Hi, im mapping for CS 1.6.
I have made all the floor in my map trigger_hurt, and i have added a texture. Then i compile my map, but when i open the map in CS, my floor is black and yellow ? How do i change that ?
2005 Dec 27 at 09:58 UTC
"Spra*yeR" said: Hi, im mapping for CS 1.6.
I have made all the floor in my map trigger_hurt, and i have added a texture. Then i compile my map, but when i open the map in CS, my floor is black and yellow ? How do i change that ?
entities can not be textured, you ned to make a floor block instead of the trigger hurt and make a tigger hurt block just above the ground, so it's not the floor hurtng you but the trigger just above it ( like 1 or 2 units i usualy do )
the only entities i'm aware of that will show ingame are func_walls and water entities., atleast the yare the ones that come to midn now, triggers can never be seen in the map, you make the architecture and place triggers over it so if the architecture is hit you wil trigger the trigger.
make sure you use the AAA texture or for hammer 4 the dev tools trigger texture so you can se clearly what your entities are.
"Typing burns calories"
2005 Dec 27 at 14:02 UTC
Thanks (:
2005 Dec 27 at 15:30 UTC
In general, a trigger is an invisible [in game] area of space that you walk INTO to set it off.
func_ladder works like this also.
Some things do get 'triggered' by touching them on the surface, like func_breakable with the 'break on touch' option.
2005 Dec 27 at 17:58 UTC
But how can func_ladder work as a ladder when its invisble?
2005 Dec 27 at 18:41 UTC
You have to make the visible part seperately. The visible part is just for looks.
The func_ladder part defines a 'climbable area'.
2005 Dec 27 at 18:56 UTC
All right, thanks.
2005 Dec 27 at 19:08 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
I like cherrry pie.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2005 Dec 28 at 18:54 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
2006 Jan 10 at 09:48 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Cherry pie is good.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Jan 10 at 17:33 UTC
nono. the cherry pie is invisible and gets triggered when it's in your stomach.
which makes you have a stomachache.

(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
2006 Jan 10 at 21:45 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
"Raistlin" said: nono. the cherry pie is invisible and gets triggered when it's in your stomach.
which makes you have a stomachache.
You sick fuck, I was talking about Virgins!!!!
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Jan 11 at 15:46 UTC
you don't eat those? in my country you do.

(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
2006 Jan 12 at 21:22 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5130
1,227 ₧
Yeah, I just grilled up a vagina and ate it not 15 minutes ago. What's wrong with that?
2006 Jan 17 at 19:57 UTC
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