
2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
 How to make Source maps????
is it diffrent textures????
or something else????
not fun to create 1.6 maps anymore when is started to play source...  lol...
2006 Jan 28 at 09:11 UTC
Get the Source version of Hammer. It's on Steam. Get the Source SDK. Under Tools or something.
2006 Jan 28 at 21:58 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
u r best xP
but i can only save in VMF or something...
hot to compile it to bsp?
2006 Jan 29 at 22:35 UTC
Use the built-in compiling. It actually works for source.
2006 Jan 31 at 00:15 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
2006 Feb 5 at 21:27 UTC
I dont know I havent used it in at least a year. You just click a button somewhere. Jeez, experiment people!
2006 Feb 6 at 06:23 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
hey sups did u get those pics or what i mean an email or sumthin ya kno i have not just dissapeard off the map.
u made me upset i want to go home now
2006 Feb 6 at 17:00 UTC
Sorry dude I been busy send them again. Make sure to put RUCKUS in the subject line.
2006 Feb 6 at 21:10 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Hey Soopajams, can you read me a bedtime story?
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Feb 8 at 02:22 UTC
Once upon a time there was a little hermit crab named Malvo.
Malvo lived in God's keyboard under the F2 key and it was always nice and warm. But one day, God noticed Malvo was looking sad, so He said to Malvo:
"Malvo, you've lived under my F2 for 12 years and I think it's about dang time you got out and had a little fun, and fulfilled your role in my Great Plan!"
And Malvo said:
"Tikk Libble birble birble tik tik ibibibley tikki tik?"
Which is Japanese for "But I'm not finished cooking my morning pancakes?"
And God laughed, and He said:
"Oh Malvo, don't get worried over your petty pancakes, you have great important things to do!"
But Malvo was dead-set on his pancakes, and wouldn't budge. God laughed again at Malvo's silliness, and He went to get a screwdriver.
While He was gone, Malvo looked around trying to figure out if he could hide somewhere so God would leave him alone. Malvo was slow and lazy though, so he only moved a few cubits and ended up under the F3 key. He waited silently hoping God would forget about him.
God returned, and with His tongue sticking out a little to the left, He pried off the F2 key. Malvo was gone but his pancakes were on the skillet and getting close to done.
God instantly knew what was going on, and He said:
"Oh Malvo, you're such an uncooperative little hermit crab, but I still love you."
And He switched off the stove with the tip of the screwdriver and put the F2 key back on. Malvo's pancakes were cooked exactly to perfection.
Malvo felt a little guilty for not following God's commands even though He was so nice all the time. And he slowly moved back under the F2 key and ate his pancakes.
But they never really tasted the same.
2006 Feb 9 at 09:52 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
2006 Feb 10 at 08:26 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Tank you!!!
Good nigt supajear!!!
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Feb 11 at 15:09 UTC
umm superjer
is hammer 3.5 good for source mapping ;?
2006 Apr 15 at 13:38 UTC
Use the Source SDK that comes with Steam if you have Source..I don't believe you can make source maps in Hammer 3.5. The grid size isn't big enough...
Source maps are like 4 times the size of half life 1 maps >>
2006 Apr 18 at 01:42 UTC
Source maps are very different from HL1 maps in many many ways. You might be able to get Hammer Source to open old maps, I'm not sure. But you sure as hell can't make Source maps with a non-Source Hammer, that's for darn sure.
2006 Apr 18 at 02:19 UTC
i don't have source
2006 Apr 21 at 15:47 UTC
"bl00dy^b00t3r" said: damn
i don't have source
Consider yourself lucky.
Well, except that your missing out on HL2..
2006 Apr 21 at 16:52 UTC
well i just wan't to make some maps for source
in other ways CS:SOURCE sucks
2006 Apr 22 at 13:58 UTC
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