So back in 86 I was up in {Alaska} working in this logging camp for an Indian tribe. Well I was pretty young at the time and it was all pretty new to me..well anyways ...I just got to my room in the bunk house and it was dinner time. So I wandered my way to the cook house / a double wide that was turned into a kitchen ..anyways ..I walked in, stood in line, got my food, = they feed you like a KING up there ..anyways..I finished my dinner { good times} ..SO ! I went up to turn my tray back in to the dish washer {DUDE} / Ugly chic with facial hair..anyways ... So now we find are { Hero} / me at the ice cream machine ...well im standing there makeing a ice cream cone and all of the sudden this this LARGE woman { DARTS} out from the "DARK" and grabs at my pants..lets back track some here SO to make this more clear about my jean's ..your Hero/ me was wearing levis that were pretty shredded ..Pretty much looked like a {Rock God} at the time ..I had this Major slit / cut in my jeans on my right leg ..yeah thats right ..!..so anyways back to my story..SO now with in a split second she grabs at my pants, grabs them with her left hand and holds on and runs back in the cook house ! Anyways ..so now your {Hero} / me was just standing there with a half built ice cream cone and no idea what just happened to him ...I went back to my bunk house and layed down pissed off as hell not knowing what happend to me and my fav pants..THE END
2006 May 21 at 21:56 UTC