Was: Kaddi...something
2006 Feb 20 • 34
23 ₧
I'm the creator of surf maps, though, I have not been credited with that title, much like Van Leeuwenhoek. Though I stopped making them a while ago, I'll whip up a tutorial.
First make a box that is even on each face..in ex: 5 grid squares x 5 grid squares. Don't forget to make it 5 x 5 in all views. Then use the cut tool to make the block a triangle in the side view. It will now look like a straight surf ramp. Then use the SKEW tool to make it tilt down. Do this and change the skew propotion about 1 block for each part. Once your down select eahc pice and tie it together or make it func_wall. If you want to be really conserving, make the bottoms null.
Hoep that helps. If it dosn't...fuck you.
2006 Feb 20 at 18:21 UTC