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2005 Mar 21 • 6655
2006 Apr 1 at 23:27 UTC — Ed. 2006 May 11 at 19:39 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
Saw that coming a mile away.
2006 Apr 1 at 23:42 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Superjer, that was too damn short. I need longer movies for my entertainment!! So START WORKING ON IT!!!
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Apr 2 at 03:18 UTC
"Fluffy Bunny Kitty"

2005 Dec 14 • 173
25 ₧
wow, that was awesome i love it!!!
2006 Apr 2 at 07:07 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Wow I can't believe how many people contacted me to tell me how bad MD3 was. Didn't anybody notice it was April onest?
2006 Apr 2 at 09:59 UTC

2005 May 1 • 315
167 ₧
To the gulag with him!!!!
Thus spoke Zarathustra.
2006 Apr 2 at 10:08 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Also, Mrs_Hunni_Bunni, your vagina is showing.
2006 Apr 2 at 11:01 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Warning: Explicit Content. STAY AWAY!!!

Thank you.

Now back to the post:

Awww!!! Superjer was lookin!!!!
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Apr 4 at 13:22 UTC
"Fluffy Bunny Kitty"

2005 Dec 14 • 173
25 ₧
2006 Apr 5 at 11:20 UTC
Was: Tater Salad

Low Down Yellow-Bellied Star Stealin' Thief
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service
2005 Dec 2 • 85
25 ₧
JUST TO CLARIFY!!! Mrs. Hunni Bunni, when I snapped the camera, it wasn't pointing at you. Well, ok. It was. BUT STILL!!!! It wasn't me who sent it to freexxx.com.

^ Earn FREE money!
2006 Apr 5 at 20:41 UTC
"Fluffy Bunny Kitty"

2005 Dec 14 • 173
25 ₧
free??? damn u!!
2006 Apr 6 at 11:58 UTC

2005 May 1 • 315
167 ₧
"Mrs_Hunni_Bunni" said:
free??? damn u!!

Yup. She's without a doubt worth her weight in gold.
Thus spoke Zarathustra.
2006 Apr 6 at 17:02 UTC
Was: Tater Salad

Low Down Yellow-Bellied Star Stealin' Thief
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service
2005 Dec 2 • 85
25 ₧
HEY! I swear I wasn't the one who sent it in to freexxx.com. I sent it to one that pays you. Someone else, sent it to freexxx.

^ Earn FREE money!
2006 Apr 6 at 20:47 UTC

2005 May 1 • 315
167 ₧
Thus spoke Zarathustra.
2006 Apr 6 at 22:02 UTC
"Fluffy Bunny Kitty"

2005 Dec 14 • 173
25 ₧
"Scorpian" said:
HEY! I swear I wasn't the one who sent it in to freexxx.com. I sent it to one that pays you. Someone else, sent it to freexxx.

well where's my pay?
2006 Apr 7 at 07:07 UTC
Was: Tater Salad

Low Down Yellow-Bellied Star Stealin' Thief
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service
2005 Dec 2 • 85
25 ₧
I uhhh sort of already speant it.

^ Earn FREE money!
2006 Apr 7 at 20:34 UTC
M4st3r ToMzOrZ
2006 Apr 7 • 2
21 ₧
Oh no!!!!!!

I downloaded the Splatter Mario.
I started it.
I clicked on OK.
I waited a few seconds and it exited to windows.

What is the PROBLEM???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
----------------- by M4st3r ToMzOrZ (c) TM skpmt.uw.hu dttdtk@gmail.com
2006 Apr 8 at 07:32 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Why are you posting this under McDiddy's 3?

It looks like Splatter Mario is not compatible with your computer.
The game was written in VB using DX 6 (or 7?) and specifically DIRECT DRAW

DirectDraw is no longer supported by Microsoft/Graphics Hardware peeps so it just doesn't work for some people.

I am working on a more better game engine so in the future you can play some SuperJer games that WORK for everyone.
2006 Apr 8 at 20:12 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
What engine is that!
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Apr 9 at 03:12 UTC
Was: Tater Salad

Low Down Yellow-Bellied Star Stealin' Thief
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service
2005 Dec 2 • 85
25 ₧

^ Earn FREE money!
2006 Apr 9 at 18:14 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Uh oh, I was afraid someone would ask that.

It's called SPARToR and it's the best engine ever. It will bring world peace and a new era of hot sex for everyone.

And now that I'm done lying, here's some real infos about SPARToR:[list][*]Full support for 2D games.
[*]Full support for 3D games.
[*]Support for almost any game style, i.e. FPS, RTS, puzzle, RPG etc. Not so good for MMO games, but could be tweaked for it.
[*]Fully networkable with extremely fast netcode. The netcode is the 'central' part of the engine. Think of it as a network-centered engine. This is also why it's not so good for MMOGs.
[*]Mostly open source. Some parts cannot be open source for security reasons.
[*]Fully MOD-able, in a similar fashion to HL1 and HL2.
[*]Built-in map & model editor. You can make maps inside the game like in Splatter Mario. Even in a network game.[/list:u]That's all for now. Still have a lot of work to do, but making progress.
2006 Apr 9 at 20:38 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

Frontline Heroism Medal
2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
So in a scale of 1-100, how far is it done?

Also, what language is it in? (C, C++, VB, Delphi, ect.)
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2006 Apr 12 at 21:01 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
The engine is about 60% done overall, and 90% to single & multiplayer playability (but missing lots features). Right now it has basic but accurate physics, 2D/3D rendering, a cool input system, unfinished netcode, a fully working console, and lot's of neat little enginey things.

It is written entirely in C++, technically, but the style is more like C. It's not very object oriented. I hate OOP, it should go to HELL AND DIE.
2006 Apr 13 at 16:39 UTC
M4st3r ToMzOrZ
2006 Apr 7 • 2
21 ₧
WIN xp sp2

it supports direct draw and i have dx9.0c


i post it under mcdiddys3 because you are there a lot

(I'm a hungarian boy and i learn english now, so ...)
----------------- by M4st3r ToMzOrZ (c) TM skpmt.uw.hu dttdtk@gmail.com
2006 Apr 21 at 15:55 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
"M4st3r ToMzOrZ" said:
it supports direct draw and i have dx9.0c

What I'm saying is the newer DX's like DX9.0c don't support DirectDraw. Especially on the VB side. They phased it out in dx8 and I don't think they've been careful to be very backwards compatible.

Aside from re-coding the game in a newer DX with D3D instead of DD I can't help you, and sorry that's not gonna happen.
2006 Apr 21 at 16:45 UTC
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