Hey, can anyone answe my question? why do i allwas spawn as ct? even if i press M , choose T, i span at CT spawn, please help me!
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 2 at 17:29 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Mar 2 at 17:30 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Makes not sense...
OK EdAn deleted his post so now mine doesn't make sense. Damn your 1984-esque rewriting of history!
2008 Mar 2 at 21:29 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Mar 3 at 10:23 UTC
did you put T spawns?
2008 Mar 2 at 21:57 UTC
um yea only reason i could think of was u wouldnt have a T spawn..
can u guys look at my firetruck to pleasE?
2008 Mar 2 at 21:58 UTC
just checking:
T Spawn= info_player_deathmatch.
2008 Mar 2 at 22:00 UTC
Yes, i have 9 ct spawns and 9 T spawns also.
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 2 at 22:51 UTC
And EdAn btw, what have the texture with my spawn to do?
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 2 at 22:52 UTC
When i select the T spawn, coose properties, 3 options is shown. Pitch Yaw Roll , Animation Sequence and mode. Any of thoose things i need to change to make it work?
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 2 at 22:57 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Nah, they shouldn't affect it. It could just be that the game's trying to keep the teams balanced and preferentially makes that the counter-terrorists.
2008 Mar 2 at 23:00 UTC
ok, thanks. And btw you know how to make the water look like water:P? or it is a texture?
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 2 at 23:02 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Yeah, there should be a water texture somewhere within the wads.
2008 Mar 2 at 23:06 UTC
okay, thanks down rodeo<3
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 2 at 23:10 UTC
hey nubcake if ur using the option "press any button to continue" or w/e after u compile using zhlt compiler or w/e u use...and than u play it that way i think it always makes u CT. atleast for me it does..but if u play it in game like on server it works fine
2008 Mar 3 at 00:40 UTC
ok, thanks athlete, but you got any idea how to change this , press a button to continue option?
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 3 at 09:32 UTC
about the water the water texture should have " ! " in front ...
and you make it a func_ water .. you set the render mode to texture and fx amount to aprox 100 so its transparent
( i bet you already knew that but i posted it so other guys can read it and won't post the same question a million times  )
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!
2008 Mar 3 at 16:52 UTC
Ye, thanks alot mate
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 3 at 16:55 UTC
Can i get alink to any water textures please  ?, i have downloaded 2, but they diden't wordk , i couldn't run map with em.
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 3 at 16:58 UTC
When i shall run map, it tells me "WARNING: Could'nt open waterfront.wad
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 3 at 17:01 UTC
amm you eighter need to put your .wad file in yous cstrike folder ......
or a better solution is to include your textures in your .bsp file
by adding the red part in your .bat file
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "D:\CSNS\cstrike\maps"
cd D:\CSNS
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
or you can use this one .. this is more troublesome and space demanding
@echo off
hlcsg -wadinclude wadname mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "D:\CSNS\cstrike\maps"
cd D:\CSNS
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
nowadtextures is better so use that one
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!
2008 Mar 3 at 17:09 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Mar 3 at 17:11 UTC
I don't use that part on superjers tutorial, i just make map, run the game.
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 3 at 17:13 UTC
lol u have to use that part of the tutorial to make the .map file into a .bsp..or all of that... basically make the map then go to file >export to .map
export to zhlt folder. in zhlt folderu should have already made a new text document "mapname.bat" then once u export to.map edit the mapname.bat with notepad or sumtin. and than do wat person above me said with "@echo off etc..." (sorry dont remem who posted that) and than double click mapname.bat and if all goes well after few minutes itll say 1 files copid "press any key to continue " if u press the cs will pop up and map will be there. of course if u run it this way u will always be ct atleast i am. so u might wanna load the bsp file on a actual server. and as for water texture halflife.wad has one. so to get it use gcf scape and go to C:\steam\steamapps\ (may be a little diff jus find ur steam folder) with gcf scape and select half life.gcf and open it than u will find the half-life.wad u want to export that sumwhere u can easily find it liek ur desktop...than in valve hammer go to options and textures tab. find the .wad file and add it...theres a water texture in there...sorry if a lil messed up did this from memory
2008 Mar 3 at 22:49 UTC
nubbcake said: I don't use that part on superjers tutorial, i just make map, run the game.
That would be why it doesn't work.
2008 Mar 4 at 01:41 UTC
i really want an admin_DUHHHHHHHHHHH command.
2008 Mar 4 at 01:51 UTC
Btw, when i rightclick, select new, then Textdocument, the document gets .txt file not .bat , so all i got is mapname.txt and mapname.map
I'm mapping my maps, and rest of you are naps.
2008 Mar 4 at 12:04 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Mar 4 at 12:17 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
However thanks to the magic of renaming files and folders you can change it! Really you should know how to change the names of stuff in windows. If you don't I'll slap you. (If you do it correctly windows will bitch about you changing filetype; at that point click 'yes' or whatever it is.)
2008 Mar 4 at 12:21 UTC