Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris

User name
Chuck Norris
Assigned title
Can and WILL do the impossible in a humorous fashion
Assigned post color
Registration date
2009 April 26
Post count
0 ₧
Behind SRAW's back. He'll never see it coming.
Chuck Norris once kicked SRAW so hard, SRAW went above light speed, traveled back in time and hit the Earth with tremendous force. And several millions of years later it is still believed that it was a meteor that caused the dinosaurs to die out.

Recent posts by Chuck Norris

Recent posts by Chuck Norris

2009 Oct 6 at 18:42 UTC
Sloth said:
your Other dad, besides me.

Chuck Norris is his own father.
2009 Sep 30 at 17:52 UTC
Sloth said:
I've could take Edan's place.

Edan was so awesome even Chuck Norris would have difficulties taking Edan's place.
2009 Jul 29 at 17:58 UTC
No. Because he was never gone.
2009 Jul 29 at 17:55 UTC
Im Back! in General
Chuck Norris is always awesome unless he says otherwise. Never doubt that. Ever.

Sloth should get points for telling the truth. Jrkookid should be banned from the forums for heretic statements.
Chuck Norris will be joining the blue team. You don't say no to Chuck Norris.
2009 Apr 30 at 21:18 UTC
theme song in General
If it featured Chuck Norris then yes.
2009 Apr 30 at 21:17 UTC
superjer in User Discussions
Thus spoke Chuck Norris. And when Chuck Norris speaks, you listen.
2009 Apr 27 at 15:25 UTC
SRAW said:
read the latest rule(ppl registered under a year get no influence)
and wat aironnoobjerk said
U dont get wat u ask for

Chuck Norris' word is the law no matter how long he's registered.
2009 Apr 27 at 15:23 UTC
AtoJams in User Discussions
aaronjer said:
Go ahead. Talk about me. I dare you.

Chuck Norris talked about AJ behind his back and didn't have his title changed (because AJ still doesn't know who Chuck Norris really is).
2009 Apr 26 at 20:03 UTC
Chuck Norris can beat Spartan and Ninja both at once with both his arms and legs tied behind his back. While sleeping.
Chuck Norris can post invisible text that no one can find.
btw admins, please do not tell anyone of my true identity.