*****'n Admin
2005 Mar 21 • 5126
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"CornJer" said: So aaron is saying: Whoop their asses?
I am rethinking about hacking them, but I need some help.
I am gonna need info about some IP's. For example, are they proxy IP's?
Then, I need to know what port to put the trojan into.
Stuff like that.
That's not what I said... unless you could somehow send-splash sodium hydroxide on them through their computer. Anyway, the stuff isn't hard to get and it is very corrosive (and non-toxic unless you drink it, so they won't die) while numbing nerves at the same time. Get it in their socks, their skin will burn off and the won't even know it until it is hospital time. (Trust me, I know, I had a bad experience) Forget all this boring "hacking" crap. And who the fuck has naked pictures of themselves on their computer? Besides SooprJer, anyway.
2006 Jun 19 at 03:39 UTC