Well if it passes RIP Internet.....
Since these companies want to stop piracy so badly there trying everyhing in there power to shut it down , but it will never happen
I heard my uncle say that they postponed the bill and dont know when it will really happen,,
melloyellow582 said: I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Jan 18 at 21:48 UTC
— Ed. 2012 Jan 23 at 11:35 UTC
what is this I don't even
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2012 Jan 18 at 21:57 UTC
fedex _ said: but it will never happen
Its passing right now, 70 to 30.
2012 Jan 18 at 22:07 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
sprinkles said: fedex _ said: but it will never happen
Its passing right now, 70 to 30.
Can I get your source on that, please?
Not saying you're wrong, but I wanna take a look and follow it.
If this bill passes, I'm going to raise some hell, that's for sure. The internet is the one place I feel that I can speak my mind without consequence, and if that's taken away from me... well, it's not going to be a pretty site.
2012 Jan 18 at 22:12 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
2012 Jan 18 at 22:41 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
NatureJay said:
Wow, what the hell? Only 4 states are opposed to it? The fuck is this country coming to?
Just the other night I was watching the republican debate, and Ron Paul got boo'd at by the crowd when he suggested that we should follow the golden rule... treat other countries how we expect to be treated. Then they turn around and cheer when the other candidates say that we should continue in our wars with all these other countries.
Is this really what our country has come to?
2012 Jan 18 at 22:51 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
The white states have one supporting and one opposing, but yes.
And I saw that clip too. Probably the most ridiculous one I've seen yet.
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2012 Jan 18 at 23:00 UTC
Quote: but in all honesty, things that are more important in the grand scheme of government get passed right under everyone's noses while people are off screaming about something that's more unlikely to get approved. plus, the unlikelihood that SOPA will get past the president is huge.
Quote: with the new election coming up it's doubtful obama will have as much involvement in it, and it's liable to become a major platform issue. candidates are going to get pelted with questions about things like that, and if they agree with it they're killing their own campaign.
take ndaa for example.
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2012 Jan 18 at 23:24 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
The people are too stupid to realize that this is a ploy to limit freedom of speech, done by the major companies, zionists and christians, in order to control the sheep that is the american people.
2012 Jan 19 at 01:12 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Actually, I think quite a lot of people have realised. Having Wikipedia, Reddit and Google all talking about it might attract a little attention.
2012 Jan 19 at 02:27 UTC
all this shit could just be a plot to make a profit off the internet just like how lobbyists do with fast food companys
(turning a blind eye when money)
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2012 Jan 19 at 06:36 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
I wrote a long text about this subject but accidently hit the back-button on my mouse, so here's a shortened version (THERE IS A 5 SENTENCES LONG VERSION AT THE BOTTOM):
I want to stop SOPA+PIPA, but I can't as it seems only citizens of U.S.A seems to be able to do anything directly. I don't think mailing the Swedish government would matter anything to the American government, even if they did send it along.
I can only speak from experience, so why not a Referendum? It seems that most of the senates don't care about the mails being sent in, and those who do have already set their mind. That's not really speaking from their people.
Referendums might not work from the quite big population of U.S.A. Sweden has aprox. 9 millions people which works fine with referendums, but I guess when a single state (Califonia) has 37 millions it might quite quickly go out of hand.
This is not what I've witnessed as I'm not located in the US but I would assume that the amount of information about PIPA/SOBA being spread isn't that big outside the internet. People on the internet are quickly ignored (just think about how many things facebook groups has changed (that's right, none /few)).
I know (strongly believe) that if in Sweden a huge changing bill(?) like the SOPA or PIPA would go to the government without a referendum and it passed, the Swedish people would replace the government with one that would remove PIPA/SOPA quickly. The next time a governmentcontroller is voted, a big question all the groups would get would be similar to "would you agree to a bill(?) as big of a change like SOPA/PIPA without a referendum first?". I could be proven wrong but I hope not.
Yes, that is short compared to the earlier text.
Sorry, brah, can't help you, not in the US.
Why not a referendum? Too many people?
Not enough information outside the internet? Internet politics doesn't really matter, no facebook group has ever changed anything alone.
