help me with coding.

help me with coding.

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Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
Recently i made an uber cool myspizzace and i uploaded a cool vid to putfile and embedded it into the page. I but recently figured out that the url of the movie file changes daily. Although it is always on the viewer page even with the changes daily it cannot be imbedded from the viewing site. It is hosted at Notice that this is put on php instead of the file. The real file is hosted at and everyday it changes from a1-21722333718.wmv to somthing like c7-21722333718.wmv.

Newayz i wanto someone to help me code so that it will grab the file from the php site and use the source video file used there and inbed that into a page. I have no idea about anything coding but dont be gay and flame. Also don't be a fag and give the code that looks like this.

alert:roflmao u got pwned
onopen:open C://Con/Con
^even though this code is wrong and uses javascript
thx neway
-the pwnisherer
2005 Aug 11 at 19:19 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
let me guess. you have already asked on other forums before this one?
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 12 at 09:47 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
nope yall are my favoristist of all
2005 Aug 12 at 21:47 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
ahhk kewl
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 13 at 12:04 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I like you!
*rubs face on pwnisher*
2005 Aug 15 at 03:31 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
gee thanks! but remind me to get u some of this
2005 Aug 15 at 06:04 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687


// get the html from the site
$page = file_get_contents( "" );

// where to look for the new url in the html
$anchor = "loop=\"0\" controller=\"true\" src=\"";

// get the text near the target url
$url = strstr( $page, $anchor );

// chop off text before the url, it starts after anchor
$url = substr( $url, strlen( $anchor) );

// chop off text after the url, it ends at the "
$url = substr( $url, 0, strpos( $url, "\"" ) );

// print the result, or do whatever you want with it :)
echo $url;


Demonstration of it working:

A more fun example :
2005 Aug 15 at 08:20 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
you've gotta love superjer. coding genius.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 15 at 10:29 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
errr.... wanto just make it for me and give me the code so i can show all of my friends and we'll be liek, "wow thx uberjer!" then each night we'll go into my backyard and kill an animal and burn it in a shrine by my shed for your pleasing.

and in your example 2 i tried using that but i think u just ripped the source code off of putfile and gave it to me for my enjoyment. That way i can have a mess of text thats showing and looks really gay.

btw link 1 doesnt show no ubercool paintball vid
2005 Aug 15 at 19:10 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
I was just showing you HOW to get the URL out of the page, like you asked.

I'm not going to host any code that actually circumvents the thing by showing the video on my site. You can do that yourself somewhere.

If you want to embed the video into your own page, just change the end of the code sort of like this:

[code:1]// print the result, or do whatever you want with it :)
echo "<embed blah blah blah src=\"";
echo $url;
echo "\"></embed>";

2005 Aug 16 at 02:29 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
i am still utterly confused but w/e. i just figured iwould rip the source code from the putfile site. I am unable to follow any instructions no matter unless how uncomplicated they may seem, unless u post the entire code in half and let me copy paste them together. Dont worry thanks for helping though, i preaciate it.

Ne of yall got a myspace, they are so rad roflmaokthxgg
2005 Aug 16 at 03:24 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
w/e means weekend, not whatever.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 16 at 06:55 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
"echidna3" said:
w/e means weekend, not whatever.
Stfu echidna3
2005 Aug 16 at 22:00 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Well try to figure it out then. Or give up. You have to put in SOME effort. And I don't even know wtf exactly you want the output to be so there.
2005 Aug 17 at 00:34 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
i just want it to play the movie everyday regardless of the file changing names everyday. Im sorry superjer i have no skills with coding so if i try it myself i will somehow rip a hole in the interweb causing demons from hell to spill into our realm. And we wouldnt want that to happen now would we?
2005 Aug 17 at 01:14 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
dont tell me to stfu pwnisher, you fucking moron. you cant just sit on your ass and expect superjer to do everything for you. he has no idea what you are thinking, or what you want, and unles you tell him and everyone else, then no one can help you. and if you go around telling everyone to shut up, then no one will help you
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 17 at 06:38 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Echidna you are spazzing too much. Please get that checked.

