SearchSearchPosts written by buckjer:User
you make horrible maps!!!! im the creator of surf maps, yes i am, please no para ratzi......grrrrr...i miss the good ol days where hammer was notepad...LOL ye r1ght..but n e way......why make a website for tutorials and maps when there are already like 1000000...just go get trashed and get some ass, dont waste ur time on CS ull never get hot girls or money .. swear to god...k <3
work in progress
If you ban me who will donate you a kidney?
"general_zim" said: *pulls revolver from holister*
he asked, cash or credit? And no, I'm not Zarathustra's hitman. I work alone, and I pay myself. yay you shop at holister? prep like me? Truck
you guys are noob mappers. dont listen to them
do func_breakable but also set render mode to texture and set amount to 185 <3 or do a func inv and make an aa trigerr around it...blah, thats only to get past the decal flood glitch in hl :X User
I say yes, I'm sick of the dirty dancing inuendo hair style on aaronjer. Suggestions / Opinions?
"angryhuman" said: Um... My website isn't worthless! You totally sent me fan mail, SuperJer! Someone likes me!
I'd use your SuperCounter, however, I have my own counters on my site, that I wrote in CGI/Perl. I'm quite gifted in the coding area. I don't know how to say this but: i'm kind of a big deal, people know me...... Truck
I'm working on a music track for mcdiddys 3. So far the intro scene is done, as far as the content itself: WIP (oh no acronym). Superjer is busy with alot of things so he will update you when it is done, or when next april fools comes around.
<3 User
all who agree say "i"
your going to die tommorow
close, but i think you meant: was a velosi rpator
i guess ill be buckjer
change my name now mortal Truck
As of July 1st, 2006, the E8 Project has completed.
The purpose of this project was to determine the reactions of the internet public to lack of information. History The domain was chosen, as it is short, easily remembered, and eon9 was already registered. It was originally posted on, but was promptly removed as 'spam'. It was enough time for it to be copied to other forums throughout December 2005. Results We were amazed to discover that the site was instantly linked with terrorism, simply for the fact that it seems mysterious. Evil was the number one first impression people had of the site, in spite of the fact that there are no threats on the site. The only thing Eon 8 says is "We don't want you here". Nothing else. Other less disappointing opinions were social experimentation (which was correct), James Bond movie viral marketing, and promotions for video games. For many people, being faced with a countdown timer was an instant reason to try to shut down or hack the site. This is a worrying reaction, that if someone doesn't understand something they must destroy it. As a result, the servers have been hit quite hard these last few days, but luckily 99% of the 'hackers' could easily be described as 'l4me well versed veterans'. Another worrying example of paranoia was how quickly people would jump to conclusions, such as telephoning the registered owner of a dog seen in a photograph on a server that hosts a page that links to eon8. Surprises The folks at were the most resourceful and inventive, they successfully managed to decrypt several of the 'codes' on the site, forcing them to be re-encrypted using more secure methods. FAQ What about Nothing to do with us. Pure coincidence, but worked in our favor. Truck
nah dude xD
aaron go on msn and give me ur msn ill give you the info
There is nothing to worry about.
"There was a bird, who with the abscence of words, took flight To the end of the sea and the finish line of the earth She pushed the top for corner of the world and built three nests One of gold, one of silver, and one of clay She took a breath and she let it out She took a sigh and then she cried out There is much that i shall be There is a strong chill in the air again In the nest of gold she cleansed her coat daily In the nest of silver she brought back her food to save and console Then in the clay, she laid her eggs and eventually hatched children And she waited, and she waited, and she waited, and she waited And the day the fires came The nest of gold and silver met in a Lucid river, ocean to the sea While the nest of clay withstood the heat The nest of clay was forged into eternity of time The corner of the world on the ocean floor was now covered, covered in gold, silver, and sand Yes it was... The ocean fall is now covered the gold and silver at time The nest of clay was forged into eternity of time The corner of the world on the ocean floor was now covered, covered in gold, silver, and silver and gold... Go on... So build a house of clay and never, ever, ever, ever underestimate What the dead can do, can do for the living If you listen closely you'll hear the harmony of every man and woman that's passed away You better believe it's a song for the living There's a dounting task ahead There are snowflakes in our eyes again With such a strong chill in the air Please can you tell me tonight where will we lay our heads to sleep... Just sleep... Just... Sleep..." User
The reason is that Notepad has to edit files in a variety of encodings, and when its back against the wall, sometimes it's forced to guess.