If the Swedish people didn't get a referendum and then the government passed SOPA/PIPA, Sweden would quickly replace the government with one that removes SOPA/PIPA.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2012 Jan 19 at 22:21 UTC
— Ed. 2012 Jan 19 at 22:21 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
I guess the easiest way to answer your questions/statements is: Sheeple.
I knew that the media had quite a bit of control over the citizens of the US, but it wasn't until just the other day that I realized just how much control it was they really have. Earlier in a truck, might even be this one, I mentioned how Ron Paul got booed at when he mentioned we should follow the golden rule... here's the clip:
Sick vid
This country has become so brainwashed that most people think it's in our best interest to continue bombing countries all over the world, and they think it would be DANGEROUS to pull out our troops from Iraq/Afghanistan/every other country we're occupying.
Hell, I'm sure you saw the video of the marines urinating on Taliban soldiers that went viral just recently... you wouldn't believe how many people thought that video was hilarious, and how many people said that those Taliban soldiers deserved it.
Trust me... I've gone out and tried talking to random people to educate them about what's really going on, and almost every person just sits there and blows you off like you're mentally insane, or they call you a hippie and walk away.
There are a lot of problems with the US government and the mass media, but unfortunately none of those issues will be resolved until the people of this country wake up and realize what's really going on. Unfortunately, I think it's going to take something pretty extreme to make that happen, like our country being bombed... and at the rate we're going, that time probably isn't too far away.
2012 Jan 20 at 00:21 UTC
2012 Jan 20 at 00:44 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Hmmm... I don't remember saying that :o
Idk what it is about that song, but I like it. And I usually dislike stuff that's chopped/screwed like that. So, yeah.
Did anyone watch the South Carolina Republican debate earlier tonight? The beginning of it was hilarious and epic... first CNN calls out Newt Gingrich on allegedly asking his wife for an open marriage. Then Newt rips CNN a new asshole and basically calls the station a huge pile of shit. Then Mitt Romney, in a way, calls the station a pile of shit. Then Ron Paul joins in and calls the station a pile of shit... then he makes a subtle, but extremely effective stab at Newt by throwing out the fact that he is still married to his wife, and has been for over 50 years
Here, watch it:
Sick vid
2012 Jan 20 at 06:09 UTC
Rockbomb said: Hmmm... I don't remember saying that :o
Idk what it is about that song, but I like it. And I usually dislike stuff that's chopped/screwed like that. So, yeah.
Michael Watts is a Boss:
Sick vid
2012 Jan 20 at 16:34 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
I wanted to watch it, but the big bang theory is more importa
2012 Jan 20 at 20:53 UTC
SRAW said: I wanted to watch it, but getting higher than the mothership is importa
Sick vid
2012 Jan 20 at 20:55 UTC
— Ed. 2012 Jan 20 at 20:57 UTC
we will all find out on the 24th , hope it doesnt pass
melloyellow582 said: I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Jan 21 at 04:40 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
Oh, look, ACTA. It's similar to SOPA and PIPA, except that it's almost global and it's been kept secret until just recently (although it will be chosen the 26th of january this year).
Sick vid
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2012 Jan 21 at 20:50 UTC
Well it's happening ......
melloyellow582 said: I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Jan 22 at 23:25 UTC
— Ed. 2012 Jan 22 at 23:29 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Freedom as we know it will never be the same... unless you vote for Ron Paul!
2012 Jan 23 at 00:19 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
SRAW said: Freedom as we know it will never be the same... unless you vote for Ron Paul! 
Freedom will always be the same... you just won't have it.
Not that you have that much right now...
2012 Jan 23 at 00:23 UTC
SJA: Commander of Ruthless Abuse

2005 Mar 23 • 1871
574 ₧
100% natural, no antibiotics, and bloodgrass-fed
2012 Jan 23 at 06:27 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Lmao @ the globe on the flag.
What's that from? Family guy, perhaps?
Or... Simpsons?
Edit: Wait wait wait... Futurama? Those neck wrinkles look familiar... like the old scientist guy on Futurama, perhaps?
Edit2: Or are those the wrinkles of grandpa Simpson? :o :o :o
2012 Jan 23 at 06:52 UTC
— Ed. 2012 Jan 23 at 06:54 UTC