I guess this code will do what you wanted, although this is pretty much just what I already said, shoved in a a href.


// get the html from the site
$page = file_get_contents( "" );

// where to look for the new url in the html
$anchor = "loop=\"0\" controller=\"true\" src=\"";

// get the text near the target url
$url = strstr( $page, $anchor );

// chop off text before the url, it starts after anchor
$url = substr( $url, strlen( $anchor) );

// chop off text after the url, it ends at the "
$url = substr( $url, 0, strpos( $url, "\"" ) );

// print the result, or do whatever you want with it :)
echo "<a href='$url'>Click to open</a>";

2005 Aug 17 at 17:24 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
I smell a flame war...
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2005 Aug 17 at 20:17 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
Ok in response to echidna3, i did tell everyone what i wanted. I want the movie file from the putfile url that changes everyday to be grabbed and embedded on to a html site. I said that in the first post... And in no way am i Forcing Superjer into doing this task for me, he is just good hearted and helping out of charity.
Oh and Superjer this is prolly my fucking fault but i need it grabbed from the php site then put on an HTML page. Shit, I dont know why i didnt see that but i assumed you knew that myspace doest support php. So if you think thats too much of a hassle i can take this business elsewhere, thanks anyway superjer.
2005 Aug 17 at 22:14 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
see you didnt tell everyone what you wanted:
"pwnisher" said:
Oh and Superjer this is prolly my fucking fault but i need it grabbed from the php site then put on an HTML page.

and your tone seems pretty demanding:
"pwnisher" said:
errr.... wanto just make it for me and give me the code

"pwnisher" said:
i just want it to play

plus, i never said force:
"pwnisher" said:
And in no way am i Forcing Superjer into doing this task for me
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 18 at 13:41 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
"echidna3" said:
you cant just sit on your ass and expect superjer to do everything for you.

"echidna3" said:
plus, i never said force:

I said i wasnt forcing superjer to do the work because u made it sound like I was in some way, making superjer do the work for me. I replied saying that he can quit at any time i just would like him to attempt to help since i have no knowledge of coding.

"echidna3" said:

and your tone seems pretty demanding:

I realize in someparts i may have sounded a little hasty, but you can make anyone sound like they did wrong when you dont post the entire sentence that was written. i wrote "errr.... wanto just make it for me and give me the code" because i had no idea what superjer was talking about and the instructions were confusing. I also wrote "i just want it to play the movie everyday regardless of the file changing names everyday. Im sorry superjer i have no skills with coding..."You just took the part that sounded most rushing and rude. I only said it like this because superjer asked what i wanted the outcome of the coding to do.

"echidna3" said:
see you didnt tell everyone what you wanted:

I did say what i wanted a few times, i am just taking the blame for it because i am assuming i didnt clarify enough and didnt state it as clearly.
In my first post i said that i made a myspace(which i was assuming that whoever would help me with coding would know about.) Even though i thought i stated it clearly i apoligized and earlier thanked him for his work and that i appreciate it.

You echidna3 on the other hand havnt been quite too helpful and correct how people in our area say whatever over the interweb, it wasnt that you corrected me that offended me it was the way that you said it with such certainty of the definition. And if you want me to apoligize for saying stfu i will so you can stop crying.
2005 Aug 18 at 22:30 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
will the bitch's stop fighting plz?!?!

(nice sigg BTW)
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 Aug 19 at 05:10 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
will the bitches stop fighting? that coming from you. what a massive hypocrite.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Aug 19 at 07:20 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
just the make sure the code that superjer worked so hard on doesnt go to waste ill go ahead and get a new webhost that suports php and use it. :/
2005 Sep 5 at 00:17 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
good on you
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Sep 5 at 08:00 UTC
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