Apply Decal Button...

Apply Decal Button...

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2008 Jan 22 • 154
132 ₧
I applied a decal in my map and it shows in Hammer but in game u cant see it...?
Duh Dun Dun Duh Dun Dun
2008 Mar 22 at 18:29 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
First of all, are you sure you're using a decal-texture? A decal-texture has a WHITE background, as opposed to a transparent texture that has a blue background. A transparent texture can not be used as a decal texture. (Available decals are in the decals.wad)
2008 Mar 22 at 19:24 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 154
132 ₧
Im Pretty sure... But w/e doesnt matter im probobly not going to make the map sense Hammer Crashes every time i try to Cut something (its a Big map)
Duh Dun Dun Duh Dun Dun
2008 Mar 22 at 19:49 UTC
2008 Mar 23 • 1
Can you only use the textures from decal.wad for decal?

I used the normal textures and I get the same problem.
It shows up in valve hammer but when I compile it, it doesn't show in the actual map.
2008 Mar 23 at 05:06 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
I think its hardcoded into the game-engine so you can't really make your own decals unless you're making a mod.

So yeah, you can only use the decals from decals.wad.
2008 Mar 23 at 22:11 UTC — Ed. 2008 Mar 23 at 22:12 UTC

2008 Feb 23 • 52
make the decal into a texture (use wally) maybe?
2008 Mar 24 at 16:36 UTC
Page [1]