*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Okay, lesson one: "Don't bother talking to Echizzy the Mizzy, for he is relentless in his pursuits and avenues pointless and unfounded as they surely are."
Lesson two: "Nobody who has any control over anything here gives a damn if you are acting like a fucking assclown (which everyone does, repeatedly.) or a jerk, or you said something RUDE (boo hoo!). If you are too rude and SJ doesn't like it he probably just won't respond. (not that SJ cares if you are rude.)"
Lesson three: "I think it's funny when you guys fight, have it out! I've got popcorn and everything!"
Lesson four: "Ruuuuuuby... don't take you loooooooove to town."
2005 Sep 6 at 03:36 UTC