This sucks

This sucks

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Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Does anyone have a gamemaker 6.1 regesration code?

I need one quite bad since the new version came out.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2005 Oct 12 at 20:37 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
this is registration code for 6.0 name = Fint s/n = E31A4DF3B27AD9E6A3F8E04A
2005 Oct 12 at 22:41 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Yeah man, but I need a 6.1 code
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2005 Oct 13 at 18:48 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
i just googled and found a place where it said that 6.0 reg code will work on 6.1 too
2005 Oct 13 at 20:04 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Uh, its tellin me that it will not work. Whatever they said was wrong.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2005 Oct 14 at 20:32 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
software piracy is illegal
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Oct 23 at 08:43 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
who cares
2005 Oct 23 at 13:00 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
well with that attititude i hope you get caught and arrested and sent to the firing squad.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Oct 25 at 12:52 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
not in estonia yes not in estonia "evil laugh"
2005 Oct 25 at 13:34 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
fuck estonia. godamn no name, ex-ussr, never heard of countries.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Oct 26 at 08:04 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
theres no more ussr in us we are now emm eesti vabariik jah me oleme n
2005 Oct 26 at 10:54 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
well, if i could speak estonian, then that would be all well and good. but i cant.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Oct 26 at 10:57 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
well u c english is ur mother language thats why u can speak it so well it's not my mother language so im not that good in it is ti hard for u to understand t
2005 Oct 26 at 11:00 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 Oct 26 at 11:02 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
ill better not translate XD
2005 Oct 26 at 11:06 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
somehow it's not good i think
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 Oct 26 at 11:17 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
u think correctly young watson
2005 Oct 26 at 11:18 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
OMFG stop using my name i don't want head hunted by u freaks
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 Oct 26 at 11:25 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
but watson is so cool name d'oh some1 ..u should find a friend whos smarter than u and hes name is sherlock
2005 Oct 26 at 11:27 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
grrrrr STFU
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 Oct 26 at 12:24 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
than u 2 can start to find out who stoled to milk from the friggirator(is this word typed correctly)who killed the fly in your toilet room(or as we say in estonia vets,peldik,vekaalituba,kemmat and so on and on)...
2005 Oct 26 at 21:19 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Can we call him Watsgun?

Or even better Wattz Gun, the new improved tesla pistol with instant charge action and power fist replays and double action super action?
2005 Oct 27 at 00:43 UTC
SJA: Sniper (P.L.Z.)
Expert Rifleman Medal
2005 Aug 7 • 385
29 ₧
lol how about watson just watson yeah it reminds me of watson from sherlock holmes
2005 Oct 27 at 01:29 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

Good Conduct Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
the internet is like that park with all the bushes after dark. all the rapists know your name.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2005 Oct 27 at 05:08 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
i am so annoyed right now.
prepare for death
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity
2005 Oct 27 at 08:25 UTC
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