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Recent posts by dingdong

Recent posts by dingdong

2008 Apr 20 at 12:29 PDT
Vents? in Hammer Mapping
oh about func_breakables, a thing i wish i knew about the 'strength' aspect is that its how many hp the object has. So dont change it from 1-2 expecting it to be stronger. Make it like 20-100 for a sturdy vent
2008 Apr 5 at 09:41 PDT
Help fast. in Hammer Mapping
Check the .err file again. It's probably entity 13, brush 'x'(x = some number). that brush is causing the problem. I think you click tools, then 'go to brush #'. Then you type in the stuff and it auto selects it.
2008 Apr 5 at 09:38 PDT
See the bots can't just use a map, they have to learn it to know where to go. If you have a really big map or one with wierd teleports or something, the bots have alot to process, which might be the reason it crashes
2008 Apr 2 at 05:29 PDT
Tank Making in Hammer Mapping
You can't have an entity tied to another entity, so you cant have a func_tank tied to a func_vehicle. At least not in CS :(
2008 Mar 24 at 11:39 PDT
you could make a huge func_illusionary that is transparent white?

but it might not work if youre in the brush thats the func_illusionary.
2008 Mar 24 at 11:35 PDT
Aim map questions in Hammer Mapping
nevermind :D
2008 Mar 24 at 10:41 PDT
Aim map questions in Hammer Mapping
Thanks. Nice guide btw.

2008 Mar 24 at 09:36 PDT
Apply Decal Button... in Hammer Mapping
make the decal into a texture (use wally) maybe?
2008 Mar 24 at 09:32 PDT
Aim map questions in Hammer Mapping
I was wondering how to make it so all players spawn with the same weapons with same ammo. The secondary weapon is removed, and all ammo from the game before is removed.(weaponstrip?)

anybody know ?
2008 Mar 19 at 07:09 PDT
for a trap door you can have a rotating door (theres a tutorial) or have a func_breakable brush that breaks when you step on it, so the player falls into whatever you made.