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The Comic About Characters


SuperJer Dot Comic is by SuperJer. SuperJer uses Sharpies from Walgreens and Jamie's scanner. Oh yeah and paper that comes from trees.

Every comic is drawn in permanent ink from scratch. This, of course, is dangerous. Also SuperJer is lazy, so when he makes mistakes, they are just left in the strips. For example: Boduncan has no arms in comics 3 & 4. Oops.

The only "shopping" done so far was on strip 9. SuperJer altered the second "SMACK!" to appear between "Uh, Florette?" and "Let me read you the rules one more time." Originally, the "SMACK!" was at the bottom, but it wasn't as funny.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to drop by the Forums or email superjer(at)superjer(dot)com.

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