Here's the file "Hello" in various encodings: 48 65 6C 6C 6F This is the traditional ANSI encoding. 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F 00 This is the Unicode (little-endian) encoding with no BOM. FF FE 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F 00 This is the Unicode (little-endian) encoding with BOM. The BOM (FF FE) serves two purposes: First, it tags the file as a Unicode document, and second, the order in which the two bytes appear indicate that the file is little-endian. 00 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F This is the Unicode (big-endian) encoding with no BOM. Notepad does not support this encoding. FE FF 00 48 00 65 00 6C 00 6C 00 6F This is the Unicode (big-endian) encoding with BOM. Notice that this BOM is in the opposite order from the little-endian BOM. EF BB BF 48 65 6C 6C 6F This is UTF-8 encoding. The first three bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the BOM. 2B 2F 76 38 2D 48 65 6C 6C 6F This is UTF-7 encoding. The first five bytes are the UTF-7 encoding of the BOM. Notepad doesn't support this encoding. Notice that the UTF7 BOM encoding is just the ASCII string "+/v8-", which is difficult to distinguish from just a regular file that happens to begin with those five characters (as odd as they may be). The encodings that do not have special prefixes and which are still supported by Notepad are the traditional ANSI encoding (i.e., "plain ASCII") and the Unicode (little-endian) encoding with no BOM. When faced with a file that lacks a special prefix, Notepad is forced to guess which of those two encodings the file actually uses. The function that does this work is IsTextUnicode, which studies a chunk of bytes and does some statistical analysis to come up with a guess. And as the documentation notes, "Absolute certainty is not guaranteed." Short strings are most likely to be misdetected. Truck
itll be up this week-ish....i need to program a few styuff
/end supporting evidence
*excludes - molkman / hunni bunni* That's pretty much it. Fear the atlantic coral sponge Truck
"Mrs_Hunni_Bunni" said: yeh...theyre both me I keep telling you to shave :-( Truck
lets see some nudes hunni
thats not aaronjer you nub, that's the dude from dirty dancing, havana nights.
aaronjer, for so long ive wanted to Rapemeet you but i dont have any of your msn names or aim names. superjer tells me so much. possibly we can chat about how you look like your living in the 80's and about how you got me in super smash bros, but i got u in starfox
anyway, please lets converse for 13 minutes exactly msn = zanzibar SHIFT+2 Truck
"aaronjer" said: I'm getting as many as will fit in my living room. Beat that, shitloops.
I'm getting as many that will into cornjers birth canal Truck
whats ur aim / msn cornjer.....ill change it for u
when dealing with entities and solids your dealing with two different points of view.
You can have a lightbulb in real life, but without the "light" it gives off, it will jsut be stagnant. you can have a solid crate, but it's jsut a block with a texture, however if you wanted it to do something more than sit still, much like the light example, you assign it a property that will do what you want. solid crate + no added properties = solid crate solid crate + func_breakable = a breakable crate solid crate + func_ladder = a crate that you can climb up like a ladder [func_ladder creates an invisible 'zone' where you can climb as long as you are inside it] solid crate + func_rotating = a spinning crate much like functions, 3rd party entities like ligh, game_player_equip, ect... don't affect solids or are not tied to solids ,but function alone and change the way the player sees something, or the way the game works. User
"Crytax" said: That worked for me.
Shut your filthy gorgous you antartican User
yea faggot
"superjer" said: Isn't this shirt rock? Is was so hard to a get the words and me in the picture. My phone camera sucks. Truck
Official PICTURE OF YOU thread
RULES: - Must be a picture of you or you will get a 3 day ban! - Keep it clean or 5 day ban! - If you want to comment somones picture, PM them or edit your post! - Don't link us to crappy pictues of you, make it straight EX: ----->NO ANGLES / NO EMO SHOTS! User
make every solid func wall and then shoot a wall
ive seen all of those
i can hack myspaces easily. but im gonna be like the dude from v for vendetta and mask myself. this is buck..maybe....superjer knows my contact info
I'm the creator of surf maps, though, I have not been credited with that title, much like Van Leeuwenhoek. Though I stopped making them a while ago, I'll whip up a tutorial.
First make a box that is even on each ex: 5 grid squares x 5 grid squares. Don't forget to make it 5 x 5 in all views. Then use the cut tool to make the block a triangle in the side view. It will now look like a straight surf ramp. Then use the SKEW tool to make it tilt down. Do this and change the skew propotion about 1 block for each part. Once your down select eahc pice and tie it together or make it func_wall. If you want to be really conserving, make the bottoms null. Hoep that helps. If it dosn't...fuck you. |