SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
please superjer i want to down load it do home dilieverys like pizza hut
2005 May 12 at 11:17 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
lol i downloaded mcdiddy's 1. but i cant remember were i got it though.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 13 at 00:48 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
now I can put mc diddy's 2 in flash and manipulated it how i want!!!
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 13 at 01:19 UTC
ok have fun.
2005 May 13 at 01:22 UTC
"a_banana" said: now I can put mc diddy's 2 in flash and manipulated it how i want!!!
No i don't want five eklanshizal's.
2005 May 13 at 08:03 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
you cant
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 13 at 11:03 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
i can take all the symbols and make my own verson. i have already got the sound.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 13 at 12:17 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
and why the fuck would you do that?
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 13 at 23:42 UTC
WATCH OUT. He's got a Flash Library and HE'S NOT AFRAID TO USE IT.
2005 May 14 at 08:22 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
"echidna3" said: and why the fuck would you do that?
why not?
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 14 at 18:33 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
because mcdiddys isn't yours to screw with. and theres no point
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 15 at 09:52 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
so? sj is ok with it. and if i do publish it i will give him his credit. so why the fuck do you even have a problem with it?!
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 15 at 14:44 UTC
Hi all, I like messing with peoples flash stuff, but not SJ's?
2005 May 15 at 21:32 UTC
Captain Signupnow

2005 Apr 4 • -201
yeh exactly. dont mess with the sj
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 16 at 04:53 UTC
2005 May 16 at 16:30 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
I will post it here when I am done.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 16 at 20:40 UTC
Ya you better, or I'll rape you.
2005 May 17 at 02:22 UTC
The little ninja that did.
2005 Mar 27 • 398
20 ₧
ewww nobody and I mean NOBODY likes log juices that shit isn't cool...
2005 May 17 at 11:04 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
wow! he must be gay! cough*fag cough*
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 17 at 12:07 UTC
The little ninja that did.
2005 Mar 27 • 398
20 ₧
enough with the gay jokes already....if you don't shut the fuck up I'll ninja rape you...and god knows you don't want that...it can geta bit on the messy side.
2005 May 17 at 18:53 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
fine then no more gay jokes. i just had to get the point across!
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 17 at 21:35 UTC
Ilor is that a picture of you in your avatar?
2005 May 18 at 03:34 UTC