Games
2010 May 19 at 07:34 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
SRAW said:
Mate de Vita said:
You vowed never to make a fb account and you haven't made a fb account. How does that constitute as failing?

I didnt think of that while making this truck, and I have 30ish friends! Which is going to overtake my sister's boyfriend account soon...

Like omg! You're totally like gonna get more friends than him and stuff, and he's gonna be all like "like omg, how did he get more friends than me and stuff? he's such a bitch, like seriously..."
2010 May 19 at 07:50 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5067
1,227 ₧
Rule #1 of facebook: Stop.
2010 May 19 at 09:20 UTC — Ed. 2010 May 19 at 09:21 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧

Ba dum psh.
2010 May 19 at 13:31 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
Failing to follow Rule #1...

Fallback plan: DON'T.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2010 May 19 at 19:55 UTC — Ed. 2010 May 19 at 19:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6668
I actually deleted my fb a few days ago. I need fewer channels for people to bother me, not more.
2010 May 20 at 02:31 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
NatureJay said:
Failing to follow Rule #1...

Fallback plan: DON'T.

I stopped using it already, so I guess I am not becoming one of those so called popular dudes who use it...
Free Steam Games
2010 May 20 at 09:56 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5067
1,227 ₧
I check mine about once a month. Mostly out of boredom. I can't even be bothered to put a picture up that isn't at least 6 years old.
2010 May 20 at 10:05 UTC
Page [1]